Search results for "ubas"

ayad /ajad/ [ˈa.jəd̚]
1good; baik; kacak; menarik; halus; ramah; (sem. domains: 8.3.7 - Good.)
Onu ga ayad? What is good?]

Similar (co-hyponym): langgi-langgi good looking; handsome; beautiful handal; cantik; kacak ; Similar (co-hyponym): kipioodn goodness, ngam appropriate; suitable; fitting sesuai ; Synonyms: mpia good baik, bagus, langgi-langgi good looking; handsome; beautiful handal; cantik; kacak

Obu ayad. Nice smelling.]

4refined; polite;
5friendly; kind;
6good-looking; beautiful; handsome;; cantik; (sem. domains: 8.3.7 - Good.)
Ayad bajuh nu.]
Ayad dakng bajuh nu.]
Ayad rua; mpia guakng.]

7better if...; (sem. domains: 8.3.7 - Good.)
Ayad pa aha ngubas deirdn nu miaah kendahadn Itala. It's better if you accustom yourself to following/obeying God's will.]
Teih ayad pa... But it's better if ...]

gubasadn See ubas;
familiar with; (sem. domains: - Accustomed to.)
Dei pa jaabm dioo! Leidn ga g-ubas-adn nu. Don't spend time there! You are not familiar with it.]
Onu g-ubas-adn nu nginum?]
Singgurua g-ubas-adn nya,...]
Leidn ga k-ubas-adn pemerinta na.]

kepanggar See *panggar;

Onu i-ke-panggar dilah nu? Asal mpanggar, ndah mubas uubm Bonggi. What made your tongue stiff?]

kumubas /-m-/3 /ubas/ See -m-, ubas;
become accustomed to; (sem. domains: - Become, change state, - Accustomed to.)

mijah /mijaʔ/ (sp. var. meyjah)
table; desk; meja; meja tulis; (sem. domains: - Table.)
Bonggi ndah mubas mahi di mijah.]

mubas /m-/1 /ubas/ See m-, ubas;
to be use to; accustomed to; commonly; biasa; (sem. domains: - Usual.)
Lama mubas.]

ngubas /ŋ-/ /ubas/ See ubas;
familiarise; accustom; membiasakan; (sem. domains: - Accustomed to.)
Ayad pa aha ngubas deirdn nu miaah kendahadn Itala. It's better if you accustom yourself to following/obeying God's will.]

pa /pa/
Sia ndah pa kerai. He is not yet working.]
Sia kahal pa kerai. He will still work.]
Kiara pa susuad malik. There is yet more to say again.]
Ndara pa oid miatakng. There is no boat that has come yet.]
Muin inoo kuih libuat kiou, teih kahal pa inaap nya inopuk. That muin was up there in the tree, but he still shot it with a blow gun.]

3more; else; lagi; (sem. domains: 8.1.4 - More.)
Ayad pa lama numang bali na. It's better if people leave behind the house.]
Ayad pa aha ngubas deirdn nu miaah kendahadn Itala. It's better if you accustom yourself to following/obeying God's will.]
Teih ayad pa... But it's better if...]
Ayad pa aha ngubas deirdn nu miaah kendahadn Itala. It's better if you accustom yourself to following God's will.]
Ihi nguduaa supaya ga Itala ti nundah dihu sampai lobi pa uhu ngkerati. We pray so that our God will guide you until you understand even more.]
Sia baru pa hina bas nigsuad kentangan ina. A little earlier he already spoke about that.]
Meleid pa. A long time more.]
...lobi pa bakng... ...even more if...]
Osi pa? Who else?]
Onu pa? What else?]

4too; additionally; (sem. domains: - And, also.)
Sia pa di soid bali. He too is inside the house.]
Ou pa. Me too.]
Gaabm aha pa mpebolos kerbou nu noo. It better if you also loan your water buffalo there.]

Badih pa kerai. A machete for work.]
Bonggi pa Bonggi. Bonggi for Bonggi.]
Sama pa Sama. Sama for Sama.]

pubas See ubas;

Mpubas ou ny elih.]

ubas /ubas/
familiar; used to; common; biasa; (sem. domains: - Accustomed to.)