Browse Bunong - English

ខ៝ៈVdip, to pick upល៝ងអៃ​ឆើម​ខ៝ៈព្យាង់​ត្រាវ​ឞើស​គ្លាស​តេៈតាងាននៃអើ!។ គ៝ប់ទោល​ខ៝ៈ​ផែមា​នទ៝សឞើស​បៅតេៈ​តា​ទោង​គុម។ You dip the rice and soup from the pot into the plate pleas!.I am taking rice out with cup from the bage to put in basket.
ខាកVpull apart,ឞូក្លោទូហ្វៃងខាក​មឞូង​ឆ៝​អីក៝ន​ពាង់​នត្រ៝ច​ទាក​ឆី​តា​មឞូង​។ A man take the dog 's moth for open up then his son put the medicine in the moth.
ខាងNk.o. bee, type of tiny black bee that makes an edible honeyពាង់​ទោល​ជីក​តា​មីរ​គែស​ខាង​ជោប​រាហាល​ពាង់នទុរកើយ​អ៝ក់​ងាន់។ There are any kind of bees come and purch his sweat on the back while he cut grass in the farm.
ខាច់ADJrequired, necessarycomp.មោខាច់មោ2លិចខាច់លិច
ខាច់រាខែADJall, complete
ខាត1Vto looseគ៝ប់​វាង់កាឆា​តាច់​នទើ​លិច​ពែស គ៝ប់​ខាត​អ៝ក់ងាន់។ I sell somthing is not well, I sell at loss. Synយ៝តរ៝ស
ខាត2Vto clear the throat.អីមេៈ​ដាៈ​អីក៝ន​ឞូអូរពាង់​ខាត​នហាក​តា​ត៝ង​ក៝ន។ ​The mother talks with her dauther for cleaning phlegm in her throat by expiration.
ខាត់Vខាត់​ជាល ខាត់គ្រែ ខាត់​រានាញ​ជា​ពាង់​ទោល​ខាត់​ជាល​ គៃមា​តាច់​រាគ៝ល់​ក៝ន​ឆុរ​ឞូមាម៝ត់។ He are weaving the nets to production for batter net for a pig.
ខានCfមឞ្លែលវាក់2V1be stuck, get stuck; holding on2left overលិចហោមខានម្វាយអោសnot one being leftខានមឞ្លែលcomp.ADVget stuckងកោនម្វាយ​ហោម​ខាន​មឞ្លែល​តា​ឆុង​ឆី​រី។ There is a pangoline get stuck in hole of tree. ខានរាន៝នcomp.ADVstate of indebtedness for s.t.ពាង់​មាញ​ព្រាក់ឞូ​ឞារ​ឞាន់ដោលា ពាង់​គែស​ត៝ម់​អ៝ន់​ឞូ​ទូរាឞាន់​ដោលា យើនមាពាង់​ហោម​ខានរាន៝នឞូទូរាឞាន់ដោលា។ ​He borrowed someone 2000$ and he paid back to owner first for1000$, But he to be in debt for1000$ more.
ខាន់-1sp. var.ខាន់-2PROpfxplural marker​ម៝ស​នទើ​ខាន់មៃទោលជាន​តា​អ្យា​ហាៈ​?What are you all doing here? (to talk with men group only) ខាន់មៃunspec. comp. formPRO2nd person plural masculine; you all (men)អោយ​តៃ​ខាន់មៃ​ក៝ប់គ៝ប់​តា​អ្យា​យឹ ជេសរី​ទឹងឞ៝ន់​ហាន់​ជ៝យ​ឆុត​នទ្រែលតា​ឞ្រី​។ Tomorrow you all will be waiting me here and then we are going to get the honey in the forest together. 'Biat'.SynDខឹនមៃមអុយ
ខាន់បែPRO2nd person plural; You all (used to address parent-in-law or older brother and sister in-law only)អាស​ជឹតឞ្រោៈហាន់​ខាន់បែនារ​អ្យា​ហាៈ? Where do you go to day?'Biat'.SynDខឹនបែ
ខាន់ពាង់dial. var.ខ៝ន់ពាង់PRO3rd person plural; theyឆាផៅទឹង​លែៈ​អ្យា​ជេង​ឆាផៅខាន់ពាង់។ These books are belong to them. ប៝នលាន​ខាន់​ពាង់​ហាន់​អាមីរ***'Biat'.SynDខឹនពាង់
ខាន់មរែPRO2nd yourselves plural masculine contrastive focusមើម​ខាន់មៃ​ញជ្រាង់ឞ្រីទាកខាន់មៃនើម ​គៃមា​ខាន់មរែ​ជានមីរ​ឞា? ​How do you all protect your farm-land for yourselve? 'Biat'.SynDខឹនមរែ
ខាន់អៃsp. var.ខាន់​អៃPRO2nd person plural feminineទាស​អើម​ហាន់​ខាន់អៃ​នៃ​នើស​ហាៈ? when did you all come here? 'Biat'.SynDខឹនអៃ
ខាន់អៃទែPRO2nd person plural feminine contrastive focusអ្យា​ឞ្រី​មុយ្ស​មីរ​តូច​ឞាន​ខាន់អៃទែ អីត៝ឞ្រីហេនទែ។ ​ ​This land belong to you all, and another land belong to us. 'Biat'.SynDខឹនអៃទែ
ខាន់អៃមៃPRO2nd person plural (women & men); you allខាន់អៃមៃ​តេៈ​នទារ​តា​នហ៝ងគែស​កាអ៝ក់​ យើនមា​ខាន់អៃមៃលិចពាៈអ៝ន់​គ៝ប់​ដេៈ​រ៝ហៃ!​you all were fishing get any fishs, But you all did not give me some fishs. 'Biat'.SynDខឹនអៃមៃ
ខាបNscarនុក​ហោម​ជេៈគ៝ប់​គែស​អុតឆ្រៃឆា ត៝ត់​ពាង់​ឞាស​ជី​គ៝ប់ហោម​ខាត​តា​ជ៝ង់​តី។ ​When I was young,I had the chickenpox, So after completely coured I have scared on my leg and hands. ខាបឆោតcomp.Nwound, scar, scabនត្រោក​កោញ​គ៝ប់ឞូឆ្រែស​ឆោត​តា​ឞុត​ ជេសរី​ពាង់​ឆាម់​ឞាស​ហោម​ឆៃតេលខាត​ឆោត​តាឞុត។ ​My ancle 's cow was cuts on it's hip, After he take care, his cow was scared.