Search results for "ᵐba"

kɨr v., n. steal voler (16 groups, 49 languages) B
This is one of the best attested roots in Central Chadic. Some of the entries are for the verb 'to steal', and some are for the nouns 'theft' and 'thief'. It is not clear which form is the basic root. The *k has the reflexes *h, *hʷ, *ɣ and *ɣʷ, which are unestablished reflexes. No labialisation is reconstructed since the support comes only from an unusual reflex in Lagwan, and from the Giziga languages where sporadic labialisation is common. It is not clear whether the proto-form had *h or *k, but *k is preferred as *k→h is more common than the opposite change in Central Chadic. The *r has the regular reflex *l in the North sub-branch and Proto-Daba. The *r in Proto-Kotoko North is an exception. In a few languages *r has the reflex /ɗ/, which is an unestablished change. There is some evidence for reconstructing *i, but the mix of noun and verb forms makes it difficult to reconstruct the vowels with confidence. For this reason the root is given the confidence level B rather than A.

1Proto-Bata *hɨr steal voler 1.1) Bata (Boyd) hɨ́r steal 1.2) Gude (Hoskinson) harə steal. 1.3) Jimi (Djibi) hərən Voler, dérober ; 1.4) Sharwa (Gravina) har Voler, dérober 1.4.1) Sharwa (Gravina) maharə, maharəʼəkə Voleur,euse 1.5) Tsuvan (Johnston) ahəlle le voleur

2Proto-Daba *hɨl steal voler 2.1) Buwal (Viljoen) ŋhel steal voler (dérober) 2.1.1) Buwal (Viljoen) ŋhel thief voleur 2.1.2) Buwal (Viljoen) ŋhel theft vol 2.2) Gavar (Viljoen) ŋhəl steal voler (dérober) 2.2.1) Gavar (Viljoen) ŋhəl thief voleur 2.2.2) Gavar (Viljoen) ŋhəl theft 2.3) Mbudum (Ndokobaï) mihil theft vol 2.3.1) Mbudum (Ndokobaï) mihəl thief voleur 2.3.2) Mbudum (Ndokobaï) hil steal voler (dérober) 2.4) Daba (Lienhard) hə̄l faire ; lutter ; voler 2.5) MazagwayHidi (Noussi) həl vol

3Proto-Mafa *kɨr steal voler 3.1) Cuvok (Gravina) kəraw theft il faut voler 3.1.1) Cuvok (Gravina) kərej steal voler (dérober)

4Proto-Sukur *kɨr steal voler 4.1) Sukur (David) kər steal, to 4.2) Sukur (Thomas) kər steal; to take something from a person permission or without intending to return it or pay for it.

5Proto-Hurza *kɨra steal voler 5.1) Mbuko (Gravina) akar theft vol 5.1.1) Mbuko (Gravina) kəra to steal st voler 5.2) Vame (Kinnaird) ākár vol

6Proto-Margi *hila steal voler 6.1) Bura (Blench) hila Theft 6.1.1) Bura (Blench) hila To steal 6.2) Margi South (Harley) həl to steal 6.3) Kilba (Schuh) həla theft

7Proto-Mandara *ɣɨl steal voler 7.1) Matal (Branger) màd ɡə̀l steal voler 7.2) Mandara (Fluckiger) ílá voler 7.2.1) Mandara (Fluckiger) ílá vol (m) 7.3) Malgwa (Löhr) naŋəle thief 7.3.1) Malgwa (Löhr) ŋəla steal 7.4) Glavda (Nghagyiva) gla thief 7.4.1) Glavda (Owens) g thief 7.4.2) Glavda (Nghagyiva) ʁɨ́lᵊga steal 7.5) Dghwede (Frick) gəle thief

8Proto-Mofu *kɨl steal voler 8.1) Ouldeme (Kinnaird) àkàl vol 8.2) Mada (Nkoumou) akkal vol 8.3) Moloko (Friesen) akar robbery le vol 8.3.1) Moloko (Friesen) akar thief voleur 8.3.2) Moloko (Friesen) akar thief voleur 8.3.3) Moloko (Friesen) karaj steal voler; dérober 8.4) Zulgo (Haller) akə́l vol m. 8.5) Gemzek (Sabatai) akəl theft vol 8.5.1) Gemzek (Sabatai) mekəle steal voler (dérober) 8.6) Merey (Gravina) kəla steal voler (dérober) 8.6.1) Merey (Gravina) məkal theft vol, voleur 8.7) Dugwor (Jubumna) nəkal thief voleur 8.7.1) Dugwor (Jubumna) nəkal theft vol 8.7.2) Dugwor (Jubumna) mənəkəlej steal voler (dérober) 8.8) Mofu North (Barreteau) méhùlèj voler 8.8.1) Mofu North (Barreteau) méhùlèj dérober 8.8.2) Mofu North (Barreteau) máhàl voleur 8.9) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) lál voler, dérober, détourner 8.9.1) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) malaj voleur

9Proto-Maroua *hʷɨl steal voler 9.1) Giziga Moutourwa (Michielan) hul voler 9.1.1) Giziga Moutourwa (Michielan) hul mentir, faire son coup en douce, travailler par en dessous, fausseté, parler derrière pas franchement, calomnier 9.2) Giziga Marva (Hamidou) hul theft vol 9.3) Mbazla (Tourneux) laj voler (dérober) 9.3.1) Mbazla (SILSurvey) àlāíʼ steal voler (dérober)

10Proto-Lamang *ɣila steal voler 10.1) Lamang (Wolff) ɣila steal 10.1.1) Lamang (Wolff) ɣìlì theft 10.2) Hdi (Bramlett) ɣali thief le voleur

11Proto-Higi *ɣɨli steal voler 11.1) Kamwe-Nkafa (Harley) ɣəli to steal 11.1.1) Kamwe-Nkafa (Harley) ɣə̀lì steal 11.2) Kamwe-Futu (Harley) ɣirə thief 11.2.1) Kamwe-Futu (Harley) ɣire steal 11.3) Kirya (Blench) ɣə̀lə̀ steal 11.4) Bana (Lienhard) ɣ(ə̀)lí voler, piler

12Proto-Kotoko North *hir steal voler 12.1) Afade (Allison) hiʔi thief voleur 12.2) Mpade (Allison) háɗi thief voleur 12.3) Malgbe (Allison) hiru thief voleur

13Proto-Kotoko Centre *ɣʷɨj steal voler 13.1) Lagwan (Allison) musxui thief voleur 13.2) Mser (Allison) nɣej thief voleur

14Proto-Kotoko South *hɨla steal voler 14.1) Zina (Odden) àhə̀l thief voleur 14.2) Mazera (Allison) jale thief voleur

15Proto-Musgum *hɨl steal voler 15.1) Vulum (Tourneux) mihil vol

16Proto-Gidar *ɨhala steal voler 16.1) Gidar (Schuh) əhala voler (de voleur) 16.2) Gidar (Hungerford) ɨɨhala dérober, voler 16.3) Gidar (Hungerford) ɨ hala vol, derober
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kɨrakaɬ ʸ n. bone os (4 groups, 10 languages) C syn: ɗiɬ.
This root is found primarily in three groups that are currently unconnected (the Moloko word is borrowed from neighbouring Mbuko). However at some time in the past these groups may have been adjacent. The exact form of the original root is difficult to determine.

1Proto-Daba *kɨrɨᵑgɨɬ ʸ bone os 1.1) Buwal (Viljoen) kerəᵑgeɬ bone os 1.2) Mbudum (Ndokobaï) kirŋɡiɬ bone os 1.3) Daba (Lienhard) gèᵑgíríɮ l'os

2Proto-Hurza *kɨlakaɬ bone os 2.1) Mbuko (Gravina) kəlakaɬ bone os, bec 2.2) Vame (Kinnaird) āɬə̄ɬāk bone os

3Proto-Mofu *kɨlakaɬ bone os 3.1) Moloko (Friesen) kəlakaɬ bone os

4Proto-Musgum *kaɬka ʸ bone os 4.1) Mulwi (Tourneux) keɬke os 4.2) Vulum (Tourneux) keɬke os 4.3) Mbara (Tourneux) ᵑgiɬ bone os 4.4) Muskum (Tourneux) kɨɬɨt os
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kɨri nm. dog chien (13 groups, 35 languages) C
This root may have come into Central Chadic from Kanuri or from Nilo-Saharan. The root presents some unusual difficulties. *r has the reflex *d in some languages, and *l in others. If this root were a Proto-Central Chadic root, then we would expect *r→l in the North sub-branch, but this is the case only in a few groups, some of which have a separate, later *r→l change. A Proto-Central Chadic root with *d in medial position should give *r in the North sub-branch. There is a reasonable degree of consistency in this, but there are many exceptions. The best explanation for the forms is that the word entered Central Chadic at the time of the group proto-languages. The final vowel is reconstructed as *i, as in Kanuri, and this is reflected in Proto-Margi, Proto-Lamang and Proto-Higi. In the Higi group the *i has been reanalysed as palatalisation of *l.

1Proto-Mafa *kɨda dog chien 1.1) Mafa (Ndokobai) kəda dog chien 1.1.1) Mafa (Barreteau) kəda chien 1.2) Cuvok (Gravina) gəda dog chien

2Proto-Sukur *kɨra dog chien 2.1) Sukur (David) kəra dog 2.2) Sukur (Thomas) kəra dog

3Proto-Hurza *kɨla dog chien 3.1) Mbuko (Gravina) kəla dog chien 3.2) Vame (Kinnaird) kə̄lá dog chien

4Proto-Margi *kila dog chien 4.1) Bura (Blench) kila Dog

5Proto-Mandara *kɨda dog chien 5.1) Matal (Branger) kəda dog chien 5.2) Podoko (Swackhammer) kədá,-a chien 5.3) Mandara (Fluckiger) kéré chien (m) 5.4) Malgwa (Löhr) kəre dog 5.5) Dghwede (Frick) gde dog

6Proto-Mofu *kɨra dog chien 6.1) Ouldeme (Kinnaird) kə̀rà dog chien 6.2) Muyang (Smith) kərɑ dog chien 6.3) Moloko (Friesen) kəra dog chien 6.4) Zulgo (Haller) kəra chien m. 6.5) Gemzek (Sabatai) kəra dog chien 6.6) Dugwor (Jubumna) kəra dog chien 6.7) Proto-Mofu Subgroup *gɨdaj ʸ dog chien 6.8) Mofu North (Barreteau) gə̄dēj chien 6.9) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) gədéj chien

7Proto-Maroua *kɨrɨ ʸ dog chien 7.1) Giziga Moutourwa (Michielan) kiri (Mt) k(i) ri (ɗu) chien (kiri nañ (Mj) kri nañ (Mt) son chien 7.2) Giziga Marva (Hamidou) kre dog chien 7.3) Mbazla (Tourneux) kire chien 7.3.1) Mbazla (SILSurvey) krɛ́ʼ dog chien

8Proto-Lamang *kɨri dog chien 8.1) Lamang (Wolff) kə́ré dog 8.2) Hdi (Bramlett) kəri dog le chien

9Proto-Higi *kɨli dog chien 9.1) Kamwe-Nkafa (Harley) kəljə̊ dog 9.2) Kamwe-Futu (Harley) kəlje dog 9.3) Kirya (Blench) kə́ɽí dog 9.4) Bana (Lienhard) k(ə́)rí chien

10Proto-Kotoko Island *kɨli dog chien 10.1) Buduma (McKone) kəliə dog chien 10.2) Buduma (McKone) kəli chien.

