Search results for "dam"

daam [daːm] <Sp.

sus dama de honor maid of honor

dam [dám]

sus tecolote, búho owl

damm [damː]

adj gordo big

guraguh [ɣuˈraɣu̥]

sus chintete; lagarto (que se mueve rápidamente) spiny lizard; lizard (that moves fast)

nang [naŋ]

sus Doña dame
adj espeso thick

ridièʼzhigats [ridiˈɛ̰ʼʒiˈɣats] comp: gal ridièʼzhigats

vi sale calladamente leaves quietly
vi se escapa sneaks out

rutech [ruˈtɛtʃ]

vt tira; hace caer [e.g., cosas de un contenidor, accidentalmente o deliberadamente] makes fall out; dumps out [e.g., small things from a container, accidentally or deliberately] Ejemplos: Rutech Juain triyu. Juan tira el trigo. Juan dumps out the wheat.

xdammbaliang [ʃtamˈbaliaŋ]

sus padrino, su Godfather, his Restricciones: Debe ser poseído. Must be posessed.