Browse Vernacular - English



parong 1v To extinguish, as a lamp or a fire; also used of the moon being dark. Ka mgo ilaw ko oghirogò kid on, ogparongon ta. The lamps when we sleep, we extinguish them. Ka ilaw no gaas dò ka gamit, maga-an ogkaparong to kalamag. The lamps which just use kerosine, they are easily extinguished by wind. 2To go out or be turned off, as an electric light. Ka ilaw no kurinti ko ogka-awò ka layag din ogkaparonga. As for an electric light, when its brightness is removed it goes out.; The electric lights see: obuk 1. 3v Quit, as a motor. 4Go out, as a fire. 5v To plant ?? millet or corn the day the field is burnt over. Igparong ku ka dawa, mong agoloy. I’ll plant millet and corn the day the field is burnt. 6Top border of a basket where one type of weaving stops and a seconds begins. see: ilis ??.
pasad v To continue on with something as though it had not been interrupted; to finish a discussion.
pasaylu 1v forgive Di ko du-on ogpakasalò, ko du-on ogbuyù to ogkooy-u ko ogpasaylu, konon litos ko ogkabalagad ka salò din. Ko ogpasayluan nu, konò ogkabalagad. If there is someone who has done wrong, if there is someone who requests mercy or forgiveness, it's not appropriate if his wrong-doing is ignored. If you forgive him, [the fault] isn't being ignored. [This Cebuano borrowing for “forgive” is widely used among the Ata Manobo people. The verbal expression, Ogma-awanga nu rò bag ka goinawa nu, “Make your breath clear [towards someone]...” at least implies forgiveness because that cannot happen while one is harboring any ill feeling toward his/her companions.] 2 3 4 5 6
pasku n 1Christmas; Easter. 2Christmas present.
paspas v 1To hurry. 2rush Paspas ka. Hurry up.
patag n A kind of banana (like sab-a).
patanudtanud osyn: doromdom 6.
patapid to panabas phr. of: tabas. n Light rain of short duration.
patas v To oversee.
patik A kind of comb design; to make small marks, as on a comb or as letters on a printed page.
patok n A short, fat snake.
patomu osyn: tagbu.
patow v To recognize because of being able to see someone clearly. Kò ta ogkapatawan ko mariù. We can’t recognize him if he’s far away.
patuk n A domestic duck.
patù v To slide and fall down at a distance.
pawing Only one member of a pair of objects.
pawò 1v Dawn. 2The day after. 3Waning noon. 4Dawn.
payad n Dried salted fish (or meat).
payag 1v To show something. see fr.: karas 2. 2Within hearing distance. 3v Konon ubat-ubat pad ian su so-ini mata ku ka nigpayagan nu. It is certainly not a lie because you have shown it to me (lit. you have shown it to my eyes.) 4n Rice granary. Pinayagan ka gakit. A shelter will be built on the raft.
payow 1n Leafy plant, the roots of which are used in taloy-u. Inat payow ka langlanguan nu. Your face is like a payow. (meaning “black,” used as an insult) 2A kind of tree used to make coffins.
payò n A bowl made of coconut shell.
pi-ot n A bow and arrow set. [If one has both the busug “bow” and tunud “arrow”, it is a pi-ot. If one has only the bow, or only the arrow, he does not have a pi-ot.]
pi-pì 1v To launder by pounding to remove dirt [Done when there is no soap] 2To get wet.
piak phr.: homoy no piak. 1n A chick. 2v To cheep.
pial v To give freely without charge.