
Turkish Abbreviation English Full Name
( ) (indicative and subjunctive forms are given in parentheses after the headword)
1. hal Nominative Case
2. hal Oblique Case
arka edat Postposition
bğl. Conjunction
blrsz. zmr. Indefinite Pronoun
çğl. Plural
çğl. iş. zmr. Plural Demonstrative Pronoun
d. tkl. iş. zmr. Feminine Singular Demonstrative Pronoun
dnşm. zmr. Reflexive Pronoun
e. tkl. iş. zmr. Masculine Singular Demonstrative Pronoun
edat Particle
Eşanl. Synonym
fiil, öz. is Verb, Proper Noun
gçmş. zmn. Past tense
gçşl. fiil Transitive Verb
gçşl. fiil, geçsz. fiil Transitive Verb, Intransitive Verb
gçsz. fiil Intransitive Verb
gçsz. fiil (nesneli) Intransitive Verb (objective)
is. d. Feminine Noun
is. d./e. Masculine/Feminine Noun
is. e. Masculine noun
iz. Izafe
Koşaç Copula
ön edat Preposition
ort. Participle
öz. is. e. Masculine Proper Noun
s. Adjective
s., is. e. Adjective, Masculine Noun
s., zf. Adjective, Adverb
sayı Numeral
sayı zarfı Numeral Adjective
sesl Vocative case
soru zmr. Interrogative Pronoun
soru zmr., zf. Interrogative Pronoun, Adverb
tmlm. Prepositional Phrase
ünl. Exclamation
ünl. çğl. Singular Exclamation
ünl. d. Feminine Exclamation
ünl. e. Masculine Exclamation
Var. Pronunciation and Dialect Variants
zf. Adverb
zf., is. e. Adverb, Masculine Noun
zmr. Pronoun
zmr. 1. çğl. 1 Person Plural Pronoun
zmr. 1. tkl. 1 Person Singular Pronoun
zmr. 2. çğl. 2 Person Plural Pronoun
zmr. 2. tkl. 2 Person Singular Pronoun
zmr. 3. çğl. 3 Person Plural Pronoun
zmr. 3. d. tkl. 3 Person Feminine Singular Pronoun
zmr. 3. e. tkl. 3 Person Masculine Singular Pronoun
zmr. 3. tkl. 3 Person Singular Pronoun