Vasui - English



unununvaccumulate (to), assemble (to), collect (to), gather (to), heap up (to), pack (to), round up (to), unite (to)Pitaʼ, ununun a ma puk manih.Peter, collect the books here.
upvnot hunt (to), fetch (to), go for (to), tame (to be)E Seon se up e këh peʼ sinup.John will fetch his dog tomorrow.
upeʼnceremonial hatUpeʼ a tah va North Solomons Province varoe.The ceremonial hat is the thing of the North Solomons Province only.
upinvbarren (to be), empty (to be), vacated (to be)A iuun to upin rakah en.The house is indeed empty.
upömdeterotherKee nö pa taateʼ hat pa ö nee to ënëën voh ne a ma taëën no upöm teʼ to heʼheʼ ne ro sosoenën vapikpiuk.And they went to the bad custom where they had been eating the food which other people were giving (sacrificing) to the false gods.
UraëaʼBiblical SourceUriahPrp.NUriah, nameUraëaʼ, eʼ a ëhnan e voe.Uriah, is the name of a man.
UrbanusPrp.NUrbanus, nameParöm heʼ me a potan avih peöʼ manih pe Urbanus, eʼ a teʼ kikiu, Ieesuʼ Kristo.And you give my good day to Urbanus, he is a workman,...of Jesus Christ.
urisnrope, string, vineO uris pe köövo to tökurus.The rope of the woman broke.
uritnoctopusA urit to teʼ me non siʼ o tanaʼ koren.The octopus has four little hands.
uriʼvdiseased (to be)(as in sweet potato)E susun po oraʼ hat to kon en pa soe vaonöt manih pe Sosoenën pa ö neʼ se punöʼ o vaman peöm, vamanih pa ö no a teʼ kikiu to pitöʼ va in a ma kuma uriʼ këh a ma teʼ a vihvih.The boss of the bad spirits (devil) received the talk allow (permission) from God that he can test your(p) faith, like the way that the working person (servant) sorted all the diseased sweet potatoes from all the very good ones.
urönpigeonE voe to van a urö pa vuhun.The man shot the pigeon with a bow.
uruanvmercy (to have), pity (to)"Koaʼ supnaiʼ pe Devit uruan a möm ah."Son of David have mercy on us.
ururuan1vgracious (to be continually), mercy (to continually have), pity (to continually)Eöʼ to pah ururuan vi noʼ pën.I indeed truly have mercy you.2nfavor, grace, mercyManih po ururuan apuh pe Sosoenën, eʼ to heʼ hah a ra o toʼtoʼ voon...Through the big mercy of God, he gave us(incl) this new life...
UsPrp.NUz, name
UsaëaʼPrp.NUzziah, nameUsaëaʼ, eʼ e king va Israël.Uzziah, is a king of Israel.
UsalPrp.NUzal, name
UsiëlPrp.NUzziel, nameKe Usiël to teʼ me non a kukön koaʼ oeteʼ, e Misaël, ke Ëlsafën, ke Sitri.
usinnpenisA usin e këh to piʼ.The penis of the dog is sore.
ususoannthousands upon thousands, uncountableEp öm e Sunön to nönö non maʼ me a ma ususoan ankeroʼ vivihan peʼYou(p) look the Lord is coming with his thousands upon thousands of holy angels
utvguard (to), watch (to), watch over (to)E këh to ut i non e koaʼ.The dog is guarding the child.
utut1vguard (to continually)[guarding], watch over (to continually)[watching over]Timotiʼ, eën se utut vavih nom pa kiu vëh ne Sosoenën to heʼ voh a oah.Timothy, you(s) should guard this work well which God has given you(s).2nguardA teʼ utut to ut ne a iuun nohnoh.The guard watches over the prison.
uvan1vcap (to put on), hat (to put on)Ee to uvan maʼ poë po uvan nee to nok po uris toʼtoʼ,...They put a hat on him with a hat which they made with the thorny rope,...2ncap, hatUvan to sunpip non a potan.The hat blocks the sun.
uvin1nbristle, leafA uvin va naon to tavus maʼ.The leaves of the tree have appeared.2bdpt.nhairA uvin këh to kakare.The hair of the dog is white.
uvineahinal.bdpt.nhair (her), hair (his), hair (it's)E köövo se kui a uvineah.The woman will cut her hair.
uvineoʼ1inal.nbranch (my)Eʼ to vehveoh vavih rakah en pa ma pean uvineoʼ varih to vovoaʼ vavih ne, suk a ö nee se ep vamhën ne pare voaʼ suntan.He prunes properly indeed all these branches of mine which bear fruit properly for the reason that they will appear openly and they bear very much fruit.2inal.bdpt.nhairA uvineoʼ to kakare.My hair is white.