Browse Daasanach – English


yaQWwhich; whoCprmeete1Gnrmeete1sfxya
yaaAUX(foc)I(foc) amCpryááHar yú ko met ʼdaatí Waáꞌ gaa yieka, af kinaalka yaa ko in ká ʼdie.Free translationif I you head direction-that Waá in said-if, time that-when I(foc) you eyes to moved; If I said "Waá " in (the) direction in front of you, then I(foc) am in front of you.MSGGnryáá
yaabADJmaleswanaumeCprʼdedhítgál-yaab/gályaab/Free translationpeople-male (i.e. men)PLGnrgál-yaabyaabíntiyaayabyabyabyabichyab
yaabíntiNThose who see themselves or take themselves as a brave respectable person.; One who will not be mocked by anybody.; Those who are generous (depending on how the sentence is constructed).adabu; ukarimu5GnryaabyabichyabOther Formyaabinti
yaaʼdeprf. 2nd. ofyáar
yaaljàːlVI stood there upright; I resembled (it)/Mu gáál mé ki yaalká,....//Yú hé hát đafar ká yaalká arge./ʼDég ali he ʼgííyyâ?Eé ʼdég hátle ali (he) ʼgiiyye (ʼgiiyyo).Cpríđigmé-ki-yaalnilikuwa nikisimama; nilifanana kituunspec. var.yaalmítiyáalGnrtaalyáalCprmé-ki-yaal
yaalinytaaliny1ipf. neg. 1st. sg. ofyáal1Se beríka hé ali ma yaaliny.2I am not standing; I am not being upright
yaalítinom. vrb. ofyáalNVstanding in placeCprmé-ʼdú-yaalíti
yaallaipf. 1st. sg. ofyáal1Se beríka taallé ali yaalla.2I stand; he stands; I hold; he holdsKJH-in Kitale2001="holds"{lk01:33}
yaalmisanoNstaturesMPLyaalmítiunspec. var. ofyaalGnryaalmítiunspec. var. ofyaalyaalmisam
yaalmitléSTAThis stature; her stature; it's statureCprhátleCprhátlecreated by MissingLv
yaalmítijàːlmɪ́tìNVstature; looks; nature; the way; reason; shape; happening/Yaalmichlé midhab.//Mú yaalmichle hé ʼdeew./CpraalmíchihúgumkagtákaFyaal+mítiyaalmisanounspec. var. ofyaalyáalGnryaalmisanoyaalmítiyaalmityaalmítyaalmíchiyaalmichyaalmích
yaarannaipf. 2nd. ofyáar
yaaráacommand plu. ofyáar
yaareprf. 1st. ofyáarVI made a grunting sound; It(M) roared
yaarinyipf. neg. ofyáar
yaarítiNVgrunting soundFCLyáarGnryaareyáaryáar
yaarmaipf. 1st. ofyáar
yaarojus. 1st. of yáar
yaawNpoles:for boat pushingmiti ya kusukuma mashuaMPL1Sgyáám
yaayármoVroaring continuiouslyyármoyáarGnryáaripf. 1st.yayarma
yabADJman; malemwanamumeCprʼdedhítʼdeetmáá-yábSGyaayabyabichGnrmáá-yábyaabyaayabyabyabichyabOther Formyáb
yabichNmale; one of a kind(Neg sense)/Máállá yabich/MSGyabGnryaabyaabíntiyab
yaliteNgrass:blade of this typeFSG2yál+itePlyálCMP