Browse Bunong - English

ក៝ន់Cfងក៝ន់Vdetain, hinder, prevent, persuade to stay, dissuade from going onមពោល​អ៝ស​ម៝ន​នៃ​ក៝ន់​ពាង់(the) disciples kept him from going onSimឞ្វៃSynងក៝ន់
ក៝ប1Nfeverពាង់នារអ្យាមោគែសហាន់អាមីរអោសយ៝រលាសពាង់ក៝បToday she didn't go to the field because she had a fever.
ក៝ប2Nturtle (black)lives on land
ក៝បគ្រាប់Nk.o. illness: enlargement of the spleen
ក៝ប់1CfរើបគើបNThe kind of tree in the forest and when the ripe fruit color (RGB). The fruit is eaten.The wood is boiled to make medicine.តើមក៝ប់comp.ដើម​គោ​មួយ
ក៝ប់2Vto wait for, guardក៝ប់គឹនcomp.Vto wait for a long time'Preh'.SynDក៝ប់គ៝ន់ក៝ប់រាហើបcomp.Vto wait with hopeក៝ប់រើបគើបcomp.Vto wait (more than one person)
ក៝ប់គ៝ន់Vគុក៝ប់​អ៝ន់​ជ៝ៈអី​នើម​អុច​គែស​។SynDក៝ប់គឹនcomp. ofក៝ប់2
ក៝យNfinger millet
ក៝ល1Vto prevent from going ahead/continuing; to obstruct
ក៝ល2Vone's own use
ក៝ល់Nturtle (red)lives in the water
ក៝ស1Ntermit nest??
ក៝ស2Cfក្រាបក្រែកខ្វឹខ្វៅគ្រុងគ្លាត់ចែងច្រែបច្វាស1ច្វាស2ឆឹតឆោងជានជីកញឆាត់តឹងតឹងនទោៈcomp. ofតឹងទិញទ្រ៝យ្សទ្រុនទ្រើនទ្រើមនទ៝ប់នទុយនទោតនទោៈប្ហុតព្ល៝យព្លឹរាគាន់រាញោនរាទោស2រាព្រ៝ៈរាលូរាឞុលរាអ្យើបរុនទ្រុនរើនទ្រើនរោតតោត2លាប់លោសវានវាសឞ្រុលឞ្រែបឞ្រោៈហាន់អ៝ន់2អ្យើបVto cut off; butcherក៝ស​ក្រែក‌comp.cut evenly
ក៝សទ៝ង់Vsupport,​ defend to convince others
ក៝ៈ1V1blocked, in the way; unable to got through because of size orshape2still, continuously, completely untilក៝ៈនូយ្សក៝ៈនហ៝ម់ take offence; embarrassed, reluctant; with reluctance,reluctantly