langitlaŋ sky, sunny sky; sky in general; sunny day (see "takilangit")mata na langitsun (lit. eye of the blue sky)tapra na langitsunshine (lit. the light from the blue sky)2n.daytime from morning to afternooncallangit 2malu:tèpbiyungè (in this sense, there is no contrast between daytime and nighttime)Ta dutul a langit, awan=tep ta=ya Ilokano.In old days, there were not Ilokano people.Appat a pulo a langit a minabayag i birèng.For forty days the flood kept, lifetimeAppi:rit i langit=na.His life was short.synangès 3id.sinumale:gèd a (dagun, bulan, langit)sale:gèdlumangitlumaŋitAVclear upsyndumimlagder. ofdimlag-um-mallangitmallaŋitAVshinetakilangittakilaŋitn.dry seasoncaltakilangitder. oflangittakipu:nèdder. ofpu:nèdtakidègninder. ofdègninlangetsky, heaven

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