Each dictionary article is introduced by a headword (noun, verb, demonstrative, possessive, etc.).
After each noun, if applicable, the plural is given preceded by Pl.
wàm Pl. wàm. n. mat for drying things.
Typically the part of speech follows the entry word.
fuèfuèk adj. soft to the touch, pulpy.
to vb. germinate
to4 vbint. crow (cock); make a noise like crickets.
to5 vbint. to be opened (termite hill for termites to fly out).
to6 vb. start (e.g. wound or pimple); lead; form a new path.
Homonyms are distinguished by a numerical subscript after the entry word.
làm1 làam. n. a vine-like plant with fruit from which wax is gotten.
làm2 Pl. làam. 1) vb. plot against 2) n. secret, clandestine meeting.
The meaning of the entry is given as a simple gloss or a longer description.
ndoŋsè Pl. ndoŋsè. n. black-faced grasshopper which lives in leafy bushes.
The scientific name of plants and animals follows the definition, if available.
ndzərə̀2 n. cane rat, commonly called cutting grass. Thryonomys swinderianus.
Some words have synonyms and/or antonyms. These are introduced by the abbreviation Syn. and Ant. respectively.
ghaŋ adj . important; big. Syn. ŋkèm2.
ntòŋ2 Pl. ntòŋ. n. Ant. mbok.
Cross references are preceded by Cf.
njə̀ Pl. yə̀ə. n. thief. Cf. ŋgà yə̀yə̀.