11Proto-Kotoko North *kɨlew dog chien 11.1) Afade (Allison) gɨlew dog chien 11.2) Mpade (Allison) kɨ́lèw dog chien 11.3) Malgbe (Allison) gɨlew dog chien

12Proto-Kotoko Centre *kɨle dog chien 12.1) Lagwan (Allison) kle; kɨle dog chien 12.2) Mser (Allison) kle dog chien

13Proto-Gidar *kɨra dog chien 13.1) Gidar (Schuh) kəra chien 13.2) Gidar (Hungerford) kra chien

14Kanuri kə́ri dog chien
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kɨrɨp ʸ nf. fish poisson (15 groups, 46 languages) A
This is one of the best attested Central Chadic roots. The initial *k has the regular reflex *j in the Tera group, and the unestablished reflex /h/ in Vulum. There was a regular change *r→l in the North sub-branch, the Daba group and Cuvok in the Mafa group, though the /l/ in Mafa itself is irregular. *p was realised as [f] in word-final position in Proto-Central Chadic, and /f/ was then phonemicised, but in this word it has the reflex *p in Proto-Lamang and Proto-Higi. These are unestablished changes. The palatalisation prosody is retained in all groups where the palatalisation prosody exists.

1Proto-Bata *kɨrɨfɨ ʸ fish poisson 1.1) Bata (Boyd) qərfjée fish 1.2) Gude (Hoskinson) hə̀rə̀fìnə fish. 1.3) Jimi (Djibi) hərjəfən Poisson 1.4) Sharwa (Gravina) kurjəfi poisson 1.5) Tsuvan (Johnston) wulfin les poissons

2Proto-Daba *kɨlɨf ʸ fish poisson 2.1) Buwal (Viljoen) ŋkəlef fish poisson 2.2) Gavar (Viljoen) ŋkilif fish poisson 2.3) Mbudum (Ndokobaï) kəlːif fish poisson 2.4) Daba (Lienhard) kìlíf le poisson 2.5) MazagwayHidi (Noussi) kilif poisson

3Proto-Mafa *kɨlaf ʸ fish poisson 3.1) Mafa (Barreteau) kíléf nom gén. pour les gros poissons 3.2) Cuvok (Gravina) kəlef fish poisson

4Proto-Tera *jɨrvɨ ʷ fish poisson 4.1) Tera (Newman) jurvu fish 4.2) Nyimatli (Harley) jurvu fish

5Proto-Sukur *kɨrɨf ʸ fish poisson 5.1) Sukur (David) kirif fish 5.2) Sukur (Thomas) kirif fish; is the general term for fishes.

6Proto-Hurza *kɨlaf ʸ fish poisson 6.1) Mbuko (Gravina) kəlef fish poisson

7Proto-Margi *kɨlfi ʸ fish poisson 7.1) Bura (Blench) kilfa General name for fish 7.2) Margi (Hoffman) kjifi fish 7.3) Margi South (Harley) kalfi fish 7.4) Kilba (Schuh) kalfi fish

8Proto-Mandara *kɨlɨfɨ ʸ fish poisson 8.1) Matal (Branger) kilfi, kilfəj fish poisson 8.2) Podoko (Swackhammer) kɨləfe,-ə poisson 8.3) Mandara (Fluckiger) kelfe poisson (m) 8.4) Malgwa (Löhr) kəlfe fish gen. 8.5) Glavda (Owens) kil fish 8.5.1) Glavda (Nghagyiva) kìilfa fish 8.6) Dghwede (Frick) klfe fish

9Proto-Mofu *kɨlɨf ʸ fish poisson 9.1) Ouldeme (Kinnaird) kə̄līf poisson 9.2) Moloko (Friesen) kəlef fish poisson en général 9.3) Zulgo (Haller) kílíf poisson m. 9.4) Gemzek (Sabatai) kəlef fish poisson 9.5) Merey (Gravina) kəlef fish poisson 9.6) Dugwor (Jubumna) kəlef fish poisson 9.7) Mofu North (Barreteau) kə́léf poisson (nom g;-en.)

10Proto-Maroua *kɨlɨf ʸ fish poisson 10.1) Giziga Moutourwa (Michielan) kilif poisson ( ne général) 10.2) Giziga Marva (Hamidou) kilef fish poisson 10.3) Mbazla (Tourneux) kilif poisson 10.3.1) Mbazla (SILSurvey) kiliv fish poisson

11Proto-Lamang *kɨlɨpi fish poisson 11.1) Lamang (Wolff) kəlpi fish 11.2) Hdi (Bramlett) kəlipi fish le poisson

12Proto-Higi *kɨlipɨ fish poisson 12.1) Kamwe-Futu (Harley) kələpə fish 12.2) Kirya (Blench) kə̀rèpə́ fish (general) 12.2.1) Kirya (Blench) kə̀ɽìpə́ fish 12.3) Psikye (Angelo) kələpə́ fish 12.4) Bana (Lienhard) k(ə)lìpə̀ poisson 12.4.1) Bana (Lienhard) kə̀rpì poissons (pl)

13Proto-Kotoko South *kɨlfɨ fish poisson 13.1) Zina (Odden) hə̀lfə̀ fish poisson 13.2) Mazera (Allison) kɨlfa fish poisson

14Proto-Musgum *hɨlɨf ʸ fish poisson 14.1) Vulum (Tourneux) hilif poisson (générique)

15Proto-Gidar *kɨlfɨ ʸ fish poisson 15.1) Gidar (Hungerford) kilfi poisson
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kɨrɨw num. ten dix (5 groups, 18 languages) C syn: hɨkan, kʷɨm.
This is one of three widely-attested roots for 'ten'. It is found in the area around the Mandara Mountains. The *r is expected to be realised as *l in the North sub-branch, but this is only the case for the Mandara group, and not for the Maroua and Mofu groups. In the Mafa group, /l/ is found in Mafa where /r/ is expected and /r/ is found in Cuvok where /l/ is expected. This indicates that the root may not be very old, and that it spread by borrowing rather than being inherited. The *w is variously interpreted as labialisation of *k or as the labialisation prosody.

1Proto-Mafa *kʷɨraw ten dix 1.1) Mafa (Barreteau) kula dix 1.2) Cuvok (Gravina) kuraw ten (10) dix (10)

2Proto-Hurza *kɨra ʷ ten dix 2.1) Mbuko (Gravina) kuro ten dix

3Proto-Mandara *kɨlawa ten dix 3.1) Matal (Branger) kᵘ̄l(u) ten dix 3.2) Mandara (Fluckiger) kelawa dix 3.3) Glavda (Owens) kəl ten 3.3.1) Glavda (Nghagyiva) klàːwa ten (10)

4Proto-Mofu *kɨraw ten dix 4.1) Ouldeme (Kinnaird) kūlū ten dix 4.2) Muyang (Smith) kru ten dix 4.3) Moloko (Friesen) kəro ten dix 4.4) Zulgo (Haller) kúrwá dix 4.5) Gemzek (Sabatai) kuro ten (10) dix (10) 4.6) Merey (Gravina) kuro ten (10) dix (10) 4.7) Dugwor (Jubumna) kurow ten (10) dix (10) 4.8) Mofu North (Barreteau) kúráw dix 4.8.1) Mofu North (Barreteau) kúráw dix 4.9) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) kúráw dix

5Proto-Maroua *kɨrɨ ʷ ten dix 5.1) Giziga Moutourwa (Michielan) kuruʼu dix 5.2) Giziga Marva (Hamidou) kuru ten (10) dix (10) 5.3) Mbazla (Tourneux) kuru dix 5.3.1) Mbazla (SILSurvey) ̄kúrúʼ ten dix
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koro n. donkey âne (9 groups, 20 languages) B syn: ziᵑgʷa, ᵐburi.
This is a widespread African root that may have come into Central Chadic from Kanuri. Many Central Chadic languages do not have back vowels, and the *o has been reinterpreted as labialisation of *k, the labialisation prosody or as the sequence /aw/. The *r has not changed in any languages, which indicates a very short time depth for the introduction of this root into Central Chadic.

1Proto-Bata *kʷara donkey âne 1.1) Bata (Boyd) kʷáárééto donkey 1.2) Gude (Hoskinson) kʷárá donkey 1.3) Jimi (Djibi) kʷara Ane 1.4) Sharwa (Gravina) kʷara Ane

2Proto-Tera *koro donkey âne 2.1) Tera (Newman) koro donkey 2.2) Nyimatli (Harley) kooro donkey

3Proto-Margi *kʷara donkey âne 3.1) Bura (Blench) kʷara Ass 3.1.1) Bura (Blench) kʷara Donkey 3.2) Margi South (Harley) kʷara donkey 3.3) Kilba (Schuh) kʷara/a donkey

4Proto-Maroua *kawra donkey âne 4.1) Giziga Moutourwa (Michielan) kawra; awra âne à museau blanc

5Proto-Higi *kʷara donkey âne 5.1) Kamwe-Nkafa (Harley) kʷara donkey 5.2) Kamwe-Futu (Harley) kʷara donkey 5.3) Kirya (Blench) kʷàrà donkey 5.4) Psikye (Angelo) kʷará donkey

6Proto-Kotoko Island *kuro donkey âne 6.1) Buduma (McKone) kuro âne.

