Asi - English



anghot [ánghot] 1adj Stinky, smelly, odorous; smelling bad (as of people, animals and plants having a bad smell). [This may come from the term for the bad smelling flower dalágang ma-ánghot "stinky young lady".] (sem. domains: 2.3.4 - Smell.) 2v To become stinky, smelly and odorous (as of people, animals and plants having a bad smell). (sem. domains: 2.3.4 - Smell.) der. maanghot
anghoy [ánghoy] 1adj Bad smell of meat (as of cow, dog, goat). syn: anghit 2. (sem. domains: 2.3.4 - Smell, 1.6.2 - Parts of an animal.) 2v To have meat become smelly (as of cow, dog or goat meat). anghit Nag-anghoy kag ida rayang bayon. His packed food became smelly. syn: anghit 1. (sem. domains: 2.3.4 - Smell, 1.6.2 - Parts of an animal.) der. maanghoy
angkab [ángkab] (dial. var. anghab) v To bite, snatch and hold something in the mouth, between the teeth without biting into it (as of a pet dog). (sem. domains: 1.6.4 - Animal actions.) der. pang-angkab
angkap [ángkap] 1n The handle of a knife. hawakan syn: puyo. (sem. domains: - Hold, 6.7.8 - Parts of tools.) 2v To hold onto the handle of something; to hold something by the handle. (sem. domains: - Hold.)
angkaraha [angkarahâ] excl I don't care!; who cares! (sem. domains: 9.2.7 - Interjections.)
angkas [ángkas] 1adj Riding pillion as a passenger on a motorcycle, bicycle (as of behind the driver). [Traditionally women would sit 'side saddle' and they still do when in a skirt, but otherwise they will usually sit astride a bike. If they are riding with a non-relative they will usually hold onto the seat bar behind them rather than onto the waist of the driver.] (sem. domains: - Vehicle.) 2vbt To ride behind the driver as a passenger on a motorcycle, bicycle. angkas, makisakay Ing-angkasan it ruhang tawo kag ida bisiklita kada yupok kag tayr. Two people rode on his bicycle that’s why the tire burst. (sem. domains: - Vehicle.)
angkla [ángkla] 1n Anchor of a boat. angkla, tikin Kag angkla ay nabali. The anchor of a big ship broke. (sem. domains: - Boat.) 2v To anchor a boat to something, somewhere. (sem. domains: - Boat.)
angkon [ángkon] vt To claim something for oneself or as one's own (as of land or rights whether true or false). angkinin Ing-angkon ni Jose tong ida manahon nak duta. Jose claimed what was rightfully supposed to be his share of their inherited land. (sem. domains: - Own, possess.)
anglit [ánglit] n Small earthenware pot (as of the size of two hands clasped together, 10cm. diameter). Kag amo anglit ay nabasag tong magbagyo dahil ay natumbahan it puno. Our small earthenware pot broke during the typhoon because a tree fell on it. (sem. domains: - Cooking utensil.)
angot [ángot] vbt To come, tag along with somebody (even if not wanted, as of a child tagging along with his mother). sumusunod Aangutan it anak kag ida nanay. The child will just come along with her mother. (sem. domains: 7.2.5 - Accompany.) der. maangot
ani [áni] 1n Harvest (usually used with reference to rice). (sem. domains: 6.2.5 - Harvest.) 2vt To harvest a crop or field. mag-áni Nag-ani kami it kamatis sa amo gardin. We harvested tomatoes from our garden. (sem. domains: 6.2.5 - Harvest.)
anibersaryo [anibersáryo] n Anniversary (as of weddings, deaths, church openings and other special dates). (sem. domains: - Celebrate.)
aniduro [anidúro] (Phonologial Variant iniduro) n Toilet bowl (as of the porcelain bowl that holds the seat and water seal in the U bend that joins to the sewer). (sem. domains: 5.1 - Household equipment, 2.2.8 - Defecate, feces.)
animo [ánimo] n Consciousness; awareness. malay tao Nawar-an sida’t animo pagkatumba sa bato. She lost consciousness when she fell on the rock. (sem. domains: - Alert.)
aninaw [anínaw] 1adj Dimly, slightly, barely, just visible or recognizable. aninaw Aya anay gipilhig nak maaninaw pa kag aga. Don’t go out because the morning is still dim (ie; it’s still early morning). syn: tuhob. (sem. domains: - Appear, 1.1.1 - Sun.) 2vt To see something dimly but not clearly enough to recognize it; to be barely, just, slightly visible. Naaninawan nako katong tawo sa karsada. I can dimly see the man in the street. Naaninawaney kag subat it adlaw. The sunrise is just barely visible now. (sem. domains: - Visible, 1.1.1 - Sun.)
aninipot [aninípot] (dial. var. agipot) n Insect species; firefly. alitaptap [In large numbers these can give off enough light to brighten a whole area. They resemble blinking Christmas lights.] syn: kuyaw-kuyaw 1. (sem. domains: - Insect.)
aníno [aníno] n Shadow; silhouette (as of the black shape of something against the light). aníno (sem. domains: - Shadow.)
anino ni kamatayan [aníno ni kamatáyan] (comp. of matay) id To be aware of, feel the closeness of death; to feel close to death. [lit. shadow of death-one] Tong si Nancy ay mabangga it dyip abe nida ay mamamatayey sida dahil pay nakita nida kag anino ni kamatayan. When Nancy was hit by a jeep she thought she was about to dies because of the shadow of Mr. death. [This is probably a transliteration of the English idiom.] (sem. domains: - Saying, proverb.)
anis [anís] n Plant species; anniseed; fennel. anis [The leaves, fruit and seeds of the fennel plant are used medicinally and in flavouring foods.] Foeniculum Vulgare (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.)
anit [ánit] 1n The skin of a person, animal, fruit or vegetable; bark of a tree (as of the outside layer, covering of a living thing). balát (sem. domains: 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant, 2.1.4 - Skin, 1.6.2 - Parts of an animal.) 2vbt To remove the skin, bark of something (as of the skin of a fruit or bark of a tree). Ing-anitan nida kag kahoy nak sayugon. He removed the bark of the tree that will be used for the floor of the house. (sem. domains: 5.2.1 - Food preparation, - Lumbering.) 3n Penis. (euphemism) [lit: skin] (sem. domains: - Male organs.) comp. anit it kahoy
anit it kahoy [ánit it káhoy] (comp. of anit, kahoy) n Bark of a tree. balát (sem. domains: 2.1.4 - Skin.)
anit it tambo [ánit it támbò] n The skin like leaf around the shoots of bamboo that fall off as it grows. [lit: skin of bamboo-shoots] (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.)
anito [aníto] n Superstitious beliefs and practices. pamahiin Nagpapati sida sa mga anito. She believes in superstitions. syn: pamahiin. (sem. domains: - Omen, divination.)
ano [anó] 1ques What? (sem. domains: 9.2.7 - Interjections.) 2n The what's it; whatca call it; whatchama call it; what's a name (as of a word spoken when one can't remember or think of what to say). (sem. domains: - Describe.) 3v To do what'sama call it, whatever (as of a word spoken when one can't remember or think of what to say). (sem. domains: 7 - Physical actions.)
ano kag bunga nak nagbubunga pa (bunga) [anó kag búnga nak nagbubúnga pa? (búnga)] (say. of bunga di tsina) rid What’s the fruit that still bears fruit? (ANS: betel nut). ano ang bunga na namumunga pa? (bunga) [The name for búnga "betel nut" is also the general term for "fruit" and "to bear fruit".] (sem. domains: - Riddle.)