

  1. adj               adjective
  2. adv              adverb
  3. conj             conjunction
  4. dem             demonstrative
  5. esp.             especially
  6. euph.           euphemism
  7. f                  female
  8. h                 human, usable for both genders
  9. i                  intransitive
  10. interj.           interjection
  11. interrog.       interrogative
  12. lit.                literally
  13. loc              locative
  14. m               male
  15. n                noun
  16. num           number
  17. Pl               plural
  18. pron            pronoun
  19. sb               somebody
  20. Sg               singular
  21. sp.                species
  22. sth               something
  23. Syn.              synonym
  24. t                  transitive
  25. v                 verb
  26. var.              variant
  27. x                 countable, concrete
  28. y                 uncountable, concept, fluid materialNote: In the English definitions all references to he, him, his etc. should also be taken to refer to she, her, hers etc.