7Proto-Kotoko North *koro donkey âne 7.1) Mpade (Allison) kóró donkey âne 7.2) Malgbe (Allison) gro donkey âne

8Proto-Musgum *kʷɨra ʸ donkey âne 8.1) Vulum (Tourneux) kʉre âne 8.2) Mbara (Tourneux) kuro donkey âne 8.3) Muskum (Tourneux) kʉret âne

9Proto-Gidar *kara ʷ donkey âne 9.1) Gidar (Schuh) koro âne

10Kanuri kóro / kóró donkey âne
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kʷasɨkʷa nm. market (n) marché (12 groups, 24 languages) B
This root derives ultimately from the Arabic 'suq', through Shoa Arabic 'sug' and Kanuri 'kasugu'. The back vowels are reinterpreted as labialisation of *k or *g. The Fulfulde word 'luumo' is replacing this root in many areas. There are no real indicators in the data of the age of this borrowing.

1Proto-Tera *kasu market marché 1.1) Hwana (Harley) kàsú market

2Proto-Sukur *sɨkʷɨ market marché 2.1) Sukur (David) suku market 2.2) Sukur (Thomas) səku market:- is a place where people gather to sell and buy things.

3Proto-Hurza *kasɨkʷa market marché 3.1) Mbuko (Gravina) kʷasuko market marché 3.2) Vame (Kinnaird) kāsúkā market marché

4Proto-Margi *sɨkʷɨ market marché 4.1) Kilba (Schuh) səku market

5Proto-Mandara *kʷasɨkʷa market marché 5.1) Matal (Branger) kʷasəkʷa // kosuka market marché 5.2) Podoko (Swackhammer) kʷasákʷa,-a marché 5.3) Malgwa (Löhr) kʷaskʷe market 5.4) Glavda (Owens) kású market, week 5.4.1) Glavda (Owens) kásúk market, business, week 5.4.2) Glavda (Nghagyiva) kàsúkʷa market (n)

6Proto-Mofu *kʷasɨkʷa market marché 6.1) Ouldeme (Kinnaird) kʷāskʷā market marché 6.2) Muyang (Smith) ɡosku marché, semaine 6.3) Mada (Nkoumou) goskó (kosko) marché 6.4) Moloko (Friesen) kosoko market marché 6.5) Zulgo (Haller) kʷáskʷà semaine f. 6.5.1) Zulgo (Haller) kʷáskʷà marché m.

7Proto-Maroua *kaska ʷ market marché 7.1) Giziga Marva (Hamidou) kosko market (n) marché

8Proto-Higi *sʲɨkʷɨ market marché 8.1) Kamwe-Futu (Harley) ʃikʷi market 8.2) Psikye (Angelo) ʃkʷu market 8.2.1) Psikye (Angelo) ʃekʷu market

9Proto-Kotoko Island *kahagʷɨ market marché 9.1) Buduma (McKone) kaxaguə market (n) marché

10Proto-Kotoko North *kasɨgʷɨ market marché 10.1) Afade (Allison) gasɨbi market (n) marché 10.2) Mpade (Allison) kàsúgù market (n) marché 10.3) Malgbe (Allison) gegbɨ market (n) marché

11Proto-Kotoko Centre *kaskʷɨ market marché 11.1) Lagwan (Allison) kasku market (n) marché 11.2) Mser (Allison) kasku market (n) marché

12Proto-Musgum *kaskʷa market marché 12.1) Mbara (Tourneux) kasko market marché

13Kanuri kasúwu //// kāsugū market (n) marché

14Shoa Arabic sûg; sawaga market (n) marché
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kʷɨnɨj n. urine urine (13 groups, 31 languages) B
This root is well attested across the Central Chadic languages. The *kʷ is retained in most groups, but has the reflex *k in Proto-Hurza, Proto-Kotoko South and Proto-Gidar, a sporadic change. There is a regular *n→r change word-medially in Proto-Mandara, and a sporadic *n͏→r change in some of the Kotoko groups. This change also appears in the Mafa and Sukur data, where it is irregular. There is a subsequent unestablished *r→ɗ change, which gives the forms for Proto-Hurza, several Mofu group languages and Mazera. The distribution of the changes suggests that a certain degree of borrowing took place between languages. The *j has been vocalised in several languages, and in Gidar it is reanalysed as the palatalisation prosody, both of which are common sporadic processes.

1Proto-Mafa *kʷɨraj urine urine 1.1) Mafa (Ndokobai) kuraj urine

2Proto-Sukur *kʷɨr ʸ urine urine 2.1) Sukur (Thomas) miskuir urine

3Proto-Hurza *mɨkaɗaj urine urine 3.1) Mbuko (Gravina) məkaɗaj urine urine 3.2) Vame (Kinnaird) kə̄māɗáj, kumaɗaj (Afem) tribe ; descendant urine; tribu ; descendant

4Proto-Margi *kʷɨni urine urine 4.1) Bura (Blench) kini Urine 4.2) Kilba (Schuh) kunji urine

5Proto-Mandara *kʷɨrɨj urine urine 5.1) Matal (Branger) kᶷlāj urine urine 5.2) Podoko (Swackhammer) kure,-i urine 5.3) Mandara (Fluckiger) kúré urine (f) 5.4) Malgwa (Löhr) kure urine 5.5) Glavda (Owens) kur urine 5.5.1) Glavda (Nghagyiva) kùrìja urine

6Proto-Mofu *kʷɨnaj urine urine 6.1) Ouldeme (Kinnaird) kūnāj urine 6.2) Muyang (Smith) kʉɗiŋ urine urine 6.3) Mada (Nkoumou) kʷne urine 6.4) Moloko (Friesen) kʷənen urine urine 6.5) Zulgo (Haller) kʷìɗé urine f. 6.6) Gemzek (Sabatai) kuɗe urine urine 6.7) Merey (Gravina) kuɗe urine urine 6.7.1) Merey (Gravina) kuɗej urine 6.8) Dugwor (Jubumna) kuneŋ urine urine 6.9) Mofu North (Barreteau) kùràj urine 6.10) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) kuráj urine

7Proto-Maroua *kʷɨnaj urine urine 7.1) Giziga Moutourwa (Michielan) kʷanaj urine 7.2) Giziga Marva (Hamidou) kunaj urine urine 7.3) Mbazla (SILSurvey) kúnaíʼ urine urine 7.3.1) Mbazla (Tourneux) kunaj urine

8Proto-Lamang *kʷani urine urine 8.1) Hdi (Bramlett) kʷani urine l'urine

9Proto-Kotoko Island *kʷaraj urine urine 9.1) Buduma (McKone) koraj urine.

10Proto-Kotoko North *kʷɨre urine urine 10.1) Mpade (Allison) kúrè urine urine

11Proto-Kotoko Centre *kʷɨne urine urine 11.1) Lagwan (Allison) nkune urine urine 11.2) Mser (Allison) kure urine urine

12Proto-Kotoko South *kɨmaɗe urine urine 12.1) Mazera (Allison) kɨmaɗe urine urine

13Proto-Gidar *kɨna ʸ urine urine 13.1) Gidar (Hungerford) kine urine 13.2) Gidar (Schuh) kine/e urine
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kʷɨsɨm n. mouse souris (5 groups, 12 languages) B syn: katakam, kʷɨhɨm.
This root is cognate with *kʷɨhɨm, though it may come from a separate source. There is no known regular change that would account for *h to *s or vice versa. The root with *h is also found in East Chadic and this root with *s is also found in West Chadic. It is strange that this root is found in the more easterly Central Chadic languages.

1Proto-Mofu *gʷamso mouse souris 1.1) Ouldeme (Kinnaird) gʷàmsò souris ; rat roussard 1.2) Moloko (Friesen) gəmso field mouse, grey souris de brousse; gris

2Proto-Kotoko North *kʷɨsɨm mouse souris 2.1) Mpade (Allison) kusumu mouse souris 2.2) Malgbe (Allison) gbim mouse souris 2.3) Maltam (Allison) ɓɨsɨm mouse souris

3Proto-Kotoko Centre *kʷɨsɨm mouse souris 3.1) Lagwan (Allison) xsumi mouse souris 3.2) Mser (Allison) kusum mouse souris

4Proto-Kotoko South *kʷɨsɨm mouse souris 4.1) Zina (Odden) àksùm mouse souris 4.2) Mazera (Allison) kusɨme mouse souris

5Proto-Musgum *kɨsɨm ʷ mouse souris 5.1) Vulum (Tourneux) kusum souris 5.2) Mbara (Tourneux) kusum mouse souris 5.3) Muskum (Tourneux) guzum souris

6Hausa kúusù /// kuusùu, kuusanjàa mouse souris
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kʷɨtɨr ʸ n. tail queue (11 groups, 26 languages) B
This root is well attested across the Central Chadic languages. The initial *kʷ has a wider range of reflexes than with other roots. These reflexes include *hʷ, *w, *gʷ, *g and *f, and are all unestablished. In Gidar the labialisation component has been reanalysed as the labialisation prosody, which is a common sporadic process. The *t has the unestablished reflexes /d/ and /ⁿd/ in some languages. In Glavda, *t is palatalised by the palatalisation prosody, and *tʲ→kʲ due to the regular process of velarisation of palatalised alveolars. *r has the regular reflex *l in the North sub-branch and in Proto-Daba, with a few irregular exceptions.

1Proto-Bata *hʷɨtɨrɨ tail queue 1.1) Sharwa (Gravina) hutɨrə queue

2Proto-Daba *kʷɨtɨl ʸ tail queue 2.1) Buwal (Viljoen) kutel tail queue 2.2) MazagwayHidi (Noussi) kʷetir queue

3Proto-Mafa *hʷɨtar tail queue 3.1) Mafa (Barreteau) fútór queue 3.2) Cuvok (Gravina) hʷadar tail queue

4Proto-Sukur *tur tail queue 4.1) Sukur (David) tur tail 4.2) Sukur (Thomas) tur tail:- a long thin park at the back of animals normally they used it to protect them from fly.

