Vasui - English



pëntonvhear (to), listen (to)Pënton a soe pe Sosoenën.Listen to God's talk.
pënton soe1vobey (to)Pënton soe a soe pe Sosoenën.Obey God's talk.2nobedience...eʼ to kon kamis voh en, ko kamis pamëh, to vavaasis poan pa vatet a taateʼ pënton soe pe Tamaneah.He had received pain, and that pain taught him to follow the custom of listening to (obeying/obedience) the talk of his Father.
pëpaʼEnglishpepanpaperEʼ se heʼ momoaan voh o pëpaʼ to soe vanat non a ö neʼ se kök en po vaen pee.He must give first a paper that notifies that he is going to break their marriage.
pëpëntonvhear (to continually)[hearing], listen (to continually)[listening], obedient (to continually be)E koaʼ vëh se pëpënton soe vih.The child here will be obedient to the good talk.
përaʼbairanhoe (a)Eʼ to voen maʼ a përaʼ peʼ koman a sitoaʼ.He bought his hoe in the store.
PëroBiblical SourcePeroPrp.NPharaohE Sosoenën to vaʼaus e Jeosëp pa ma punis peʼ. Ko poen neʼ to vaato me e Përo, e Sosoenën to heʼ e Jeosëp o nat vih, ivëh, ke Përo iu vi rakah e non peʼ.God helped Joseph with all his troubles. And on the day when he spoke with Pharaoh, God gave Joseph good knowledge (wisdom), and so Pharaoh like him very much.
përoʼEnglishbelonbell, gongPitaʼ nö ko va han a përoʼ.Peter went to hang up the bell.
PësësPrp.NPerizzites, name
pët1vhold tenderly (to)E sinan to pët non e koaʼ.The mother is tenderly holding the child.2advalso, together, withPët nö öm.Go with us(excl).
pëtpëthold.tenderly (to continually)[holding tenderly]E Ieesuʼ to pëtpët o siʼ koaʼ, pareʼ vaket non po koaʼ, ko tapui en pee.Jesus is holding tenderly the little children, and he touched the children, and blessed them.
pëtpoennheartburn, pleurisyE voe to haraʼ a pëtpoen.The man is feeling heartburn.
pëʼnmangoA tovih pëʼ vareom pa koreomah?How many mangos are there in your hand?
pinbundleE köövo to nik a pi aniʼ peʼ.The woman cut her bundle of ipika.
Pi-HahirötPrp.NPi Hahiroth, placePare tapiun tane’ hah ma’ Pi-Hahiröt pa ö no a potan to pepeah ke non ma’ manih Bal-Sefon, ko u’uu tanu ee sinten Mikdol.
pianalnl.kin.ncousinE pian peöʼ to nö en nopoen.My cousin went yesterday.
PiapaoaʼPrp.NRotokas Wakunai (dialect), nameA to Piapaoaʼ to teʼ non manuh Wakunaiʼ.The Piapaoa language is at Wakunai.
piaʼEnglishbianbeerTëëm nën se kak o piaʼ ko pah sipak eom.Whenever you drink beer then you will indeed get drunk.
pihvpass gas from the intestines through the anus (to)E kuʼ to pah pih rakah en pea.The pig really passed wind indeed on us(incl).
pikEnglishpicknlice, louse, pick for digging the ground (a)O pik to peak a pasun e koaʼ.The lice will excreate on the childs head.
pikapEnglishpikapnphonographKon maʼ a pikap peöʼ.Bring my phonograph.
pikpiuk1vbluff (to continually)[bluffing], deceive (to continually)[deceiving], lie (to continually)[lying]Ee a pap teʼ pikpiuk möhmöh poë varih to iu ne pan a napan se kë ne a ma ëhnëëre.They are these types of show off lying people who are wanting that people should lift up their names (honor them).2nlierEʼ a teʼ pikpiuk.He is a lier.3adjlyingA teʼ pikpiuk rakah ivaʼih e satan.The lying person indeed here is satan.
piksiaʼEnglishpiksianphoto, photograph, picture (a), print (a)O piksiaʼ vaih, eʼ o piksiaʼ peʼ Pitaʼ.This picture is Peter's photograph.
PilimonBiblical SourceFilemonPrp.NPhilemonEmöm poʼ to kiun nös o kiun vëh manem pën Pilimon, eën e vamomhë vih pemöm, na to vatös no sih pa kiu va pa vateeraʼ e Ieesuʼ Kristo.We(excl) both write this letter to you(s) Philemon, you(s) are our(excl) good friend, we(incl) always join together in the work of revealing Jesus Christ.
PilologusPrp.NPhilologusParöm heʼ me a potan avih peöʼ manih pe Pilologus,...And you(p) also give my good day (greetings) to Philologus,...
pinEnglishpinnpin (a)Ea se kon a pin pa ötöön o rara.We(incl) will get a pin to hold tight the cloth.