Search results for "hɨkin"

hɨkin num. three trois (12 groups, 42 languages) A
This root is attested across all groups except for Gidar, Musgum and the Kotoko groups. The final *n has become *r in the Margi, Mandara and Mofu groups as part of a regular change. However *r is also found in the Mafa group and in the Giziga languages, and the /ɗ/ in the Daba group is also a reflex of *r. These forms are the result of borrowing. The unestablished *r→ɗ change also took place in Mandara, Malgwa and Glavda. In Mandara the *i and *ɗ fused to create /j/. In Malgwa, there was an intermediate /ɗʲ/, which moved to a velar position as part of a regular process of velarisation of palatalised alveolars. All groups except for the Mandara and Lamang groups have *ma- prefixed to the root. In several groups, the *h has been lost, triggering compensatory lengthening of the *a from the prefix. The *i vowel is reconstructed on the basis of evidence from the Margi, Mandara and Maroua groups. The evidence is not conclusive as there is no support for *i from the Bata or Higi groups.

1Proto-Bata *mahɨkɨn three trois 1.1) Bata (Boyd) mʷààkɨ́n three 1.2) Gude (Hoskinson) mákə three 1.3) Jimi (Djibi) mahəkən Trois 1.3.1) Jimi (Djibi) mahəkən 3

2Proto-Daba *mahkaɗ three trois 2.1) Buwal (Viljoen) mɑhkɑɗ three (3) trois (3) 2.2) Gavar (Viljoen) mɑhkɑɗ three (3) trois (3) 2.3) Mbudum (Ndokobaï) makaɗ three (3) trois (3) 2.4) Daba (Lienhard) màkāɗ trois

3Proto-Mafa *mahkar three trois 3.1) Mafa (Barreteau) makár trois 3.2) Cuvok (Gravina) mahkar three (3) trois (3)

4Proto-Tera *mahkan three trois 4.1) Gaʼanda (Gwaji) mahkan three

5Proto-Sukur *maakɨn three trois 5.1) Sukur (David) maakən three

6Proto-Hurza *maakan three trois 6.1) Mbuko (Gravina) maakan three trois 6.2) Vame (Kinnaird) máᵑgān three trois

7Proto-Margi *maakir three trois 7.1) Bura (Blench) makir Three 7.2) Margi South (Harley) maakər three 7.3) Kilba (Schuh) maakəru// three

8Proto-Mandara *hɨkirɨ three trois 8.1) Matal (Branger) mākᵊ̀r three trois 8.2) Podoko (Swackhammer) makə́ra,-ə trois 8.3) Mandara (Fluckiger) kéjé trois 8.4) Malgwa (Löhr) kəɠje three 8.5) Glavda (Nghagyiva) xkr̩̀ɗa three (3) 8.6) Dghwede (Frick) xkre three

9Proto-Mofu *mahkɨr three trois 9.1) Ouldeme (Kinnaird) màkàr three trois 9.2) Muyang (Smith) mɑhkər three trois 9.3) Moloko (Friesen) makar three trois 9.4) Gemzek (Sabatai) makar three (3) trois (3) 9.4.1) Gemzek (Sabatai) makər three trois 9.5) Merey (Gravina) mahkar trois 9.6) Dugwor (Jubumna) makar three (3) trois (3) 9.7) Mofu North (Barreteau) màkàr trois 9.8) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) maakar three trois

10Proto-Maroua *maakaŋ three trois 10.1) Giziga Moutourwa (Michielan) makir trois 10.1.1) Giziga Moutourwa (Michielan) makir trente 10.2) Giziga Marva (Hamidou) makir three (3) trois (3) 10.3) Mbazla (SILSurvey) màkāŋ three trois 10.3.1) Mbazla (Tourneux) maakaŋ trois

11Proto-Lamang *hɨkɨna three trois 11.1) Lamang (Wolff) xkə́ná three 11.2) Hdi (Bramlett) həkən three trois

12Proto-Higi *maxkɨn three trois 12.1) Kamwe-Nkafa (Harley) makənə three 12.1.1) Kamwe-Nkafa (Harley) mɑ̀kə̀nə́ Three 12.2) Kamwe-Futu (Harley) makəo three 12.3) Kirya (Blench) makən three 12.4) Psikye (Angelo) maxkə́n three 12.4.1) Psikye (Angelo) maxkə́nə́ three 12.5) Bana (Lienhard) màxkàn trois
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