Configuring PHP

The initial import process can take some time. In addition, PHP defaults to uploading a max file size of 2 MB. This limit was intended for development environments. Our dictionary files are generally bigger than that. You will need to find the php.ini file for the site and make the following changes:

  • upload_max_filesize = 50M
  • post_max_size = 100M (I saw somewhere that post_max_size has to be at least the size of upload_max_size, so that's the reason for this setting.)
  • max_input_time = 600
  • max_execution_time = 3600
  • output_buffering = Off (this is so that one can see the import progress shown)
  • extension=php_intl.dll (for normalization to work in Windows)
    run "apt-get install php5-intl" (for normalization to work on a Debian server)

These settings are suggested. A web administrator may wish to tweak them.

For these settings to take effect, you must restart the Apache server. To do that, see the next section

Apache Server Restart

Restarting Apache depends on your operating system or software package. Following are the two we have experience with.


WAMP, which is used on windows machines, has a "Restart All Services" in its Quick Admin.


To restart Apache by hand:

$ sudo /usr/sbin/apache2ctl restart

There is a graceful restart as well.