Ata Manobo - English



dongan 1adv Long time ago; a previous time. Ka alamara dongan, maro-ot su ogpanhimatoy to warò salò. As for armed bands long ago, they were bad because they massacured (lit. multiple-killed) those who had no fault. see fr.: gaapun. 2v Two events, or more, occurring simultaneously [at a previous time.] Ka otow no oglogsad to tanò, ko ogpakarongan to ogkutol ka limukon, konò ogto-od to ogpamano-ug to tanò ka otow. As for a person who is stepping down [to the ground from his house], i f he happens to be doing that at the same time a dove calls, he/she will not go ahead with climbing down to the ground. see fr.: salinongan; see fr.: dagsò; see: salang 1.
dongkig v To happen to clink together making a clanging or clinking sound. Ko basu ka ogpokogdongkig, ogkagopang. Oglatingkik on. If glasses happen to clink together, they will break. They make a tinkling sound. Nokogdongkig ka mgo kandiru. The pots clanged as they hit each other. 1.1v To inadvertently bump or clink something together so they make a clinking or clanging sound. Konò nu pokogdongkiga ka basu. Don't clink the glasses together.
dongos v Finish eating up rest of food.
donguk adj Quiet, shy.
donok n Steady rain. see: longdong 1.
doow v 1To float partially submerged like flotsam such as dead and dying fish. osyn: antow 1. 2To bring some part of one's body above the surface of the water as a snake with only its head above the water. [As a snake which brings its head to the surface of the water, but the term also applies to people.]
dop-ug v To wash face.
dopa 1n Unit of measure, an arm span. 2Two-yard piece of material.
doromdom 1n Thought; thinking. Kandin dò no doromdom. It's just his/her own thinking. 2v To think over, to think about something. see fr.: naan 2. 3v To think about something; consider, ponder see: sumansuman 1. 4vt remember. Domdoma nu ko nokoy ka nalingawan nu. Remember what it was that you have forgotten. 5v Remember,;think about as when friends will be separated and don’t want to be forgotten. Doromdomi a nu rò; konò a nu ogkalingawan. Remember me; don’t forget me. 6v To watch over, take care of, protect. Doromdomi a rò. Think about me. [Meaning: Take care of me.] [If said to a familiar spirit, the same expression still means “remember me” but the sense meaning is “take care of me”.] see fr.: tanud 3; osyn: patanudtanud.
doson 1adj Solid, durable. see fr.: digon 2. 2v To be very hard (?) 3adj Very hard (as a wood). 4Grip tightly. 5v Tie or lock up things tightly. 6v To strengthen Ka otow no du-on masakit to goinawa, ogpohiroson to goinawa rin oyow ogka-aguanta din ka igkabayò din no koirapi. The person who feels badly, he will strengthen himself (lit cause his breath to tighten) so that he can endure the difficulty which he has encountered.
doun 1n Leaf. 2To use a leaf.
dowan v To call by name.
doyow deriv.: maroyow. 1v To do something very well, carefully or accurately. Doyroyawi nu ka himu nu. Be careful what you do. see: daydayanan; osyn: ayad 1. 2v To repair. 2.1vs To be repaired or to have been repaired. Ogkapakoy on no oglayang ka ariplano su naroyow on. It is possible for the plane to fly because it has been repaired. 3deriv v Forgive, be nice to each other. see: po-ul-uli-oy to goinawa. 4deriv n Good, a good situation. Blessing. 5Behave. 6n Brideprice.
