Vasui - English



naatBiblical Sourcenatnnard, nut (on a bolt)Eöʼ to puit taneʼ a naat pa tarak.I pulled out the naat from the tractor.
ne1asp.sbj.mrkrIRR theyA ma tök toaʼ to pet ne pa koman garas.The chicken eggs remain there inside the grass.2rel.n.mrkrREL NM, that NM, what NM, when NM, where NM, which NM, who NMMoaan rakah voh ne këh pën maniʼ a poa tompoan.Very long ago when the dog and the opossum were friends.
neadial. var.na1rel.prnthat we(incl), what we(incl), where we(incl), when we(incl), which we(incl), whom we(incl)...ka kuru neöʼ se kiun suk hah va eoʼ manih pa ö nea to pënton moaan vavoh no....and today (now) I will write again about like this the way which we (incl) first heard it before.2prnwe(incl)Na se nö.We(incl) will go.
neahrel.prnitA uvin varoe ko neah to teʼ non.And it only had hair (leaves).
NeapolisBiblical SourceNeapolisPrp.NNeapolisKo meoh poen nemöm to oah em manuh vöön Neapolis.Then on another day we(excl) continued there to the village of Neapolis.
neaanvrequest (to)Eöʼ to neaan e soneʼ kuʼ sin noʼ se öt.I requested a little pig so I could have it.
NebaiötPrp.NNebaioth, name E Basemët eʼ e vamen e Nebaiöt.
NeböʼPrp.NNahor, name
NebukatnësarPrp.NNebuchadnezzar, name
NedëpPrp.NNadab, nameE Aron to me e Ëlisebaʼ, eʼ e koaʼ mon pe Aminadëp, me eʼ e vamen e Nahshon, Ke Ëlisebaʼ to vahuh e Nedëp, pen Abihu, ke Ëlësaʼ, ke Itamar.
NefëkPrp.NNepheg, nameKe Ishar to teʼ me non a kukön koaʼ oeteʼ, e Korah, ke Nefëk, ke Sikri.
NegevPrp.NNegev, place
NehöʼBiblical SourceNehorPrp.NNahor, Tëraʼ e koaʼ pe Nehöʼ,...and Terah was the child (son) of Nahor,
nemasp.sbj.mrkrIRR we (excl), IRR you (p)“Jeosöp! Sun ah! Parën rusin me a poa tom sinan pën manuh Isip. Paröm teʼ nem nën, keʼ antoen rakah non a ö nöʼ se soe vanat hah oah a ö nën se hah maʼ."Joseph! stand up (wake up)! And you(s) run away with your wife and child there to Egypt. And you(p) must stay there untill I inform you(s) again to come back.
nemöm1rel.prnthat we(excl), what we(excl), where we(excl), when we(excl), which we(excl), whom we(excl)Ep öm a iuun nemöm to eok.Look at the house that we(excl) built.2obj.prnus(excl)Ihan anoe a ma hat pemöm, vamanih pa ö nemöm to ihan anoe va in voh a hat no upöm teʼ to nok ka möm.Release forget (forgive) our bad things (sins), like we release forget (forgive) the bad thing (sin) that other people had done to us (excl).3sbj.prnwe(excl)Nemöm se nö, ivëhkëh, emöm se teʼ nem.We(excl) will go but we(excl) will stay.
nenesvglorious (to be), wonderful (to be)Kuru nën se vatvus ke ra napan a ma taateʼ nenes peöʼ.Now when you(s) will reveal to the people all my glorious behaviour.
neoʼdial. var. ofnöʼ
neömprnyou (p)
neöʼrel.prnREL I, that I, what I, which I, when I, where I, who IA ma poen peo neöʼ to iu ununun noʼ sih a ma koaʼ pën,...All the time I always continually want to help your children,...
nep1vplant (to)Eöʼ se nep o muʼ.I will plant taro.2nplant (a)A nep ivëh to pu vavih.This plant is growing well.
nepnep1vplant (to continually)[planting]Ep këk öm po növan varih to nönö vah ne sih, ee to hikta nepnep taëën ne sih, ko osoes ne.You just see these birds that always fly, they never plant food. And they never gather food into all the food storage houses (barns).2nflowerA nepnep to pu vavih rakah.The flowers grow well indeed.
NereusBiblical SourceNereusPrp.NNereusParöm heʼ me a potan avih peöʼ manih pe Pilologus, me Juliaʼ, me manih pe Nereus, pen vameneah,...And you(p) also give my good day (greetings) to Philologus and Julia and to Nereus and his sister,...
NeriʼBiblical Sealtiël e koaʼ pe Neriʼ,......and Shealtiel was the child (son) of Neri,...
nesennbridegroom, husbandE nesen Mataʼ e Pitaʼ.The husband of Martha is Peter.
neseneahinal.kin.nhusband (her), husband (it's)Ivëhkëk, e neseneah Jeosëp eʼ a teʼ no a taateʼ peʼ to totoopin keʼ hikta iu vapoet non e köövo peʼ Mariaʼ manih pa matëëra nap peo,...But her husband Joseph was a man whose conduct was straight and he didn't want to shame his wife Mary here in the eyes of plenty of people (public),...