Browse Bunong – English

នទើនVinherit, receive because of death (inherit), or sbd moving elsewhereជេង​ឞូ​ម៝ស​មា​នទើន?Who will inherit it?Derទើន2
នទើបNk.o. dove
នទើមCfឆ៝ន់Vto set a trap, leave bait dangling; leave behind, abandon; tempt, to secretly poison sbd'Bunor'.SynDមព្លឺនាវនទើមcomp.temptation
នទើសNmoment, short period of timeSynនានេៈនើសនទើសនើសcomp.a moment ago, a little while agoAntតាអ៝យអានទើសនើសcomp.a moment ago
នទែ1V1find shelter; take refuge; to seek or find some covering, shelter, or help from sth; take cover under/behind (e.g. a shady tree, the trunk of a tree)Simមឞែ2be with sbd but they are unaware of my presence (usu. stated about an evil spirit that one doesn’t know is inhabiting you)នតុកនទែcomp.1temporary shelter, hut2temporary shelter, hut; perch
នទែ2Vask for help??
នទែរVfrom place to place
នទែស2Vto break in twoSynងកិច
នទែស3Vto skoot over'Raong'.SynDនត្រើននទែស1
នទោ1NAsian brush-tailed porcupine
នទោ2V1wear a helmet; wear crown; wear on the head, cover the head; donSimមពាន់ 22to protect from the sun or rain
នទោតCfក៝ស2ក្រាបក្រែកខ្វឹខ្វៅគ្រុងគ្លាត់ចែងច្រែបច្វាស1ច្វាស2ឆឹតឆោងជានជីកញឆាត់តឹងតឹងនទោៈcomp. ofតឹងទិញទ្រ៝យ្សទ្រុនទ្រើនទ្រើមនទ៝ប់នទុយនទោៈប្ហុតព្ល៝យព្លឹរាគាន់រាញោនរាទោស2រាព្រ៝ៈរាលូរាឞុលរាអ្យើបរុនទ្រុនរើនទ្រើនរោតតោត2លាប់លោសវានវាសឞ្រុលឞ្រែបឞ្រោៈហាន់អ៝ន់2អ្យើបADV.X(walk, go)
នទោបfr. var.រាទោបSimដុនADJ1bentនទោប​នទារbend in a fishing pole when catching a fish2downcast
នទោបជ៝ង់Ntopside of foot
នទោសVcollapse, cave in
នទោសនទាប់ADJuneven, bumpy (due to potholes, rocks, etc)