5Proto-Hurza *kʷɨtar ʸ tail queue 5.1) Mbuko (Gravina) guter tail queue 5.2) Vame (Kinnaird) kuter tail queue 5.2.1) Vame (Kinnaird) kʷītér tail queue

6Proto-Mandara *kʷɨtɨlɨ ʸ tail queue 6.1) Podoko (Swackhammer) fətəla,-ə queue 6.2) Mandara (Fluckiger) uktere la queue (f) 6.2.1) Mandara (Fluckiger) ugdere queue (f) 6.2.2) Mandara (Fluckiger) katalíá queue (f) 6.3) Malgwa (Löhr) gatalija tail 6.4) Glavda (Nghagyiva) xùkʲla tail 6.4.1) Glavda (Owens) xʷçə tail 6.5) Dghwede (Frick) xʷtəle tail

7Proto-Mofu *hʷɨtɨl ʸ tail queue 7.1) Ouldeme (Kinnaird) àftə̀l tail queue 7.2) Muyang (Smith) hutul tail queue 7.3) Moloko (Friesen) hʷəter tail queue 7.4) Gemzek (Sabatai) gutel tail queue 7.5) Merey (Gravina) hutel tail queue 7.6) Dugwor (Jubumna) mətel tail queue 7.7) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) deŋgʷél queue (Mokong) 7.7.1) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) gʷeⁿdél queue (Gudur)

8Proto-Lamang *hʷɨtir tail queue 8.1) Lamang (Wolff) hʷtir tail 8.2) Hdi (Bramlett) hutur tail la queue

9Proto-Higi *twɨlɨ tail queue 9.1) Kirya (Blench) twə́lə́ tail

10Proto-Gidar *kɨtɨrɨ ʷ tail queue 10.1) Gidar (Schuh) kutəro/0 queue 10.2) Gidar (Hungerford) kutur, kuturo queue

11Proto-Musgum *gɨɗar ʸ, hɨntɨl ʷ tail queue 11.1) Vulum (Tourneux) giɗer queue 11.1.1) Mbara (Tourneux) huntul tail queue
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kʷɨzɨn ʸ nm. grass herbe (10 groups, 30 languages) B syn: kʷɨsap.
This is a well attested Central Chadic root. The initial *kʷ has the reflexes *k, *w, *gʷ and *g, of which only the change in Proto-Higi is known to be regular. *z has the regular reflex *s in Proto-Margi, and the unestablished reflex *dz in Mbuko. The final *n→r in the Margi-Mandara-Mofu major group is a regular change. In Mbuko and Dugwor the *r has then changed to /ɗ/, an unestablished process.

1Proto-Bata *kʷɨzinɨ grass herbe 1.1) Gude (Hoskinson) kùzə̀ná -ə grass (general term) 1.2) Jimi (Djibi) kʷəzənən Nom général d'herbe 1.3) Sharwa (Gravina) huzənə herbe 1.4) Tsuvan (Johnston) huzene l'herbe

2Proto-Mafa *kɨzan ʸ grass herbe 2.1) Cuvok (Gravina) kəzeŋ grass herbe

3Proto-Tera *wɨzɨn grass herbe 3.1) Tera (Newman) wuzən grass 3.2) Nyimatli (Harley) wuzu̱n grass

4Proto-Hurza *gʷɨdzaɗ ʸ grass herbe 4.1) Mbuko (Gravina) gudʒeɗ grass herbe

5Proto-Margi *kʷɨsar grass herbe 5.1) Bura (Blench) kusar Grass 5.2) Margi (Hoffman) psar grass 5.3) Margi South (Hoffman) sar grass 5.4) Kilba (Hoffman) sar grass 5.4.1) Kilba (Schuh) sar grass 5.4.2) Kilba (Schuh) sar waist

6Proto-Mandara *kʷɨzɨrɨ ʸ grass herbe 6.1) Podoko (Swackhammer) kuzə́ra,-ə herbe 6.2) Mandara (Fluckiger) kúʒaré herbe sauvage aux grains très minuscules que l'on mangeait en période de disette

7Proto-Mofu *kʷɨzɨr ʸ grass herbe 7.1) Ouldeme (Kinnaird) kùzàr grass herbe 7.2) Muyang (Smith) kʉzir grass herbe 7.2.1) Muyang (Smith) kʉzir fodder, leaves or grass foin, feuilles ou herbe 7.3) Moloko (Friesen) agʷədʒer grass, straw herbe; paille 7.4) Zulgo (Haller) kʷìzir herbe f. 7.5) Gemzek (Sabatai) kozer grass herbe 7.6) Merey (Gravina) guzer thatch (n) herbe, paille, chaume 7.7) Dugwor (Jubumna) gudʒeɗ grass herbe 7.8) Mofu North (Barreteau) gùzèr herbe 7.9) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) ́guzer herbe (nom gén.) 7.9.1) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) ́guzer sekko

8Proto-Maroua *gɨzɨŋ ʸ grass herbe 8.1) Giziga Moutourwa (Michielan) giziŋ herbe en général 8.2) Giziga Marva (Hamidou) giziŋ grass herbe 8.3) Mbazla (Tourneux) giʒiŋ herbe

9Proto-Lamang *kʷɨzɨŋ grass herbe 9.1) Hdi (Bramlett) kuzuŋ herb l'herbe

10Proto-Higi *gʷɨzɨn grass herbe 10.1) Kirya (Blench) swə̀n grass 10.2) Psikye (Angelo) gʷəzə grass 10.2.1) Psikye (Angelo) gʷəzú grass 10.2.2) Psikye (Angelo) guzú grass 10.3) Bana (Lienhard) gʷ(ə̀)zə̀n herbe, paille, litière
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lɨvari n. lion lion (8 groups, 14 languages) D syn: mabor, zɨjɨl.
There are a variety of apparently cognate forms collected here. The root is unlikely to have existed in Proto-Central Chadic, but was a later innovation or borrowing. The initial consonant was probably *l, which is not a native Central Chadic phoneme. In languages of the South sub-branch, where *l had not yet developed, the reflex was *ɮ. In other languages it had the reflex *r. The Mbara form is possibly cognate, though the balance of likelihood is that it is not.

1Proto-Bata *ɮavarɨ ʸ lion lion 1.1) Gude (Hoskinson) lìvjàrá -ə lion 1.2) Tsuvan (Johnston) ɮjaɮjaware le lion

2Proto-Daba *ɮɨvari lion lion 2.1) Buwal (Viljoen) levere lion lion 2.2) Daba (Lienhard) ɮə̀vàrì le lion

3Proto-Sukur *rivari lion lion 3.1) Sukur (Thomas) livari lion:- is a kind of very strong animals living in the bush with big eye. which seem to be the king of the whole animals. 3.2) Sukur (Thomas) rivari lion

4Proto-Hurza *alvare lion lion 4.1) Vame (Kinnaird) álvàrè lion lion

5Proto-Margi *lɨvari lion lion 5.1) Margi South (Harley) ləvari lion

6Proto-Mandara *rɨvarɨ lion lion 6.1) Podoko (Swackhammer) rəvára,-ə lion 6.2) Mandara (Fluckiger) évare lion 6.3) Malgwa (Löhr) ərvare lion 6.4) Glavda (Nghagyiva) árvàɾa lion 6.4.1) Glavda (Owens) árvá lion

7Proto-Higi *lɨvari lion lion 7.1) Kamwe-Futu (Harley) ləvari lion 7.2) Kirya (Blench) wùrávànə̀ lion

8Proto-Musgum *divaŋ lion lion 8.1) Mbara (Tourneux) divaŋ lion
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ɬa₁ nf. cow bœuf (18 groups, 54 languages)
This is the best attested root in Central Chadic, occuring in all eighteen groups. *ɬ has the regular reflex *ɮ in the South sub-branch, with the further regular reflex *l within part of the Bata group. *ɬ also has the regular reflexes *h in Buduma, *s in Proto-Kotoko South and some of the other Kotoko languages, and *ʃ in Mpade.

1Proto-Bata *ɮa cow vache 1.1) Gude (Hoskinson) cow 1.2) Jimi (Djibi) lan 2 - Bœuf 1.3) Sharwa (Gravina) la Bœuf ,bœufs 1.3.1) Sharwa (Gravina) la vache 1.4) Tsuvan (Johnston) ɮa le bœuf 1.4.1) Tsuvan (Johnston) ɮakən la vache

2Proto-Daba *ɮa cow vache 2.1) Buwal (Viljoen) ɮɑ ox (general term), bovine bœuf 2.2) Gavar (Viljoen) ɮɑ ox (general term), bovine bœuf 2.3) Mbudum (Ndokobaï) ɮa ox bœuf 2.4) MazagwayHidi (Noussi) ɮa boeuf 2.5) Daba (Lienhard) ɮà la vache, le bétail

3Proto-Mafa *ɮa cow vache 3.1) Mafa (Ndokobai) ɮe cow boeuf 3.2) Cuvok (Gravina) ɮa ox bœuf

4Proto-Tera *ɮa cow vache 4.1) Tera (Newman) ɮa cow 4.2) Nyimatli (Harley) ɮe cow 4.2.1) Nyimatli (Harley) ɮa cow (female)

5Proto-Sukur *ɮɨ cow vache 5.1) Sukur (David) ɮə cow, general term for cattle 5.2) Sukur (Thomas) ɮəŋa my cow; not belong to some one

6Proto-Hurza *ɬa cow vache 6.1) Mbuko (Gravina) ɬa cow boeuf, vache 6.2) Vame (Kinnaird) āɬā ox boeuf

7Proto-Margi *ɬa cow vache 7.1) Margi (Hoffman) ɬa cow 7.2) Margi South (Harley) thla cow 7.3) Kilba (Schuh) ɬa cow 7.4) Bura (Blench) ɬa, ɬi Cow

8Proto-Mandara *ɨɬa cow vache 8.1) Matal (Branger) ɬa cow boeuf 8.2) Podoko (Swackhammer) ɬa,-a vache, boeuf 8.3) Mandara (Fluckiger) éɬá boeuf (m) 8.4) Malgwa (Löhr) əthla cattle, cow 8.5) Glavda (Nghagyiva) ɬa cow (female)

9Proto-Mofu *ɬa cow vache 9.1) Ouldeme (Kinnaird) ɬà ox boeuf 9.2) Moloko (Friesen) ɬa cow vache; boeuf 9.3) Zulgo (Haller) ɬa vache f. 9.4) Gemzek (Sabatai) ɬa ox bœuf 9.5) Merey (Gravina) ɬa ox bœuf 9.6) Dugwor (Jubumna) mamij ɬa cow vache 9.7) Mofu North (Barreteau) ɬā bovin, vache, boeuf. 9.8) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) ɬa cow bovin, vache

10Proto-Maroua *ɬa cow vache 10.1) Giziga Moutourwa (Michielan) ɬa vache 10.2) Giziga Marva (Hamidou) ɬa ox bœuf 10.2.1) Giziga Marva (Hamidou) ɬa cow vache 10.3) Mbazla (Tourneux) ɬa vache

11Proto-Lamang *ɬa cow vache 11.1) Lamang (Wolff) ɬá cow 11.2) Hdi (Bramlett) ɬa cow la vache varieté zébu

12Proto-Higi *ɬa cow vache 12.1) Kamwe-Nkafa (Harley) ɬá cow 12.1.1) Kamwe-Nkafa (Harley) thla cow 12.2) Kirya (Blench) ɬá cow 12.3) Psikye (Angelo) ɬa cow 12.4) Bana (Lienhard) ɬá vache

13Proto-Kotoko Island *ha cow vache 13.1) Buduma (McKone) ha cow vache

14Proto-Kotoko North *ɬa cow vache 14.1) Afade (Allison) ɬa; ɬa l gɨrɨm cow vache 14.2) Mpade (Allison) ʃá cow vache 14.3) Malgbe (Allison) ɬa cow vache

15Proto-Kotoko Centre *ɬa cow vache 15.1) Lagwan (Allison) nɬa cow vache 15.2) Mser (Allison) sa ox bœuf

16Proto-Kotoko South *sa cow vache 16.1) Zina (Odden) àsà cow vache 16.2) Mazera (Allison) kɨsa cow vache

17Proto-Musgum *ɬaj cow vache 17.1) Vulum (Tourneux) ɬaj vache 17.2) Mulwi (Tourneux) ɬe boeuf 17.3) Mbara (Tourneux) wurɮaj cow

18Proto-Gidar *waɬɨja cow vache 18.1) Gidar (Hungerford) waɬija vache, boeuf 18.2) Gidar (Schuh) waɬija/0 vache
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ɬa₂ v. cut couper (13 groups, 34 languages) A
This is a very well attested Central Chadic root. The *ɬ has the regular reflex *ɮ in the South sub-branch. Within the Bata group, there has been a subsequent regular change *ɮ→l in most languages. *ɬ also has the regular reflex *s in several Kotoko languages. The ejective that is present in Proto-Kotoko North and Proto-Kotoko Centre may indicate that the root originally contained a glottal consonant such as *ɗ, which fused with the reflex of *ɬ, but without any supporting evidence this cannot be included in the reconstruction.

