RoomBiblical SourceRomPrp.NRomeKo poen neʼ to vos nën ka pah teʼ susun pa 100 teʼ vëvënsun va Room nö en maʼ manih peʼ.And the time when he arrived home there and one person captain of the fighting people (soldiers) of Rome came here to him.
rövnot be strong (to), soft (to be)A tah vëh to paraʼ ina rö.This thing is very soft.
rökrökTok PisinrokroknfrogA rökrök to ëën o tök toaʼ.The frog ate the chicken egg.
röktaʼEnglishdoktandoctorE röktaʼ pemöm ivëh e Josëph Vatahiʼ.Our(excl) doctor here is Joseph Vatahi.
römsbj.prnyou should...eʼ to teʼ non nën se röm nö paröm ep in eah nën....he is there, you should go and see him there.
röriʼTok PisinlolincandyRöriʼ to ninin vih vörep.Candy taste very good.
röʼpotntl.prnI should...peöʼ to hikta nat noʼ ta tah se röʼ vahoʼ suk eah po vahutët....I do not know why I should put him in court.
ruvgo down (to), pour out (to), sprinkle (to), submerge (to), take apart (to)Siunsi to ru a taknin in a iuun peʼ.Siunsi took apart the bamboo wall of his house.
RubenBiblical SourceRubenPrp.NReuben... ko meoh 12,000 po vuteʼ Ruben,...and another 12,000 from the clan of Reuben,
ruennriver, stream, waterA ruen to teʼ e köövo peöʼ.The river carried my wife.
RuëlPrp.NReuel, nameE Adah to vahuh ke Isoʼ e Ilifës, ke Basemët to vahuh e Ruël.
RufusBiblical SourceRufusPrp.NRufusParöm heʼ me a potan avih peöʼ manih pe Rufus,...And you(p) also give my good day (greetings) to Rufus,...
ruiʼnwaterEoʼ to iu a ruiʼ tuvuh.I want cold water.
ruk1vpierce (to)Eoʼ se ruk a tah vëh.I will pierce that thing.2ninjectionA röktaʼ se ruk a koaʼ sune.The doctor will (give) the little child an injection.
rukrukvpierce (to continually) [piercing]Ivëh, keʼ vanö maʼ a tah to teʼ va non manih pa tah toʼtoʼ, ko rukruk non a sionineoʼ.Therefore, then he sent a thing which was like a living thing and it continually pierced my body.
rumEnglishrumnroomA rum peöʼ to paraʼ apuh.My room is very big.
rumunnmain stem, trunk (of tree)Eöʼ to teʼ va noʼ manih po rumun in o voaën, ke eöm to teʼ va nem manih pa ma pean.I am like this the trunk of the wine plant, and you(p) are like this all the branches.
rupusvtake off (to), untie (to)E voe se rupus a sterenk.The man will untie the string.
rurEnglishrulenrule (a)E tisaʼ to vahoʼ ka ra a rur maren a skul se teʼ vavih non.The teacher put (gave) us(incl) the rule for the purpose that the school will continually be good.
ruraʼEnglishrulanruler (for making lines)A ruraʼ peöʼ to takök.My ruler broke.
rurëvgentle (to be), self-controlled (to be)E voe peʼ to rurë vatëh.Her husband is always gentle.
ruruen1vurinate (to)E koaʼ se ruruen.The child will urinate.2nname of fishËhnan a iian ivëh, ruruen.The name of this fish is, ruruen.3adjwateryKon maʼ o pipöʼ ruruen.Bring me the watery greens.
rurupvrub off (to)A ruen pamëh to vëknöm non a pupui vëh, to kon hah a ra, eʼ to hikta teʼ non pan, a ruen ivëh, to rurup non o pö manih pa sionin a teʼ.That water portrayed baptism, so, that got us(incl) back (save), it is not that, this one is the water, that rub off the dirt from the body of a person.
rurusinvrun away (to continually)[running away]Eöm to teʼ rakah va e nem manih po kuruʼ to rurusin këh ne o suraʼ.You(p) are indeed like snakes which are running away (escaping) from the fire.
ruruvinvslippery (to be)A ö vëh ruruvin toh?Why is this part slippery?