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iꞌnɨꞌpanʉkʉ vt 1cool down something that is hot 2make peace iꞌnɨꞌpanʉkʉ pɨꞌ teꞌsan kamoro they are being peacemakers 3relieve Medicine uya uꞌpai iꞌnɨꞌpanʉkʉꞌpʉ. The medicine relieved my head (ache). 4stop
eꞌnɨꞌpanʉkʉ (der.) vr stopped
iꞌnɨꞌtɨ vt cook fish by wrapping it in leaves and roasting it
inkarʉ n jungle; bush
inke adv 1in a steady fashion, continuously Inke rɨ toꞌ uyepʉ. They are taking a long time to come. 2consistently, regularly 3forever, eternal inke roꞌ rɨ eternal syn: pena 2, tɨwɨrɨ 1 .
iꞌnokʉ vt mash, usually cassava bread, to make porridge Eki iꞌnokʉꞌpʉ uya. I mashed cassava bread. mekuru iꞌnoꞌsaꞌ mashed banana drink
eꞌnokʉ (der.) vr mash
inonka vt leave something
inonkʉiran n world, earth syn: orʉ 1, urayanta .
inpɨ 1nom used to describe the shape of a traditional Akawayo structure or building with two center posts; used to describe the shape of a sour nut (poss. parepu) cf: waipa . 2n a variety of nut with an oval shape Caryocar muciferum
Inpɨimʉtɨi nprop Imbaimadai, the name given to a settlement along the Upper Mazaruni River, near the Patan branch, mostly a coastlander settlement with an airstrip and police post, shops, etc.
inseꞌ (cf: insewairen) n long hair, appropriate for girls and women inseꞌpʉn a girl with short hair tʉnsewairen a girl with long hair tʉnseꞌkenan a girl with hair shorter than tʉnsewairen gen: puꞌpɨ 2 .
inserʉ (poss: ɨinserʉʉi) n angel
insewairen (cf: inseꞌ) long hair, but not as long as inse'
intaka n a high-water short-cut or bypass Mapiꞌsa intaka the high-water bypass named Mabicha
intaꞌnapa (der. of entaꞌna) vt serve someone food, in particular, cassava bread, pepperpot and cassava drink Toꞌ intaꞌnapakɨ. Serve them food.
entaꞌna vi eat, in particular, eating foods other than the usual tuma and eki Tentaꞌna kon tʉpo, toꞌ epaꞌkaꞌpʉ. After eating, they went out. iyentakaꞌsaꞌ a person who has no appetite
intaꞌnapa (der.) vt feed
intatoi (var: intotoi) n jaw
intomai var. of inton
inton (var: intomai) n 1uncle; in particular, one's father's brother, direct address indir add: kʉipʉnʉ 2 . 2old man 3mother's male cousin, direct address
intotoi var. of intatoi
iꞌnʉꞌkenan var. of iꞌnɨꞌkenan nom cold, as in drinking water
iꞌnʉma vt keep something to oneself Kuyiꞌnʉma tʉuyaꞌnokon pe. We will keep it to ourselves.
iꞌnʉmʉ vt cause pain Uyɨ ɨkʉrʉwa pe teꞌsen iꞌnʉmʉ. My tooth aches.
iꞌnʉmʉ vr valuable iꞌnʉ mʉn worthless iꞌnʉn keꞌ something valuable
iꞌnʉn nom someone loved by another Iyiꞌnʉn pe iyesi. She is well-liked.
iꞌnʉnka vt love, show affection Kaatʉ uya ɨiꞌnʉnka. God loves you. iniꞌnʉnkanʉ the one he loves
usiꞌnʉnka (der.) 1vi loved 2vr love each other 3vr love oneself