1Proto-Bata *ɮa cut couper 1.1) Gude (Hoskinson) la cut 1.2) Jimi (Djibi) lan 1 - Trouver, couper avec un couteau ou une hache ; 1.3) Sharwa (Gravina) la (se) couper 1.4) Tsuvan (Johnston) a ɮakən couper en morceau?

2Proto-Daba *ɮa cut couper 2.1) Buwal (Viljoen) ɮɑ cut couper 2.2) Gavar (Viljoen) ɮɑ cut with a blade (tr) couper avec une lame 2.2.1) Gavar (Viljoen) ɮɑ saw (wood) scier 2.3) Mbudum (Ndokobaï) ɮu cut (tr) couper 2.3.1) Mbudum (Ndokobaï) kəɮa butcher, cut up (meat) (v) abattre, découper (viande) 2.4) Daba (Lienhard) ɮà couper

3Proto-Tera *ɮa cut couper 3.1) Tera (Newman) ɮa cut (e.g. w/ knife)

4Proto-Sukur *ɮɨ cut couper 4.1) Sukur (David) ɮə cut, to

5Proto-Hurza *ɬa cut couper 5.1) Mbuko (Gravina) ɬa to cut (eg grass) couper (eg herbe) 5.2) Vame (Kinnaird) ɬáwā cut couper

6Proto-Margi *ɬa cut couper 6.1) Bura (Blench) ɬa To cut up in pieces 6.2) Margi (Hoffman) ɬə to cut (with axe) 6.3) Kilba (Schuh) ɬa/a cut 6.3.1) Kilba (Schuh) ɬa/a slaughter 6.3.2) Kilba (Schuh) ɬau cut

7Proto-Mandara *ɬa cut couper 7.1) Podoko (Swackhammer) ɬa couper

8Proto-Mofu cut couper 8.1) Ouldeme (Kinnaird) ɬì cut couper 8.2) Muyang (Smith) ɬɑj cut with a sickle couper (avec la faucille), couper en enlevant, couper l’obscurité 8.3) Zulgo (Haller) ɮe couper, faire une incision 8.4) Dugwor (Jubumna) maɬaj cut (tr) couper 8.5) Mofu North (Barreteau) méɬēj couper, circoncire 8.5.1) Mofu North (Barreteau) méɬēj appara"itre pour la lune, commencer (mois) 8.5.2) Mofu North (Barreteau) méɬēj ravir, épouser (femme) 8.6) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) ɬ ́ couper; circoncire 8.6.1) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) ɬ ́ apparaître (la lune), commencer (le mois)

9Proto-Maroua *ɬi cut couper 9.1) Mbazla (Tourneux) ɬi couper

10Proto-Higi *ɬa cut couper 10.1) Kamwe-Futu (Harley) ɬa cut open (papaya) 10.2) Kirya (Blench) ɬá cut, trim, sneeze, smell 10.3) Psikye (Angelo) ɬá cut 10.4) Bana (Lienhard) ɬá couper, tailler, trancher

11Proto-Kotoko North *ɬʼa cut couper 11.1) Afade (Allison) sʼa; sʼel chop into pieces fendre, couper en morceaux 11.2) Mpade (Allison) sʼà hò cut open fendre, ouvrir avec un couteau 11.2.1) Mpade (Allison) nsʼá chop into pieces fendre, couper en morceaux 11.3) Malgbe (Allison) ɬawun cut open fendre, ouvrir avec un couteau 11.3.1) Malgbe (Allison) sʼɨnjawun chop into pieces fendre, couper en morceaux

12Proto-Kotoko Centre *sʼa cut couper 12.1) Lagwan (Allison) sʼawun chop into pieces fendre, couper en morceaux 12.2) Mser (Allison) sʼia cut open fendre, ouvrir avec un couteau 12.2.1) Mser (Allison) sʼia has has chop into pieces fendre, couper en morceaux

13Proto-Musgum *ɬi cut couper 13.1) Mulwi (Tourneux) ɬi couper 13.2) Mbara (Tourneux) ɬii cut couper
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ɬaᵐbah n. leaf feuille (6 groups, 17 languages) D
This root is attested in some languages in the Mandara Mountains area. There is a fair degree of variation in the forms, and some parts of the reconstruction are provisional. Not all of the forms cited are necessarily cognate. It is possibly related to the root *ɬɨmɨɗ 'ear'.

1Proto-Daba *gʷaɬak leaf feuille 1.1) Buwal (Viljoen) gʷɑɬɑkʷ wide leaf used for wrapping things feuille large qui sert à l'embalage 1.2) Gavar (Viljoen) gʷɑɬɑk leaf feuille

2Proto-Mafa *ɮaᵐbaj, gamɬak leaf feuille 2.1) Mafa (Barreteau) ɮaᵐbaj feuille de mil 2.2) Cuvok (Gravina) gamɬak leaf feuille

3Proto-Mandara *ɬɨbahɨ leaf feuille 3.1) Matal (Branger) babaɬ ahaf leaf feuille 3.2) Podoko (Swackhammer) ɮə́baha,-ə feuille 3.3) Mandara (Fluckiger) ɬapa feuille (f), papier (m) 3.4) Dghwede (Frick) lbaxa leaf

4Proto-Mofu *ɬaᵐbah leaf feuille 4.1) Mada (Nkoumou) ɮbah j elle légume, feuille 4.2) Moloko (Friesen) aɬaᵐbah leaf feuille 4.3) Zulgo (Haller) ɬàᵐbah feuille f. 4.4) Gemzek (Sabatai) ɬaᵐbah leaf feuille 4.5) Merey (Gravina) ɬaᵐbah leaf feuille 4.6) Dugwor (Jubumna) ɬaᵐba leaf feuille 4.7) Mofu North (Barreteau) bāɬāh feuille

5Proto-Maroua *haɬaɓ leaf feuille 5.1) Giziga Moutourwa (Michielan) haɬaɓ feuilles du mil

6Proto-Gidar *gaɬᵐba leaf feuille 6.1) Gidar (Schuh) gaɬ ᵐba/a feuilles 6.2) Gidar (Hungerford) gaɬaᵐba feuille
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ɬira num. six six (2 groups, 3 languages) C syn: kɨwah, vɨnahkɨr, markɨɗ ʸ.
This is one of several roots for 'six', and is found only in the Musgum and Gidar groups. The vowel *i is tentatively reconstructed, but without great confidence.

1Proto-Musgum *ɬira six six 1.1) Vulum (Tourneux) ɬaara six 1.2) Mbara (Tourneux) ɬira six

2Proto-Gidar *ɬɨra ʸ six six 2.1) Gidar (Schuh) ɬəre six 2.2) Gidar (Hungerford) ɬre six, 6
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ɬɨɗɨn ʸ nf. tooth dent (18 groups, 53 languages) B
This root is found in all groups, and can be reconstructed for Proto-Chadic and in other branches of Afroasiatic. *ɬ behaves as expected, having the regular reflex *ɮ in the South sub-branch and other regular reflexes such as /l/, /s/ and /h/ in individual languages or group proto-languages. The final *n has the regular reflex *r in the Margi-Mandara-Mofu major group. *ɗ is reconstructed based on data from the Daba and Lamang groups. In the Daba group, the reflex /ɗ/ is found. In the Lamang group the Lamang language has /d/ and Hdi has /ʔ/, giving good grounds for reconstructing *ɗ. In the Hurza group, the Vame word gives support for a middle consonant in the root, but does not provide support for *ɗ itself. Under palatalisation,
regularly becomes /j/ in most languages, which accounts for its absence in some cases. There is evidence for the palatalisation prosody from almost all groups where it is a productive feature.

1Proto-Bata *ɮinɨ ʸ tooth dent 1.1) Bata (Boyd) linto tooth 1.2) Gude (Hoskinson) lìnjínə (inher. poss., body part) tooth, teeth 1.3) Jimi (Djibi) linjən Dent 1.4) Sharwa (Gravina) linjə Dent 1.5) Tsuvan (Johnston) ɮine la dent

2Proto-Daba *ɮɨɗaŋ ʸ tooth dent 2.1) Buwal (Viljoen) ɮəɗeŋ tooth dent 2.2) Gavar (Viljoen) ɮiɗeŋ tooth dent

3Proto-Mafa *ɮan ʸ tooth dent 3.1) Mafa (Barreteau) ɮene dent 3.2) Cuvok (Gravina) ɮeŋ tooth dent

4Proto-Tera *ɮin tooth dent 4.1) Tera (Newman) ɮin tooth (general term and incisor) 4.2) Nyimatli (Harley) ɮin tooth

5Proto-Sukur *ɮɨn ʸ tooth dent 5.1) Sukur (David) ɮjin tooth 5.2) Sukur (Thomas) ɮin teeth:- is something in the mouth for both human and animal usually for eating and bitting.