adv 1Just, only. 2With negative: [not] quite
du-on 1exis There is, there are. Ko du-on ko-onon du-on no pako-ona nu. If there is food there, there are [people] to be fed by you. 2exis is/was here, or there (close by); [in, on]. Du-on a to longod nu; du-on a kai. I am [here] beside you, I am here. Nigkita kai ka notebook no du-on kai to ampow to lamisaan. I saw the notebook which was here on top of the table. 3exis To experience something Du-on dalu ku. (= Nigdaralu a.) I have an illness. 4exis To possess, or own, something. Du-on mgo ayam ku. (=Kanak ka tagtu-un to mgo ayam.) I have domesticated animals. 5exis Do it like this. Ko og-anad ki to batò to ogsulat to ngaran din, ognangonan ta to, “Oghondu-onon nu to ogsulat.” Nalagkos to lituk ka igpayag ta to pog-anad. When we teach a child to write his/her name, we say, “Do it like this to write.” Included in the meaning is our demonstration as we teach. [When giving instructions, one says, “Do it like this” and then demonstrates how that task is to be done.] 6To act in a certain way Ko og-ogotan ki to duma ta, ognangon ka songo otow, “Maniò to nighondu-onon nu to duma nu to warò man salò din koykow?” Why did you behave like that toward your companion when he didn't have a fault to you? 7Hondu-on dò ian ka dakol. That's how big it is.
du-on goinawa (to songo otow) phr. of: goinawa. to love, care about (someone)
du-ung 1v To [tie up] dock, as a raft, canoe or ship. Ka barku no ogligkat to Cebu no oghonii to Cagayan, ogdu-ung diò to Cagayan. Sikan ka du-unganan din. The ship which leaves Cebu and goes to Cagayan docks in Cagayan. Ogdu-ungan ka Cagayan. It will dock in Cagayan. 2n Docking place. Sikan ka du-unganan din. That is its docking place.
dua deriv.: duarua. 1adj Two. see: duwa. 2Just two. 3Two days. 4Day before yesterday. 5Two people holding onto something. 6v To be uncertain, unsure of something; to be in doubt 7Twenty 8Every two days. 9Second.; day after tomorrow Igkarua koy oghondini to koykow. We'll come here to your place the day after tomorrow.
duad v To barter or sell, especially for commodity. Konò ka ogduad to karabao nu. Don't sell your water buffalo.
duarua deriv. of: dua. deriv v To be in doubt about something. see fr.: tambabò 1.
dugi 1n Barb, thorn. 2v To get a thorn [in one's flesh] Ko ogkadugi ka pa-a ta, ogkuiton ta to dagum oyow ogka-awò ka dugi. If we get a thorn in our foot, we will pick it out with a needle so that the thorn will be removed.
dugmò v Attack and bite, of pig, dog, horse. [Does not apply to a monkey which simply kagat bites. Also, is not the same as sulung which is an attack by a person.] osyn: kagat 1, dulus.
dugmun₁ 1n A nest or bed of vegetation made by an animal to be used as a birthing place. Ka lawa to kalan, ko homoy, ko agoloy, agad nokoy ka ighimu to dugmun. The leaves and stems (lit. bodies) of the rice, or corn, anything can be used to make an animal's bed. cf: salag. 2vi To make a bed of vegetation, such as that made by a pig as a birthing place. Ogdurugmun ka babuy to og-anakan din. A pig makes a bed of vegetation for her birthing place.
dugmun₂ 1n An ulcer or sore with raised edges. syn: bakukang 1; see: kogang 1. 2v To have many wide ulcer-like sores.
dugnal 1v To disturb or butt up against something as a pig which butts up against the breast or tits to stimulate the flow of milk. Ka bakotin, ogdugnalon ka susu oyow ogdakol ka gatas. The piglet butts up against the tits so that the milk will become greater. see: antog 1. 2v To inadvertently interrupt something or someone such as to enter house when occupants are eating. Nakadugnal koy na-an su ogko-on kow. We have inadvertently interrupted [you] because you are eating. 3vs To suffer a negative result of being interrupted such as to become ill because of being interrupted while harvesting. Ko sikan pad ogbunsuri no ogga-ani, konò ogpakabayò ka otow su ogkadugnalan (ogkasunlaan ) ka ogga-ani. When someone has just begun to harvest, [other] people cannot go there because the harvesters will suffer the negative result of being interrupted [and become ill]. [The belief is that the harvesters will become ill if they are disturbed during the harvest. This is also believed to damage the rice.] see: sunlalan.