Vasui - English



tevannbedA tevan pe Mariaʼ to kök en.Maria's bed broke.
tevoEnglishtebolntableKa manih pa matop vih peöʼ, eöm se ëën, paröm kaak em manih pa tevo,...And here in my good reign (kingdom), you(p) will eat, and you(p) will drink at the table,...
teʼdial. var. ofteʼeʼ
teʼ amotadjgentleEöm se keh nat nem pa taateʼ tö me teʼ amot po poen vëh kuru, ...If you(p) would know about a peaceful behaviour and gentle behaviour on this day now, ...
teʼ kikiunemployee, labourer, workmanE voe vëh e teʼ kikiu pe torara.This man is an employee of the European.
teʼedial. var. oftee
teʼeʼdial. var.teʼconj.prnso that (it), so that (he), so that (she)Ahikta teʼ to kon eah, teʼeʼ kiu manih peʼ.No person selected him so that he work for him.
teʼteʼ1vbe (to continually), bring (to continually)[bringing], carry (to continually)[carrying], remain (to continually)[remaining]Manih Siria no a napan to vavahutët suk vaviʼ e ne pa ma tah ne Ieesuʼ to nonok non, ko teʼteʼ kov e ne maʼ po teʼ to haraʼ ne a ma vu mët,...Here at Syria where the people were speaking only about the things Jesus was doing, so then they were bringing people who felt all kinds of diseases, and all kinds of pain.2ndwelling, peopleA ma teʼteʼ peo to nö maʼ manih.Many people are coming here.
teʼteʼvaasiʼ1vadulterous (to be), sexually immoral (to be)E voe se keh veo akuk e köövo to hikta teʼteʼvaasiʼ non,...If the man should for no good reason chase (divorce) the wife who was not committing adultery,...2adjadulterousA köövo teʼteʼvaasiʼ to hë a mon e Ieesuʼ pa vanom.An adulterous woman rubbed the feet of Jesus with perfume.
teʼvaasiʼnadulteryTa pah teʼ se keh nok a taateʼ teʼvaasiʼ me e köövo pe poaneah, eöm se ip vamët eah me e köövo pamëh . If one man should preform the custom of adultery with a woman of his clansman, you (p) shall kill him dead and that woman.
teedial. var.teʼeconj.prnso (they), that (they)Ahikta teʼ to kon a pee, tee kiu manih peʼ.No man selected them they they kiu for him.
teen1vaccuse (to), guilty (to be)A napan varih to vaman ne e Koaʼ pe Sosoenën ee to hikta se teen ee a punis.These people who believe the Son of God they will not be guilty for punishment.2nrucksackA teen peöʼ to ko pa unat.My rucksack floated (away) in the flood.
teëndial. var. oftën
1vgouge out (to), scoop (to)A papmatö vëh pa matömah se keh rëh ka oah manih pa taateʼ hat, të kon eah ko vi na.The right side one this of your eyes (right eye) if it should pull (influence) you(s) like this to a bad behaviour, gouge it out and throw it away|.2nexcretaO të pe kuʼ to miröʼ a voon.The pig excreta ruins the village.
TëbëthPrp.NTebeth, name of a month
TëdiusBiblical SourceTadiusPrp.NThaddaeusKe Jëmis e sunaiʼ Apias, ke Tëdius.And James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus.
tëkëkreavburn (to continually)[burning]...ka mataneah to tëtëkrea va non manih pa potan,...and his eye was burning like this the sun,
tëkrea1vburn (to)A suraʼ to tëkrea non a iuun.The fire burned the house.2nlight, flameO tëkrea i no sutram to ho maʼ iuun.The light of the torch went into the house.
tëndial. var.teënconj.prnso that (you)(s)E Ieesuʼ to vaoe oah, tën suk poan.Jesus called you(s), so that you(s) follow him.
tënanvhear (to)Eöʼ to iu tënan koman e noʼ po vöhioʼ peʼ.I want to hear his story myself.
tënansoevobey (to)E ma koaʼ se tënansoe e papaʼ pee.Children should obey their father.
tënkunadjcripple (a)Manih pa koman iuun hinhin soneʼ pamëh no a pah teʼ tënkun koren to teʼ non nën.Here inside that small prayer house (synagogue) one man was there who had a crippled hand.
TënpusPrp.NTinputzA vöön va Tënpus to teʼ non sinten a tahiʼ.The village of Tinputz is alongside the ocean.
tëptotvstretch (to)Suk o pëk vamoaan to hikta onöt non a tëptot.Because the old bag is not able to stretch.
TëraʼBiblical SourceTëraPrp.NTerah, Abraham e koaʼ pe Tëraʼ,...and Abraham the son of Terah.