wunaꞌainküincomp. ofwunuꞌu 1ainküinfr. var.unaꞌainküinadvin the woods, in the wildpor el bosque, por el monteNüma kalaka Maleiwakai -- Jooꞌu(ya) waainjai(wa) wayuu maꞌaka waaꞌin, laülaainjachikai (tü) jimekat, je (tü) wuchiikat, (je) tü mürüt miichipaꞌajatkat, tü mürüt unaꞌainküinjatkat (je) tü lemtüs(kat) saaꞌu mmakat.God said, “Let us make man like us, he will rule the fish, the birds, the animals around the home (domesticated), the animals of the woods (wild), and those that crawl over the earth.”antmiichipaꞌa

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