6Proto-Hurza *ɬahan tooth dent 6.1) Mbuko (Gravina) ɬan tooth dent 6.2) Vame (Kinnaird) ɬāhán tooth dent

7Proto-Margi *ɬɨr ʸ tooth dent 7.1) Margi (Hoffman) hjir tooth 7.2) Margi South (Harley) hjir tooth 7.2.1) Margi South (Hoffman) hjir tooth 7.3) Kilba (Hoffman) hjir tooth 7.3.1) Kilba (Schuh) hjir tooth 7.4) Bura (Blench) ɬir Tooth (Preferably 'hlir') (BR) 7.4.1) Bura (Blench) hir Tooth 7.4.2) Bura (Blench) hjir, hir Tooth, teeth

8Proto-Mandara *ɬɨrɨ ʸ tooth dent 8.1) Matal (Branger) ɬɪ᷆ɗ tooth dent 8.2) Podoko (Swackhammer) ɬira,-ə dent 8.3) Mandara (Fluckiger) ɬáré dent (f), défense d'éléphant, tranchant de la lame d'un instrument, croc d'un animal 8.4) Malgwa (Löhr) thlaare tooth 8.5) Glavda (Nghagyiva) ɬr̀ɗa tooth 8.6) Dghwede (Frick) ɬire tooth

9Proto-Mofu *ɬɨr ʸ tooth dent 9.1) Ouldeme (Kinnaird) āɬár tooth dent 9.2) Muyang (Smith) aɬər tooth dent 9.3) Mada (Nkoumou) aɬár dent 9.4) Moloko (Friesen) aɬar tooth dent 9.5) Zulgo (Haller) ɮír dent f. 9.6) Gemzek (Sabatai) ɮer tooth dent 9.7) Merey (Gravina) ɮer tooth dent 9.8) Dugwor (Jubumna) ɮer tooth dent 9.9) Mofu North (Barreteau) ɬér dent 9.10) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) ɬer dent ; croc, défense (d'éléphant)

10Proto-Maroua *ɬɨn ʸ tooth dent 10.1) Giziga Moutourwa (Michielan) ɬiŋ dent 10.2) Giziga Marva (Hamidou) ɬin tooth dent 10.3) Mbazla (Tourneux) ɬiŋ dent 10.3.1) Mbazla (SILSurvey) híŋ tooth dent

11Proto-Lamang *ɬiɗiŋ tooth dent 11.1) Lamang (Wolff) ɬidiŋ teeth 11.2) Hdi (Bramlett) ɬiʼiŋ tooth la dent

12Proto-Higi *ɬinɨ tooth dent 12.1) Kamwe-Futu (Harley) ɬino tooth 12.2) Kirya (Blench) ɬàj tooth 12.3) Psikye (Angelo) ɬənə́ tooth 12.4) Bana (Lienhard) ɬìnì dent

13Proto-Kotoko Island *hɨnaj tooth dent 13.1) Buduma (McKone) hənaj dent.

14Proto-Kotoko North *ɬɨr tooth dent 14.1) Afade (Allison) ɬɨr tooth dent 14.2) Mpade (Allison) ʃán tooth dent 14.3) Malgbe (Allison) ɬɨr tooth dent

15Proto-Kotoko Centre *ɬɨni tooth dent 15.1) Lagwan (Allison) ɬɨni tooth dent 15.2) Mser (Allison) sɨr tooth dent

16Proto-Kotoko South *sin tooth dent 16.1) Zina (Odden) sìn tooth dent 16.2) Mazera (Allison) sine tooth dent

17Proto-Musgum *ɬɨŋ tooth dent 17.1) Vulum (Tourneux) ɬɨŋɬɨŋ dent

18Proto-Gidar *ɬaja tooth dent 18.1) Gidar (Schuh) ɬaja, dent 18.2) Gidar (Hungerford) ɬaja dent
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ɬɨmɨɗ ʸ₂ n. ear oreille (18 groups, 53 languages) A cf: ɬɨmɨɗ ʸ.
This root is attested in all Central Chadic groups. The initial *ɬ has the regular reflex *ɮ in the South sub-branch and has regular reflexes in all alnguages. The *m is stable, except for the sporadic change to /ᵐb/ in Mafa. The final *ɗ is retained in Mafa and the Giziga languages, and there is the reflex /ʔ/ in Daba and Mbazla. Elsewhere the *ɗ has either been lost completely, or has been palatalised, with *ɗʲ→j. As a result of this, the palatalisation prosody is only apparent in four groups.

1Proto-Bata *ɮɨmi ʸ ear oreille 1.1) Gude (Hoskinson) lə̀má -ə (inher. poss.) name 1.2) Jimi (Djibi) limən 1 - Oreille; 2 - Nom 1.3) Sharwa (Gravina) limi oreille 1.3.1) Sharwa (Gravina) limi nom 1.4) Tsuvan (Johnston) ɮəme l'oreille

2Proto-Daba *ɮɨmɨʔ ʸ ear oreille 2.1) Gavar (Viljoen) ɮəm ear oreille 2.2) Buwal (Viljoen) ɮɑm ear oreille 2.3) MazagwayHidi (Noussi) ɮimi oreille 2.4) Daba (Lienhard) ɮìmī ʼ l'oreille ; écouter, entendre, obéir 2.5) Mbudum (Ndokobaï) ɮəm ear oreille

3Proto-Mafa *ɮɨmaɗ ear oreille 3.1) Mafa (Barreteau) ɮəᵐbaɗ oreille 3.2) Cuvok (Gravina) ɮəmaj ear oreille

4Proto-Tera *ɮim ear oreille 4.1) Tera (Newman) ɮim ear 4.1.1) Tera (Newman) ɮim name 4.2) Nyimatli (Harley) ɮu̱m ear 4.2.1) Nyimatli (Harley) ɮu̱m name

5Proto-Sukur *ɮɨmaj ear oreille 5.1) Sukur (David) ɮəmaj ear 5.2) Sukur (Thomas) ɮəmai ear; is the general term for ear.

6Proto-Hurza *ɬɨmaj ear oreille 6.1) Mbuko (Gravina) ɬəmaj ear oreille 6.2) Vame (Kinnaird) ɬəmaj ear oreille

7Proto-Margi *ɬɨmi ʸ ear oreille 7.1) Margi (Hoffman) ɬimi ear 7.2) Margi South (Harley) himi ear 7.3) Kilba (Schuh) hjimi ear 7.4) Bura (Blench) ɬim Ear

8Proto-Mandara *ɬɨmɨ ʸ ear oreille 8.1) Matal (Branger) ɬəm ear oreille 8.2) Podoko (Swackhammer) ɬəma,-ə 1 oreille 8.2.1) Podoko (Swackhammer) ɬəma,-ə 2 barbillon d'une flèche 8.3) Mandara (Fluckiger) hjama oreille (f) 8.4) Malgwa (Löhr) hjima ear 8.5) Glavda (Nghagyiva) çɨ̀mja ear 8.5.1) Glavda (Owens) çími leaf, ear 8.6) Dghwede (Frick) ɬəme ear

9Proto-Mofu *ɬɨmaj ear oreille 9.1) Ouldeme (Kinnaird) ɬə̄māj ear oreille 9.2) Muyang (Smith) ɬimi ear ; name oreille; nom 9.3) Mada (Nkoumou) ɬme oreille 9.4) Zulgo (Haller) ɮə́m oreille f. 9.5) Gemzek (Sabatai) ɮam ear oreille 9.6) Merey (Gravina) ɮəm ear oreille 9.7) Dugwor (Jubumna) ɮam ear oreille 9.8) Mofu North (Barreteau) ɬə́máj oreille 9.9) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) ɬəmaj ear oreille

10Proto-Maroua *ɬɨmɨɗ ʸ ear oreile 10.1) Giziga Moutourwa (Michielan) ɬimiɗ(i) oreille, nom, prénom 10.2) Giziga Marva (Hamidou) ɬimeɗ ear oreille 10.3) Mbazla (Tourneux) ɬəmaj oreille 10.3.1) Mbazla (SILSurvey) ʃímɛ̄ʼ ear oreille

11Proto-Lamang *ɬɨmɨŋ ear oreille 11.1) Hdi (Bramlett) ɬəməŋ ear l'oreille

12Proto-Higi *ɬɨmɨ ear oreille 12.1) Kamwe-Nkafa (Harley) ɬəmə ear 12.2) Kamwe-Futu (Harley) ɬimoᵑg ear 12.3) Kirya (Blench) ɬə́m ear, name 12.4) Bana (Lienhard) ɬə́mə́ oreille

13Proto-Kotoko Island *hɨmu ear oreille 13.1) Buduma (McKone) həmuə ear oreille 13.2) Buduma (McKone) həmu oreille, nom, anse.

14Proto-Kotoko North *ɬɨm ear oreille 14.1) Afade (Allison) ɬɨm ear oreille 14.2) Mpade (Allison) ʃimu ear oreille 14.3) Malgbe (Allison) ɬɨm ear oreille

15Proto-Kotoko Centre *ɬɨmi ear oreille 15.1) Lagwan (Allison) ɬɨmi ear oreille 15.2) Mser (Allison) sɨm; tobo ear oreille

16Proto-Kotoko South *sime ear oreille 16.1) Mazera (Allison) sime ear oreille

17Proto-Musgum *ɬɨma ʷ ear oreille 17.1) Mbara (Tourneux) ɬumo ear

18Proto-Gidar *ɬɨma ear oreille 18.1) Gidar (Hungerford) ɬəma oreille 18.1.1) Gidar (Schuh) ɬəma/a oreille

19Kanuri sə́mo ear oreille
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ɬɨmɨɗ ʸ₁ nm. name nom (12 groups, 23 languages) A cf: ɬɨmɨɗ ʸ.
This root is reconstructed to be identical with the root for 'ear', though the reflexes in individual languages may differ. It is not known if the two words are in fact two senses of the same word. *ɬ has the regular reflex *ɮ in the languages of the South sub-branch, and other regular reflexes in individual languages. The final *ɗ has the reflex *j in several groups due to the effect of palatalisation.

