Browse Wayuu



-sacf-saꞌaaffsfxThis suffix gives a strong affirmation of a statement, for confirmation or assertion, with a sense of “actually, indeed, in fact”.Este sufijo da una afirmación o confirmación a una declaración con un sentido “realmente, de hecho, de veras”.“¡Püsülaja tamüin!” müshiisa.“Give it to me!” they said. (? suffix)ooꞌulaka müleka shiküle asalaa, atüinjatsa.And if they eat meat, they will choke.Y si comen carne, se van a ahogar.
saacfisaa1saꞌayasejeevsbe there (mid-distant)estar allágradyaanaa1saachaa
saamataavsbe cold, be coolestar frío, estar frescoAsüshi wüin saamatsü.He’s drinking cold water.antjaꞌiwaacfjemiai
-saipl.-saliinon-masc.-satcfma-affsfxThis suffix pairs with the ma- prefix to form a stative verb that expresses the absence of the object, state, or activity of the root word. This suffix also marks the gender-number of the subject.machirasat shiikatits mother doesn’t have milk (ref to lamb)moꞌunüinsai tayaI not going (stative nominaliz)maluꞌusolüit (waterhole) is empty
saitchitfr. var. ofjaitchit
-saꞌacf-sashiasaꞌaaffsfxalready (confirmation)ya (confirmación)Taaꞌinrüinsaꞌa shia süpüshua.I already do all those (the ten commandments). (i.e. those commandments are nothing new to me that I need to be told about them)
saꞌayacfsaaadvthere (mid-distant)alláShalüꞌütsü kaaꞌula wainma saꞌaya.Many goats are limping (?) over there.gradyaayaherenaaꞌayayalasaꞌayathere (mid-distant)chaꞌayathere (distant)
saꞌwaicfai1aipaꞌasaꞌwalinkaadvat nightde noche¿Kapüshi sawai?Is he (dog) tied up at night?Nnojoishii müinka waraittakai waya saꞌwai saꞌaka piyuushi.We are not like those who go around at night in the dark.antsoꞌukaꞌi 2timemaaliawattaꞌa maalükaleweematüinkaleꞌualiikajaꞌapuupaaipaꞌasaꞌwai
saꞌwainrüfr. var.saꞌwainansea turtletortuga del marcfmolokoono
saꞌwalinkacfsaꞌwaiadvlast nightanochetimealiikalimaꞌinkaaipaꞌamaꞌinkawattaꞌinkasoꞌukalinkayesterdayaliikainkayesterdayaipaꞌinkasaꞌwalinkasoꞌukaꞌi 1todaywattaꞌatomorrowwattapiawattapiammüin
samulunbuzzard, large black scavenger birdbuitre, zamurocfmashaleꞌewaluuseechiwarulapaigenwuchii 1
samunnaavsbe demon-possessed (manifested by activity produced by the spirit)poseido de espíritu malignocfyolujaa 1
sapaavsbe asleep (body part), be numbestar adormecido (miembro del cuerpo)sotsotsü tasaꞌa / sapasü tasaꞌamy leg is asleep (tingling sensation as circulation resumes)synsotsoluu 1
sarakaanaavsbe clear blueser azul claro, zarco
sareetadjuntamedno domadoWane wayuu eekai chüküchüküin müshika saaꞌin ama sareet.A ticklish person is like a wild (unbroken) horse (i.e. he’s jumpy when touched).cfalumajaa
sarulunboaboaShiküin sarut; jokomakalaka ~ jokomakaꞌa shia suluꞌujee je yalejee süsüꞌütitkaꞌa shia tü jokomakat.A boa bit it; then (from there) the worms arrived and then (from there) the worms made it fall off.genwüi
saruunansewn cloth bagmochila cosidasaruuna, wane wotso kuluulu aꞌyapujuushi süka wutia aꞌyapüjiasaruuna a cloth bag sewn with a sewing needle (in contrast with a crocheted bag)cfkattoꞌui 1piyulususuwoꞌolu
-satnon-masc. of-sai
sattapiatntype of semi-precious stonetipo de piedra semi-preciosasattapiatprecious stone similar to kurulaash but finercfkurulaashoꞌupüloꞌuliaatuꞌuma
sawacfsawaan1type of food (finely ground corn flour toasted and sweetened)tipo de alimento (harina dulce de maíz tostado)2flour (milled grain)harina
sawaacfsawavsbe powdery (like finely ground flour)ser como polvo (como harina)
sawaachiSpanish azabacheadjblack (color of cow)negra (color de vaca)paaꞌa sawaachiblack cowvaca negracfmütsiiya
-sefr. var.-sheaffsfxThis suffix marks an optionally possessed noun (of an imprecisely determined set) when it is possessed.(sü)sittiiyaseher ringsu anillo de ellacf-ia2-in