Vasui - English



moeerainal.bdpt.nfeet (our)(incl)A nap vëvënsun to nö maʼ ko taneo ee pa kökök a ma moeera poa teʼ varih to han vaʼpeh me ne e Ieesuʼ.The fighting men (soldiers) came and started to break the legs of these two men who hung together with Jesus.
moeeredial. var.moeinal.bdpt.nfeet (their), legs (their)O kuʼ to meʼ kom tötöön i rapoë pa ma moeere.The pigs might walk on top of (trample) on them with their feet.
moeeroinal.bdpt.nfeet ofEöʼ se keh teʼ vamaman noʼ e Sunön, e Tövavaasis peöm, to pupui a ma moeeneöm, a, eöm pet me se pupui a ma moeero upöm teʼ pea.If I truly am the Lord, your(p) Teacher, who washes your legs, yes, you(p) also should continue to wash the legs of our other people (our brothers).
mokoʼadjnonsense, smoothEöm o teʼ mokoʼ rivon.You(p) are people of smooth mouths.
MolëkBiblical SourceMolekPrp.NMoleckEöm to vavaateʼ vah voh nem a topa vasioʼ teʼteʼ vah pe sosoenën Molëk,...You(p) were carrying around the sacred ceremonial house where the god Molech was staying,
momahinal.bdpt.nfoot (your)(s)O ankeroʼ se öt ee pën pa ma koreere, ka hikta pah vös to onöt non a ruk a momah.The angels will hold you high, then you will not pierce your(s) feet on any stones.
momoaanadvahead, early, first, priorMomoaan vu po pöstakah.Recently early this morning.
momoevcrumble (to)Eöm se öt nem a tasun ko matop vakis nem raoe, paröm tös momoe raoe kee tatamoe vasosoneʼ vamanih pa nöh.You(p) will take the authority and govern them strongly, and you(p) hit into pieces (smash) them and they continually crumble lightly such as a clay pot.
momonvroast (to)E köövo to momon a ma muʼ peʼ.The woman is roasting her taro.
momona1nflattery, smooth talkA ma vaato pee to paraʼ momona, marën a vanun a ma kokoman po teʼ varih to hikta nat ne pataeah ivëh a hat.Their talk is very greasy (sweet talk) in order to disturb the thinking of these people who do not know what is this bad thing (sin).2vfertile, to be (soil)Me eöʼ to nok voh eoʼ pa soe vaman eh peöʼ pa me tavus këh a ma neöm o kamis no a napan va Isip to nonok nee manih peöm, paröʼ me a neöm manih po oeh pa napan va Kenan, me Hit, me Amor me Perës me Hivi me Jëbus, o oeh pamëh o momona me siʼsiʼ po purmakaöʼ me tankekvö.
momoniʼEnglishmoneyvrich (to be)E voe vëh eʼ a teʼ momoniʼ.This man, he is a rich man.
mon1vbake (to), cover (to), dress a sore (to), enclose (to), forbid (to), wrap (to)Eën se mon a ö kuʼ po oeh.You(s) should wrap the part of the pig with ground.2nfemale, leg"Varuʼ rakah vakomanih ne koaʼ mon peöʼ to mët en. Köʼ iu noʼ a ö nën se nö, parën hariun eah pa koreomah, keʼ toʼ hah.Right away indeed at this time my female child (daughter) died. And I want the part where you(s) will go and you touch her with your hand and she will become alive again.3adjfemaleMariaʼ, eʼ a köövo mon pe voe vëh.Maria, she is this mans female woman.
monanfat (from a pig), greaseMona kuʼ to vih rakah.Pig grease is very good.
moneahinal.bdpt.nfoot (her), foot (his), foot (it's), leg (her), leg (his), leg (it's)Ivëhkëk, a teʼ kikiu pamëh to pënton a soe pa teʼ sunön peʼ, pareʼ nö ko vatokon manih pa havin a poa moneah, pareʼ soe ke poan pan, ‘Sunön, ururuan voh a neoʼ ah, parën heʼ voh a neoʼ ta ma siʼ poen.’But that working person (servant) heard the talk of his important person (king) and he went and knelt here beside his two legs and he said to him like this, 'Lord, have mercy on me first and you(sg) give me first some more days.
moneoʼinal.bdpt.nfoot (my), leg (my)A moneoʼ to kamis.My leg hurts.
moniʼBiblical SourcemaninmoneyA moniʼ peöʼ manem.This is my money.
monmöminal.bdpt.nfeet (our)(excl), legs (our)(excl)O kusan va pa vöön peöm ivëh to taop non pa ma monmöm, ivëhkëk, emöm to vahah em nös peʼ manih peöm.This dirt is from your(p) village sticking on our legs, however we(excl) will return it later to you(p).
monpipvmuzzle (to)"A purmakaöʼ se keh komkom kakap non a vuit, koe a monpip a rivoneah pa sunpip eah pa ëën,"..."If a cow (ox) would trample out the wheat, do not muzzle its mouth to block it from eating,"...
mopnflare (a)O mop se teʼ ko ës a iuun.The flare will stay and burn the house.
MordekaiʼPrp.NMordecai, name
MorePrp.NMoreh, place
moreʼEnglishmulincitrus, orange (fruit)Nö a ko vaiu këh maʼ ta moreʼ pea.Go on and search for oranges for us.
MoserötPrp.NMoseroth, placeEe to këh a Hësmonaʼ ko u’uu tanu ee Moseröt.
MosësBiblical SourceMosesPrp.NMosesIvëh ke Hëërot ununun en po teʼ ësës heʼ susunön me ro teʼ vavaasis varih to nat i ne o Vavaasis pe Mosës,...At this Herod gathered the chief priests and these teaching people (teachers) who know the Teachings of Moses (Law),...
mosmoesdial. var.moesmoesvannull (to continually)[annulling], chop (to continually)[chopping], cut (to continually)[cutting], cut off (to continually)[cutting off]Eöʼ to mosmoes noʼ a ta naon.I am chopping the tree.