Browse Bunong - English

កាច់1N1snake venom2poison3drug, addiction,dependencyពាង់លែៈលាប់កាច់នទ្រាញ់។***កាច់ហាត់comp.Ntobacco tar (in a pipe)Synកាច់ហ៝ត់
កាច់2Simរ៝យ្សVto harvest by hand, e.g. by stripping off rice grains from a stalk a handful at a timeកាច់ឞាto harvest rice by stripping the grains from the stalk
កាច់ហ៝ត់Synកាច់ហាត់comp. ofកាច់1
កាឆ៝រ់Vto shiver from fright'Raong'.SynDញឆ៝រ់ញឆឹរ1
កាឆូNplastic, rubber
កាឆ្យាក់Vto cough'Raong'.SynDឆ្យាក់
កាជ៝ល់V1to insist, force, pester, to persist in naggingSynDកាជ៝ល់ 2ជ៝ល់ 22stubborn, headstrong, obstinate'Raong'.SynDកាជ៝ល់ 1ជ៝ល់ 2
កាជាង់NStieng, (a people group)
កាដាច់Nking, high official, powerful personSimឆាម់ដាច់
កាដារNboard, plank
កាដុសto fall, drop'Raong'.SynDដុសតុប
កាដោយunspec. var.កាដោយ្សINT1whichever, either way2regardless
កាត៝សអ៝កNsmall, itchy blisters that appears by itself; skin irritation; could be due to an allergicreactionក៝នគ៝ប់ក្វាចកាត៝សអ៝ក***'Raong'.SynDត៝សអ៝ក
កាតាង់ADJsalty, bitter
កាតាតVcall of chicks breaking out of their eggsគ៝ប់តាង់អ្យារ់កាតាត***