pangalpaŋaln.arrowAtti:=tep i pangal didi apu=ku. Amma magiyad=taw ta ayta, mappati=d.My grandfather still had his arrows. If you just cut yourself with it, you would die (of the poison on the arrow).arta0635Saya meddigat a pangal didi amma=mi=ti ta dutul.That (a poisonous arrow) was a fearful arrow used by our fathers in those days.arta0635Minambu:tit =di buka:gan =i, a sinenged ni pangal ni Uduran =i.The woman got pregnant who were grazed by the thunder god's arrow.arta0645id.alad na pangalaladipangalʔipaŋalCVshoot, let off an arrow at somewhereay pangal =na =y, nipangal =na ti Danak.He has an arrow, and he let it off to the place called Danak.arta0645mampangalmampaŋalunspec. var.mamangalAVshoot (an arrow)Tatin nampangal=ti?Who shot an arrow here?panga:lènpaŋaːlənpangalpanga:lènshoot and shoot (with many arrows, or by many hunters)PVshoot sth with arrowsMansu:bèg=man i apu=mi. Panga:lèn=di=tid. Papatin=di tidi Ilongot=i.Our grandfathers were fearful. They shot them with arrows. They killed Ilongots.Me''adu=d i laman=i a ninta=di. Pinangapangal=di=d=tid. Niggaman=di=tid da nyangay=di ti bunbun=di.They saw a lot of wild boars. They shoot and shoot them. They carried them and brought those to their home.arta0652pangaltype of arrow

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