Vasui - English



tahokvrot (to)Siʼöhat o paun to tahok en.The bananas are almost rotten.
taivpull out (to)...ka ma tah kurus varih to teʼ ne pa koman a rak, ne Tamön to hikta nep voh, eʼ koman se tai vaʼpeh me en pee pa ma aan....and all these things which stay inside the garden, that the Father did not plant before, he himself will pull out together with them all the roots.
taiaʼEnglishtaiantireA taiaʼ to tökurus.The tire burst.
taihanvfree (to be), loosen (to), untie (to)Ko uris eh vëh to nohtöön non e Pitaʼ to taihan këh en pa koren e Pitaʼ.And the strong rope (chain) here which tied Peter was untied from Peter's hand.
tainnexcrement, insect, manure, nit, vulvaA tain koaʼ to avuh non.The childs excrement smells.
taioehnembankment...pare ununun o taioeh to sunpip a neöm pa tavus, ko vapus me a neöm.they will heap an earth mound (embankment) which will block you(p) from going out and fight with you(p).
taironwaste belonging to pigsA ma tairo kuʼ to parin peo.The pigs waste is too plentiful.
taitngreen parrotEöʼ to van a tait.I shot a green parrot.
takavcut trees (to), fell a tree (to)Taka o naon, keʼ vuʼ.Cut the tree it might fall.
takah1vbecome light (to)A muhin to takah en, ke Ieesuʼ taneʼ hah maʼ manuh Bëtaniʼ,The place became morning (it dawned), and Jesus started back from Bethany,2ndawn, light, morningTakah to maaka en maʼ.The dawn is clear.3tempdawn, morningA takah to meʼ e non maʼ.The morning has not come yet.
takaiʼvbroken (to be), fall apart (to)A ma uhit peöʼ to pah takaiʼ vahik hah ee.All my tahitian chestnuts are indeed completly broken apart.
takapvopened (to be), stay open (to), unlock (to)A matan a teʼ to takap e non.The man's eyes are opened.
takasuʼnland boundry markerE voe to vahoʼ a takasuʼ manuh muhin.The man put up a land boundry marker there in the bush.
takeahiʼvscratched (to be)O pen in a motoka to takeahiʼ en.The paint on the car has been scratched.
takeo1vget hurt (to), wounded (to be)Koe ta peah eën to maʼ takeo.Do not climb up you might get hurt.2nwound...pareʼ koʼkoʼ en po vanom me o voaën manih pa ma takeo peʼ,......then he poured the perfume and wine on all his wounds,
takeokvfall out (to) (teeth), stone (to)A riurivon neoʼ to takeok en nopoen.My teeth fell out yesterday.
takeoʼnhole in clothO rara to takeoʼ.The cloth has a hole.
takëpvstand up (to), straighten up (to) Ieesuʼ takëp taʼtaʼ maʼ, pareʼ soe ke raoe pan,......Therefore Jesus stood up saying, and he said like this,...
takivdivide (to), divided (to be), separate (to)Ea se nat no takiLet us not be divided.
TakikusPrp.NTychicus, nameEöʼ se keh vanö nös e Atemus, keʼ e Takikus manem pën,...I shall send Artemas, and Tychicus there to you,...
takin1vdisembark (to), stamp the feet (to)A napan to takin vuren maʼ po paröʼ.The people recently disembarked from the ship.2nfestivalA napan to nö ee pa takin po piu.The people went to the festival to blow a wind instrument.3advashoreEe to vivi takin a ma ta pe, peʼ seʼ unat en.They threw their things ashore because it (ship) was flooding.
takisEnglishtakis1vpay tax (to)A napan kurus se voen a takis pe kaman.Everybody must pay taxes to the government.2ntaxA nap kokon takis to nonok e ne pa pah taateʼ.The people who collect taxes (tax collectors) are doing the same custom.
takiunvstart (to be),written (to be)Ke Jon ko pamëh no a soe to takiun suk voh manih po Puk pe Sosoenën...And it is this John whom the talk had been written about here in the book of God...
takninnbamboo wallA taknin in a iuun peöʼ to takök vahik en.The bamboo wall of my house is broken completly.
takoek1vstore things (to)E köövo to takoek a ma tah peʼ.The woman stored her things.2ntreasure...eʼ to teʼ va non manih peöm to vahoʼ a is like this that you(p) put a treasure.