លទ្ធផលស្វែង​រក​សម្រាប់ "ឆុរ"

ឆុរNpig (domestic)ឆុរលាច់comp.neutered,​ castrated pig; domesticated pig
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តៃ11ADVagain, next, upcoming; more, on top of; implies that the action is being repeated or continued. គ៝ប់​ជាន​មីរ​តៃI (will) work on (the) field again. (implies that this is a repeated or continued action)2ADVIRREALIS, later, in the future3CONJalsoគែស​ឞូអូរ​នត្រែវ​ទូ​ហ្វៃ​លែៈ​ព្រាវ​ខៃ​ពើស​ខៃ ជេសរី ឞូ​ជាន​ឞ្រ៝យ្សមព្រាង​ពាង់ គៃមា​អ៝ន់​អ្វែសលាង់​ឆាក់ជាន់​ពាង់​ត៝ត់​នារ​ពាង់​គុអ៝ស​តៃ នទ៝សនទើ​មពោមពា​វៃ​ឞូ​ជាន​ឞ្រ៝យ្សមព្រាង ឆុរ ឆ៝ ពេប អ្យារ់។ When a woman completes 6-7 months of pregnancy then they do a house cleansing (ceremony) (for) her in order to cause well-being (upon) her body until the day she gives birth (and also upon) household possessions, (and) animals—traditionally they do house cleansing (by sacrificing) a pig, a dog, a duck and a chicken.
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