1Proto-Daba *ɮɨm name nom 1.1) Buwal (Viljoen) ɮɑm name nom 1.2) Gavar (Viljoen) ɮəm name nom

2Proto-Mafa *ɮɨᵐbaɗ name nom 2.1) Mafa (Barreteau) ńɮəᵐbáɗ nom

3Proto-Tera *ɮɨm name nom 3.1) Nyimatli (Harley) ɮu̱m name

4Proto-Hurza *ɬɨmaj name nom 4.1) Mbuko (Gravina) ɬəmaj name nom

5Proto-Margi *ɬim name nom 5.1) Bura (Blench) ɬim Name 5.2) Kilba (Schuh) ɬəm name

6Proto-Mandara *ɬɨm name nom 6.1) Matal (Branger) ɬəm name nom

7Proto-Mofu *ɬɨmɨj name nom 7.1) Muyang (Smith) ɬimi ear ; name oreille; nom 7.2) Mada (Nkoumou) ɬme nom 7.3) Moloko (Friesen) ɬəmaj ear oreille 7.3.1) Moloko (Friesen) ɬəmaj name nom 7.4) Gemzek (Sabatai) ɮam name nom 7.5) Dugwor (Jubumna) ɮam name nom

8Proto-Maroua *ɬɨmaɗ ʸ name nom 8.1) Giziga Marva (Hamidou) ɬimeɗ name nom 8.2) Mbazla (Tourneux) ɬəmaj nom 8.2.1) Mbazla (SILSurvey) sə̀máí name nom

9Proto-Kotoko North *ɬɨm name nom 9.1) Afade (Allison) ɬɨm; ɬɨm sewe; ɬɨm a tse name nom 9.2) Mpade (Allison) ʃímù name nom 9.3) Malgbe (Allison) ɬɨm name nom 9.4) Maltam (Allison) ɬɨm sɨ wawun; ɬɨm sɨ hili (mawe / grɨm) name nom

10Proto-Kotoko Centre *ɬɨmi name nom 10.1) Lagwan (Allison) ɬɨmi; ɬɨmi a bɨlam name nom 10.2) Mser (Allison) sɨm name nom

11Proto-Kotoko South *sɨma ʸ name nom 11.1) Zina (Odden) sə̀m name nom 11.2) Mazera (Allison) sime name nom

12Proto-Musgum *ɬɨm ʸ name nom 12.1) Mbara (Tourneux) ɬim name
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ɬɨrɨgi nf. root racine (11 groups, 31 languages) C
This root presents some difficulties in its reconstruction. The *ɬ is expected to have the reflex *ɮ in the South sub-branch, but this is not the case in any of the South groups (Bata, Daba, Mafa, Sukur). In the Bata group, there should also have been a subsequent change *ɮ→l in most languages, and this has not taken place. However, the regular change *r→l in the North sub-branch has taken place with a good degree of consistency. The *g has the unestablished reflexes /k/, /h/, /ᵑg/, /ŋ/ and /j/. In the Daba, Mafa and Maroua groups, and in some Mofu group languages, there is reduplication of the *ɬ. This is normally a sign that an initial consonant such as *h has been lost, but there is no direct evidence for such an initial consonant.

1Proto-Bata *ɬɨrɨgi root racine 1.1) Gude (Hoskinson) lhə́rə̀gínə root(s) 1.2) Jimi (Djibi) ɬərəgin Racines 1.3) Sharwa (Gravina) ɬjərjəgi racine 1.4) Tsuvan (Johnston) ɬere la racine

2Proto-Daba *ɬaɬalaj root racine 2.1) Buwal (Viljoen) ɬɑɬɑlɑj root racine

3Proto-Mafa *ɬaɬaraj root racine 3.1) Cuvok (Gravina) ɬaɬalaj root racine

4Proto-Sukur *ɬɨj root racine 4.1) Sukur (David) ɬi root 4.2) Sukur (Thomas) ɬəi root:- the part of a plant that grows under the ground and absorbs water and minerals that is send to the rest of the plant.

5Proto-Hurza *ɬɨlɨkaj root racine 5.1) Mbuko (Gravina) ɬəlaj root racine 5.2) Vame (Kinnaird) ɬə̄lkē root racine

6Proto-Mandara *ɬalɨh root racine 6.1) Matal (Branger) ɬⁱ̄lɪ̀h root racine 6.2) Mandara (Fluckiger) ɬalwe racine (f) 6.3) Malgwa (Löhr) thlalawe root 6.4) Glavda (Nghagyiva) ɬàlīja root 6.5) Dghwede (Frick) ɬəla root

7Proto-Mofu *ɬɨlaj root racine 7.1) Ouldeme (Kinnaird) ɬìkìlì root racine 7.2) Moloko (Friesen) ɬəlaj root racine 7.3) Zulgo (Haller) ɮílé racine f. 7.4) Gemzek (Sabatai) ɮəle racine 7.5) Merey (Gravina) ɮəlaj root racine 7.6) Dugwor (Jubumna) ɮəɮəlaj root racine 7.7) Mofu North (Barreteau) ɬə́fáj root racine 7.8) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) ɬaɬalaj racine ; (sens fig.) fils, richesse

8Proto-Maroua *ɬaɬalaki root racine 8.1) Giziga Moutourwa (Michielan) ɬaɬalak(a) daᵐbaɬa (Mj) racine d'arbre, remède (Mv: slaslak= dambasla: écorce de racine, racine. Mj slaslalak= racine d'un arbre sec 8.2) Giziga Marva (Hamidou) ɬaɬalak root racine 8.3) Mbazla (Tourneux) ʃilki, tʃelki racine 8.3.1) Mbazla (SILSurvey) hìlíkiʼ root racine

9Proto-Lamang *ɬɨrɨŋ root racine 9.1) Hdi (Bramlett) ɬərəŋ root la racine

10Proto-Higi *ɬɨlɨᵑgɨ root racine 10.1) Kamwe-Nkafa (Harley) thlərəna root 10.1.1) Kamwe-Nkafa (Harley) thərna root 10.2) Kirya (Blench) ɬìrᵑgá root 10.3) Psikye (Angelo) ɬúgú root 10.4) Bana (Lienhard) xjílílìŋ(ə) racine

11Proto-Gidar *ɬalwaja root racine 11.1) Gidar (Hungerford) ɬalwaja racine
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ɬɨwɨɗ ʸ nm. meat viande (16 groups, 43 languages) A
This is one of the most widely attested roots. The initial *ɬ has the regular reflex *ɮ in the South sub-branch, and the other reflexes are regular. The palatalisation prosody is present in many of the groups. In some groups it has combined with *ɗ, resulting in *j. In Mandara and Malgwa the *ɬ has been palatised and then moved to the velar position, resulting *hʲ, which is a regular process. In Matal and Podoko the *w and *d have fused, resulting in /ɓ/, and in Hdi the same phonemes have resulted in /ʔʷ/. These are both common sporadic processes.

1Proto-Bata *ɮɨwɨ ʸ meat viande 1.1) Gude (Hoskinson) lə̀wá -ə meat, wild animal 1.2) Jimi (Djibi) liwən Viande 1.3) Sharwa (Gravina) liwə Viande 1.4) Tsuvan (Johnston) ɮiwe la viande

2Proto-Daba *ɮɨj ʸ meat viande 2.1) Buwal (Viljoen) ɮej flesh chair 2.1.1) Buwal (Viljoen) ɮej meat viande 2.2) Gavar (Viljoen) ɮi meat viande 2.2.1) Gavar (Viljoen) ɮi flesh chair 2.3) Mbudum (Ndokobaï) ɮi meat viande

3Proto-Mafa *ɮɨwaɗ ʸ meat viande 3.1) Mafa (Ndokobai) ɮuweɗ meat viande 3.1.1) Mafa (Barreteau) ɮúwéɗ viande 3.2) Cuvok (Gravina) ɬaw meat viande

4Proto-Tera *ɮu meat viande 4.1) Tera (Newman) ɮu meat 4.2) Nyimatli (Harley) ɮu meat

5Proto-Sukur *ɮɨwɨɗ ʸ meat viande 5.1) Sukur (David) ɬuwij meat 5.2) Sukur (Thomas) ɮui meat; is the general term for meat; the flesh of an animals or a birds eating as food.

6Proto-Hurza *ɬɨwaɗ ʸ meat viande 6.1) Mbuko (Gravina) ɬuweɗ meat viande 6.2) Vame (Kinnaird) ɬūwé meat viande

7Proto-Mandara *ɬɨwɨɗ ʸ meat viande 7.1) Matal (Branger) ɬəb meat viande 7.2) Podoko (Swackhammer) ɬəɓa,-ə viande 7.3) Mandara (Fluckiger) hjua viande (f) 7.4) Malgwa (Löhr) hjuwa meat, flesh 7.5) Glavda (Nghagyiva) ɬùwa meat 7.5.1) Glavda (Owens) ł meat

8Proto-Mofu *ɬɨw meat viande 8.1) Ouldeme (Kinnaird) ɬū meat viande 8.2) Muyang (Smith) ɑɬu flesh ; meat viande; chaire 8.3) Mada (Nkoumou) osɬo viande 8.4) Zulgo (Haller) ɬú viande f. 8.5) Gemzek (Sabatai) ɬo meat viande 8.6) Merey (Gravina) ɬaw viande 8.6.1) Merey (Gravina) ɮaw meat viande 8.6.2) Merey (Gravina) ɬo viande 8.7) Dugwor (Jubumna) ɬaw meat viande 8.8) Mofu North (Barreteau) ɬàw viande 8.9) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) aɬaw meat viande, chair animale (viande ou poisson)

9Proto-Lamang *ɬɨʔʷi meat viande 9.1) Lamang (Wolff) ɬùw meat 9.2) Hdi (Bramlett) ɬuʼi meat la viande

10Proto-Higi *ɬɨj meat viande 10.1) Kamwe-Futu (Harley) ɬji meat; flesh 10.2) Kirya (Blench) ɬè meat 10.3) Psikye (Angelo) ɬi meat

11Proto-Kotoko Island *hu meat viande 11.1) Buduma (McKone) meat viande

12Proto-Kotoko North *ɬɨw meat viande 12.1) Mpade (Allison) ʃú meat viande 12.2) Malgbe (Allison) ɬu meat viande

13Proto-Kotoko Centre *ɬɨw meat viande 13.1) Lagwan (Allison) ɬu meat viande 13.2) Mser (Allison) su meat viande

14Proto-Kotoko South *asu meat viande 14.1) Zina (Odden) àsú meat viande

15Proto-Musgum *ɬɨwɨt meat viande 15.1) Vulum (Tourneux) ɬuk viande 15.2) Mbara (Tourneux) ɬuk meat 15.3) Muskum (Tourneux) ɬuwut viande

16Proto-Gidar *ɬɨwɨ meat viande 16.1) Gidar (Schuh) ɬuwa/0 viande 16.2) Gidar (Hungerford) ɬuwa viande
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ɮɨɗɨm num. five cinq (7 groups, 25 languages) B syn: hʷɨtif, ɬensi.
This root is found in the languages of the Mandara Mountains and the Eastern Plains, though not in the Hurza or Daba groups. The initial *ɮ is devoiced in the Musgum and Gidar groups. In Gidar this is a regular change, but it is irregular in Proto-Musgum. *ɗ is reconstructed on the basis of evidence from the Mandara, Maroua, Musgum and Gidar groups. In Proto-Mandara there was a regular change *m→w word-final, but Podoko retains /m/ here. In Mandara, Malgwa, Glavda and Dghwede the *w has fused with *ɗ to form /ɓ/, which is a regular sporadic process. In the Maroua group, the Mbazla data includes /ⁿd/ as an irregular reflex of *ɗ. In the Musgum and Gidar groups, there is /ʔ/ as a reflex of *ɗ which is a common sporadic change. There is no language where *ɗ is retained as /ɗ/, but the evidence justifies the reconstruction of *ɗ. *i is reconstructed in Proto-Mandara and Proto-Maroua. It is possible that *i should be reconstructed for Proto-Central Chadic, but more data would be necessary to justify this.

