
ខ៝Npants, trousersគ៝ប់​នត្រុបខ៝ជ៝ង​មាហាន់ជាន​ការ​។ I put on pants to go to work.ពាង់​នត្រុបខ៝គ្លែស​មា​ឞ្រោៈ​ព៝ល់​រាលឺន។ He puts on shorts to play outside.ខ៝អ្យាសcomp.Nsecond-hand pantsឞូក្លោទូហ្វៃគែសរាវាត់​ខ៝អ្យាសម្វាយ​​មា​នត្រុប​ហាន់​ជាន​ការតា​មីរ​។ A man bought a second hand of pants for wearing when he go to work in the farm.
ខ៝កADVto loss, to waste នារ​នត្រីគ៝ប់​គែស​ហាន់ខ៝ល់មៃតា​ច្វាញ យើន​មា​លិច​ឞានមៃ គ៝ប់​ខ៝ក​ម៝ង​នារ​ងាន់។ I visited you at home yesterday, but I didn't see you, I waste the time.
ខ៝ក់ADJsound of quickly ក៝ន​នទ្រោក​គែស​ទាក់តា​ត៝ង​ក៝ខ៝ក់!។ the baby cow trapped on the neck.
ខ៝ង់Nspinning wheelអូ​ទោល​គុរូយ​ទេសមា​ខ៝ង់គៃមា​ជាន​ឞ្រាយ​​។ Grand monther is spinning of conton thread by the spinning wheel.
ខ៝ចword family ឞ៝ន់​ជាន​ជៃទាស​នែៈ​ខាប់ហើយ ម៝សខាច់ខ៝ច​អីរ។ we builded the house is sufficient do not do sculpture more.
ខ៝ច់1Ventertain, to playលើយ​ហោម​ខ៝ច់ពាង់​អីរ​ ពាង់​នូយ្ស​មេៈ។ ​Don't play to much with him, he will be angry.
ខ៝ច់2Vneatly arranged in fileឞូនុយ្ស​ឞ្រោៈ​ខ៝ច់ៗរ៝ៈ​ត្រ៝ង​។ People walks neatly arranged in the file of the way.
ខ៝ញ់Vword mix togetherមែ​នទ្រោក​អ្យា​ជាញ​ខ៝ញ់​ងាន់ហៃ។ This cow is very vicious.
ខ៝នNkind of fishនទើម​ឆ្រ៝ៈ​មោលាង់​គែស​កាខ៝ន​អោស​។ ​kind of Bunong fishing instrument not really get in with that fish.
ខ៝ន់1PRO.QWhy didn't (you) go ahead to do...?, doesn’t matterមៃ​លែៈ​ឆៃ​នទើមឞ្រីចមឞ្រាច។ ខ៝ន់មាព្រាប់ពាង់?you saw somethings scattered. why didn't you keep making it tidy?
ខ៝ន់2INTwhatever!គ៝ប់តេៈពេស​តាយុលនៃខ៝ន់ ម៝សលើស​ពាង់។ មៃ​ហាន់ព៝ន់រាលឺនខ៝ន់ ។ I can put the knife on the basket for whatever, it is ok, you are posible to play games. Synកាដោយ្ស 2unspec. var. ofកាដោយទោ1នទ្រី​ខ៝ន់comp.អីចឹង​ក៏បាន!
ខ៝ន់3preVpleaseម៝ស​គុមៃ​ឞើស​ទីស​នៃ? ខ៝ន់មាលាប់ហ៝ម់! why you standing outside? please come in!
ខ៝ន់លាសNThen, only then, nextលាសមៃងខោម​គ៝ប់មា​នទ្រោក​ ខ៝ន់លាស​គ៝ប់កើល​មៃ។ If you give a cow to me Then I will agree helping you.
ខ៝បNbark គ៝ប់​ព្លោក​ខ៝ប​ឆីគៃមា​ជាន​មែស​ជៃ។ ​I strip the bark of Tree for home 's column.
ខ៝ប់1Cfប៝សADVThe sound made by violently pulling an object (bite a bite)កាប៝ស​នទារគ៝ប់​ខ៝ប់ ជេសរីគ៝ប់នតើត​នទារ​វឹប។ A fish wolfed down the fish bait then I jerk my fishing pole up.
ខ៝ប់2ADVSound of eating quicklyគែសឆ៝ងក្វ៝ង់ម្វាយទោល​ឆាមពាតា​ឞ៝ង​ខ៝ប់ៗ។The male dog is eating food on bamboo shell.
ខ៝មVto pick up many things with one scoop (one or two hands), e.g. rice grainsមេៈ​គ៝ប់ទោល​ខ៝ម​ឞា​ហុក​តា​នែស​។ ​My mother pick up rice on the ground. Synក្វាក 1ក្វាក 2ក្វាក 3ក្វាច
ខ៝ម់preVtry hard, make an effort
ខ៝រ់1Vto put a long stick in a holeទូហ្វេឞូក្លោខ៝រ់ត្រោមឞ្ល៝ៈ​មា​ម៝ង់​គៃមា​ឞ្ល៝ៈ​លោស​ជឹត​ទីស។ ​The man put a stick in the hole for porcupine get out side.
ខ៝រ់2VTo skewer, to pierce, prickពាង់​ញច្វាត់​ចោតគែស​ខ៝រ់មា​ល៝យ្ស​តា​ពុង​វែៈពាង់។ ​he run and fall on the iron shape to prick his flank.
ខ៝ល់1Vto visit, (for no particular reason)នុកនារ​អាល៝រ​នើស​ គ៝ប់​គែស​ហាន់ជុខ៝ល់​អ៝ស​ឞាល់​មពោល​គ៝ប់​តា​ប៝ន​ឞូឆ្រា​។ last day, I visited my relatives at Busra village. 'Biat'.Simវែស2SynDខាល់1ខាល់2ជុជោៈ
ខ៝ល់2INTsameមៃ​លើយទឹង​ខ៝ច់​ឞូល៝ក់ខ៝ល់​ៗមេៈ តាអ៝យ​តៃ​ឞូលើស​មៃ។ ​you do not play so much with them they will beat you.
ខ៝សVto husk rice; pound unhusked rice; second pounding of rice??មេៈ​គ៝ប់​វៃពែស​ឞាមា​មពាល់​នតើម​ឞើស​ម៝ងឞារ​ត៝ត់​ម៝ង​ព្វាន់កេងមាង់។ My monther always strtart husk rice from 2:00PM to 4:00 PM in the afternoon.
ខ៝អាវNclothesឞូតាច់​ខ៝អាវ​តា​នតុក​តាច់​ទ្រាប់​នទើ។ ​They sell cloths in the market. ខ៝អាវអ្យាសcomp.second-hand clothesទ្រោនវៃតាច់​អ៝ក់ខ៝អាវ​អ្យា​សតា​ខៃជឹត​ជេង​ខៃជីកាត់។ ​​khmer poeple most sell second hand cloth in haft of october.