Search results for "yuul"

belabag₁ /belabag/
stripping used for thatching; (sem. domains: 6.5.3 - Building materials.)
Gabag belabag. Gabag mah pengontul.]

Similar (co-hyponym): yuul leaf, bala leaf, kasu stripping used for thatching

belabag₂ /belabag/
type of leaf used in house building; (sem. domains: 6.5.3 - Building materials.)
Similar (co-hyponym): yuul leaf, popit leaf, dobur type vine, serobodn leaf, poukng nipah leaves, wanga leaf, bala leaf ; Synonyms: kasu stripping used for thatching

dobur /dobur/
type of leaf used in house building; (sem. domains: 6.5.3 - Building materials, 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.)
Sulupih dobur.]
Ndah kaap miis dobur bakng ndara gandubm.]

Part - Part: kasu stripping used for thatching, romus type of vine ; Part - Part: kasu stripping used for thatching, wanga leaf, popit leaf, poukng nipah leaves ; Similar (co-hyponym): yuul leaf, popit leaf, serobodn leaf, poukng nipah leaves, wanga leaf, belabag type of leaf used in house building, bala leaf

kasu /kasu/
stripping used for thatching. Kasu and belabag are used depending upon type of thatch.; (sem. domains: 6.5.3 - Building materials.)
Part - Part: romus type of vine, dobur type vine ; Part - Part: wanga leaf, dobur type vine, popit leaf, poukng nipah leaves ; Related items: romus type of vine ; Similar (co-hyponym): belabag stripping used for thatching, yuul leaf, bala leaf ; Synonyms: belabag type of leaf used in house building

popit /popit/
type of leaf used in house building; (sem. domains: 6.5.3 - Building materials, 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.)
Popit kiara susuk.]
Popit mugrua saha kiara susuk.]
Kusungguh lagas popit. I bumped into a thorn from a popit.]

Whole: lagas thorn ; Part - Part: kasu stripping used for thatching, wanga leaf, dobur type vine, poukng nipah leaves ; Similar (co-hyponym): yuul leaf, dobur type vine, serobodn leaf, poukng nipah leaves, wanga leaf, belabag type of leaf used in house building, bala leaf

poukng /pouŋ/
Sia mbuat bali poukng.]

Specific: ngulubah, lubah cup on arrow

2type of leaf used in house building; (sem. domains: 6.5.3 - Building materials, 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.)
Part - Part: kasu stripping used for thatching, wanga leaf, dobur type vine, popit leaf ; Similar (co-hyponym): yuul leaf, popit leaf, dobur type vine, serobodn leaf, wanga leaf, belabag type of leaf used in house building, bala leaf

serobodn /serobon/
type of leaf used in house building; (sem. domains: 6.5.3 - Building materials, 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.)
Doudn serobodn gien mbuat bali. Bonggi ndara, Burumbangan kiara. Serobodn leafs are used to make houses. Banggi Island does not have any, Balambangan does.]

Similar (co-hyponym): yuul leaf, popit leaf, dobur type vine, poukng nipah leaves, wanga leaf, belabag type of leaf used in house building, bala leaf

youb /joub/
breath; breeze; (sem. domains: 2.2.1 - Breathe, breath.)
Youb boboh. Breath of mouth.]
Si Ani suat youb yuul ibal na. Ani was hit by the breeze from her companion's branches of yuul.]