1Proto-Mafa *ɮam five cinq 1.1) Mafa (Barreteau) ɮám cinq 1.2) Cuvok (Gravina) ɮam five (5) cinq (5)

2Proto-Sukur *ɮam five cinq 2.1) Sukur (David) ɮam five 2.2) Sukur (Thomas) ɮamɮam five:- five for counting things.

3Proto-Mandara *ɮiɗɨm five cinq 3.1) Matal (Branger) əɮu, əɮəw five cinq 3.2) Podoko (Swackhammer) ɮama,-ə cinq 3.3) Mandara (Fluckiger) íɮeɓe cinq 3.4) Malgwa (Löhr) iidhləbe five 3.5) Glavda (Nghagyiva) ɮᵊɓa five (5) 3.6) Dghwede (Frick) ɮipʼe five

4Proto-Mofu *ɮɨm five cinq 4.1) Ouldeme (Kinnaird) ɮàm five cinq 4.2) Muyang (Smith) ɮam five cinq 4.3) Mada (Nkoumou) zɮàm, ázɮàmá cinq 4.4) Moloko (Friesen) ɮom five cinq 4.5) Zulgo (Haller) əɮəm cinq 4.6) Gemzek (Sabatai) ɮəm five cinq 4.7) Merey (Gravina) ɮam five (5) cinq (5) 4.8) Dugwor (Jubumna) ɮam five (5) cinq (5) 4.9) Mofu North (Barreteau) ɮàm (num.) cinq 4.10) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) ́ɮam cinq

5Proto-Maroua *ɮiⁿdam five cinq 5.1) Giziga Moutourwa (Michielan) ɮùm cinq, 5 5.2) Giziga Marva (Hamidou) ɮom five (5) cinq (5) 5.3) Mbazla (SILSurvey) lǐdāmuʼ five cinq 5.3.1) Mbazla (Tourneux) ɮiⁿdam cinq

6Proto-Musgum *ʔɨɬɨm ʸ five cinq 6.1) Vulum (Tourneux) ɬim cinq 6.2) Mbara (Tourneux) ʼiɬim five

7Proto-Gidar *ɬaʔ ʸ five cinq 7.1) Gidar (Hungerford) ɬeʼ cinq
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ɮɨgʷamɨ ʸ nf. camel chameau (14 groups, 32 languages) A syn: kaligimo, ᵑgʲaluba.
This root has come into Central Chadic from the Berber *alɣʷəm. The change from Berber *l to *ɮ is consistent with a considerable degree of time depth, since it implies that the word was adopted before the creation of *l in Proto-Central Chadic North. This conflicts with evidence from archaeology, which leads to a more recent date for the arrival of the camel in the Central Chadic region. The *ɮ is realised as *l in Proto-Kotoko Island, Proto-Kotoko North and Proto-Musgum, and is devoiced in Proto-Higi and Proto-Gidar. The change in Proto-Gidar is a regular change, but the change is unestablished in the other groups. The evidence for the palatalisation prosody is inconsistent. The prosody is present in Jimi in the Bata group, and in the Hurza and Mofu groups, but is absent in other groups where it would be expected. There is support from the *i in Proto-Tera and Proto-Higi, the *e in Proto-Kotoko Island and Proto-Kotoko North and from some languages in the Mandara group.

1Proto-Bata *ɮɨgʷamɨ ʸ camel chameau 1.1) Bata (Boyd) lùkʷàpto camel 1.2) Jimi (Djibi) ligʷamən Chameau 1.3) Tsuvan (Johnston) ɮəᵑgume le chameau

2Proto-Daba *ɮakama ʷ camel chameau 2.1) Daba (Lienhard) ɮòkòmò le chameau

3Proto-Tera *ɮimox camel chameau 3.1) Nyimatli (Harley) ɮimokh camel

4Proto-Sukur *ɮɨgʷam camel chameau 4.1) Sukur (Thomas) ɮəgʷam camel: is an animal with a long neck and a hump on its back. it is used for carring goods and for ridding.

5Proto-Hurza *ɮɨgʷama ʸ camel chameau 5.1) Mbuko (Gravina) ɮugʷeme camel (occasional visitor from Chad) chameau (vient rarement de Tchad) 5.2) Vame (Kinnaird) áɮə̀gʷèmè camel chameau

6Proto-Margi *ɮɨgʷam camel chameau 6.1) Bura (Blench) likamo Camel 6.2) Margi South (Harley) ɮugʷam camel

7Proto-Mandara *ɮɨgʷamɨ camel chameau 7.1) Matal (Branger) ɮəgʷməj, ɮəgʷmi, ɮugmi camel chameau 7.2) Podoko (Swackhammer) ɮə́gʷama,-ə chameau 7.3) Mandara (Fluckiger) éɮegʷame chameau (m) 7.4) Malgwa (Löhr) ədhlugʷame camel 7.5) Glavda (Nghagyiva) áɮgʷàma camel 7.6) Dghwede (Frick) ɮugʷama camel

8Proto-Mofu *ɮɨgʷama ʸ camel chameau 8.1) Ouldeme (Kinnaird) áɮə̀gʷèmè camel chameau 8.2) Muyang (Smith) eɮiɡwemi camel chameau 8.3) Moloko (Friesen) eɮegʷeme camel chameau 8.4) Zulgo (Haller) ɮìgʷìmè chameau m. 8.5) Gemzek (Sabatai) ɮegume camel chameau 8.5.1) Gemzek (Sabatai) ɮugme chameau 8.6) Merey (Gravina) ɮəgʷeme camel chameau 8.7) Dugwor (Jubumna) ɮegʷeme camel chameau 8.8) Mofu North (Barreteau) ɮèg[ivèmè dromadaire 8.8.1) Mofu North (Barreteau) ɮèg[ivèmè chameau 8.9) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) ́ɬagʷama dromadaire, chameau

9Proto-Maroua *ɮɨgama ʷ camel chameau 9.1) Giziga Moutourwa (Michielan) ɮogomo (Mt), ɮogomoŋ (Mj), aɮogomoŋ (Mv) dromadaire 9.2) Mbazla (Tourneux) ʼaɮgomo chameau, dromadaire

10Proto-Higi *ɬɨgʷami camel chameau 10.1) Kamwe-Futu (Harley) thəgʷami camel

11Proto-Kotoko Island *logʷɨme camel chameau 11.1) Buduma (McKone) loguəme; loguəmema camel chameau 11.2) Buduma (McKone) logume chameau.

12Proto-Kotoko North *logome camel chameau 12.1) Malgbe (Allison) logome camel chameau

13Proto-Musgum *lukma camel chameau 13.1) Mbara (Tourneux) lukma dromedary dromadaire, chameau

14Proto-Gidar *ɬagama ʷ camel chameau 14.1) Gidar (Hungerford) ɬogomo chameau
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ɮɨwɨn n. fear peur (6 groups, 16 languages)
The reflexes of this root are largely regular. Word-final *n→r in Proto-Mofu as part of a regular process. There are several examples of the irregular loss of the *n, and an interesting instance of reduplication in Podoko. The *i in Proto-Mandara and Proto-Lamang, and the palatalisation prosody in Proto-Mofu may indicate that the palatalisation prosody should be reconstructed, though the Mafa, Hurza and Maroua data does not give support.

1Proto-Mafa *ɮaw fear peur 1.1) Mafa (Barreteau) ɮáw peur

2Proto-Hurza *ɮɨwan fear peur 2.1) Mbuko (Gravina) ɮawan fear peur 2.2) Vame (Kinnaird) ɮùŋgʷàts fear ; be frightened craindre 2.2.1) Vame (Kinnaird) ɮə̀ᵑgùtsà frighten effrayer

3Proto-Mandara *ɮɨɮɨwi fear peur 3.1) Podoko (Swackhammer) ɮɨ́ɮəwe,-i peur

4Proto-Mofu *ɮɨwɨr ʸ fear peur 4.1) Ouldeme (Kinnaird) ɮə̀ŋàts be afraid craindre 4.2) Mada (Nkoumou) máɮàwàl craindre 4.2.1) Mada (Nkoumou) maɮawa craindre 4.3) Moloko (Friesen) ɮaw fear craindre 4.4) Merey (Gravina) ɮuwer fear (n) crainte 4.5) Dugwor (Jubumna) ɮuwer (be) afraid (avoir) peur 4.6) Mofu North (Barreteau) méɮùrèj craindre 4.6.1) Mofu North (Barreteau) méɮùrèj avoir peur 4.7) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) ɮúr craindre, avoir peur, effrayer

5Proto-Maroua *ɮɨwɨn fear peur 5.1) Giziga Moutourwa (Michielan) ɮuwun ti avoir peur, craindre, être angoissé 5.2) Giziga Marva (Hamidou) ɮuwan fear (n) craindre 5.2.1) Giziga Marva (Hamidou) ɮuwan (be) afraid (avoir) peur 5.3) Mbazla (Tourneux) ɮaw craindre

6Proto-Lamang *ɮɨwiŋ fear peur 6.1) Lamang (Wolff) ɮuwiŋ fear 6.2) Hdi (Bramlett) ɮəŋ fear la peur 6.2.1) Hdi (Bramlett) ɮəŋaj to fear craindre
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mahʷa n. horn corne (3 groups, 4 languages) C syn: lagan, dɨrɨm, ᵐbɨkʷɨm.
This is one of the rarer roots for 'horn', and is found only in three groups in the Eastern Plains area. The labialisation component of the *h has been reanalysed as the labialisation prosody in Proto-Musgum and Proto-Gidar, which is a common sporadic process.

1Proto-Kotoko South *ahʷa horn corne 1.1) Zina (Odden) àhʷàl horn corne 1.2) Mazera (Allison) mɨhue horn corne

2Proto-Musgum *maha ʷ horn corne 2.1) Mbara (Tourneux) moho horn

3Proto-Gidar *maha ʷ horn corne 3.1) Gidar (Schuh) moho, o corne 3.2) Gidar (Hungerford) mohõ corne
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