Ata Manobo - English



pu-ot deriv n Having a stuffy nose making one unable to breathe.
pu-pù v To be tired of doing something. [One can be tired of doing something as of waiting for someone or holding something out which no one is taking.] see: porò.
pu-un v To come from; to originate.
puag v To smoke out bees.
puang v To cut bamboo and remove the knot.
pudpud v 1To fall out or shed as fur or feathers. Nigpudpud so bulbul to asu. The dog's fur dropped out. 2To disintegrate Nigpudpud on ka mgo suloy to baloy su namolù on. The posts of the house have disintegrated because they are rotten. [The wood becomes like a powder and drops down.]
pugad v 1To begin to perform something as a discussion of marriage arrangements, or initiate an attack. Kon-u ogpugara to kagi? When does the discussion begin? see: bunsud 1. 2To kidnap.?? Nigpugad koy poron to mangayow. We were nearly kidnapped by raiders. see: dakop 1.1; see fr.: sagad.
pugi n A river tributary of the Liboganon; also the general area surrounding that river.
pugnut n A vine of which the saat bracelet is made; the bracelet is said to be used as a snake bite cure and as protection from one’s enemies; it is also said to be the means by which one identifies one’s close relatives in the resurrection.
pugow v To burrow in the beach to lay eggs, as a lizard.
pugpug v To cut or cause friction at square angles to the grain.
pugtuk n Palm heart (also called mata to ubud.
pugu-ay n A cuckoo bird; coot.
pugut v 1To return to river bed or pool, as water. Kapugut ka woig. The water will return [to its bed]. 2To let or wait for the water to return to its place. Oghipuguton ta ka woig. We’ll let the water return [to the pool]. 3Last quarter of moon. 4To return to normal ??, such as to stop menstruating. Kapugutan koy. We’ve returned (to normal) i.e. stopped menstruating.
pugwak n Intestinal worm of a fish.
pukan n To break and fall over, such as rotten tree. Napukan on ka kayu su nalopuk on. The tree broke and fell over because it was rotten. [As when aged and rotten, it breaks and falls over. Applies a tree that breaks above or at the roots.roots (Would apply to a pole that is broken & falls over during in a storm but not to a pole that simply falls over without breaking. That would be napolod).] osyn: lopang, luwal.
pukapuk n A kind of bird size of dove; greater yellow legs.
pukow 1v To awaken someone 2vs To be awakened.
pukpuk v 1To slap one's own head with a single slap as when one makes a mistake. 2To slap hone's own head repeatedly as when it itches due to a louse bite.
pula 1n Fish palm [tree] [Bows are made from this particular palm wood. Its fuzz is used to start fires and it has an edible heart.] gen: bonsag. 2n A kind of rattan. 3A kind of rattan.
pulag see fr.: obol 6.
pulalas n Secondary forest with high, large trees. Ko nigkamotan on an-anayan no nigtubù man dò, no kalugoy, nabuyag on ka mgo kayu no nigpulalas on. When [an area] has been cut and [the trees] sprout again and after a long time the trees become old, it has become a secondary forest. [When a cut area grows back into forest characterized by mature trees in contrast to lati which is also secondary but immature trees.] see: lati.
pulan v 1To be kept awake 2Sleep deprived or tired from lack of sleep. [After a wake a person is said to be napulaan “sleep deprived” or “tired from lack of sleep”. This contrasts from tiredness resulting from work.]
pulapula n A kind of rattan. gen: balagon 1.1.
pulas v To open, as a door or a can. see fr.: bokò 2.1.