Entries explained

There are two kinds of entries in this dictionary. First there are the main entries. They contain complete information about the word in question. Then there are secondary entries. These are, for example, verb forms or noun plurals which are located far from their basic form in the alphabetical order. These entries only give information about the form of the word and the reference to the main entry. Here is an example:

ɲiɛn2 pl. de ɲinu1

so2 passé de see2

If you now click on ɲinu1 or see2 you are taken to that word (the main entry) with its meaning and all the rest of the information.


In each entry, the Daani word appears in bold and burgundy red letters.


Words which are spelled the same are distinguished by a number after the word as in the example:

baa1 pron.pers  ils, les

baa2 (passé baara) v  fendre (hache)


Variants of words are indicated by the tag var., followed by the variant type, as in this example:

mibusan (var.lib. mimusan) v  vouloir


The grammatical category of the Daani word is shown in italics, as v  in the example above.


The explanation in French (meaning of the Daani word) is indicated in ordinary letters. If a word has several distinct meanings, they are numbered 1) 2). If the different definitions are just nuances of the same meaning, they are separated by a comma:

tun2 n  1) pays 2) terre, sol

wan2 n  chemin, route


Additional information, put within parentheses, clarifies or specifies the explanation in French:

dɛrɛmi n  langue (partie du corps)


For all abbreviations used in this dictionary, see this list.