Browse Daasanach – English


nachuoliʼbeyNrufus chattererArgya rubiginosaaina ya ndegeFCN5
naʼdieprf. 2nd. ofnárig
nadha1sub. jus. 1st. ofVI should pass by
nadha2ipf. 1st. ofVI passed by
nadheprf. 1st. ofVI passed; I wentOther Formnadhí
nadhíe1command plu. ofnêwnaꞌ
nadhíe2command plu. of
nagááʼdíNbusiness personmwenye wanafanya biasharaCprnagíʼd1nagíʼd2Nagááʼdí hé ali iđo.Free translationbusiness-people they-are place(inspecific) being(F); Business people are around/exist.FCL5
nagidanoNcommercial peopleMPLnagíʼd2Gnrnagíʼd2
nagíʼd1ADJcommerce type; business typeCprnagááʼdígaal nigidká é sedhe.gaal nigíʼdo hujich nanaa.FOC nigíʼdoOther FormnigíʼdOther FormnigídOther Formnagíd
nagíʼd2Ncommercial peopleCprnagááʼdígaal nigidká é sedhe.gaal nigíʼdo hujich nanaa.(not sure)CL1nagidanoGnrnagidanonagíʼd2Other FormnigíʼdOther FormnigídOther Formnagíd
naʼgéraNStriped HyaenaHyaena hyaenaFisi(not sure)SG5
naʼgúmnəɠúmNAMplace name
naꞌVdo; set in motionfanyaCpreegeméso1egemésoeekémeshunspec. var. ofékeshékesh/Ány naꞌ!/Free translationStock animals move!; Move the animals!/Hujich naꞌ!/Free translationwork do!; Do work!; Fanya kazi!BVIMP(SG)he-gaa-nímminanaa1nannienanniiyyonanno2nanuonáánaꞌnáásonêwnímunspec. var.henímiGnrʼdíínaꞌeekémeshunspec. var. ofékeshhođiteprf. 1st. ofhođísohol-ka-náásohol-náásishmé-naꞌmé-náacommand plu. ofmé-naꞌnaannáanáánaꞌnaannúonanniiyyenáánaꞌnanno2naꞌnáánaꞌnaꞌnáásonaꞌnêwnaꞌThe Nominalized verbal (NV) forms need verification.náa1command plu.GnrnaannáVdo; set in motionnannúá ~ nannokádep. 1st.nanniyyúá ~ nanniiyyokádep. 2nd.nannaaipf. 1st.VI am passing; I am movingnanniiyya ~ nanniyyaipf. 2nd.naniny1ipf. neg.Vdoingnuojus. 1st.nùɔ̀Vlet us(in) do(it)hujich kí us(in) let do/perform.; Let us(in) do (the)work.niiyyojus. 2nd.naa1sub. jus. 1st.VI should do(it); I should set(it) in motionniiyyasub. jus. 2nd.niinynom. vrb.NVdoing; actionnímminom. vrb.Gnrhe-gaa-nímminaꞌnímnaꞌNVdoingin hol ki nímmieyes together with doing; make everything ready/ ʼbílchia in hol ki nannaa. /house-mine eyes together with doingnieprf. 1st.nìɛ̀Gnrniiyyeprf. 2nd. ofnaꞌVI did(it)niiyyeprf. 2nd.Gnrnieprf. 1st. ofnaꞌVyou(sg) did(it)níinyprf. neg.
NaikayanəikəjəNAMvillage nameCprng'aarich
naʼjúochóNfish typesamaki aina yaFCL5
nakabuoniteNcorn kernelmbegu moja ya mahindiFSGL1Gnrnakabúónonakabúóno-umuteOther Formnakaboonite
nakabúónoNcorn; maizemahindiNakabuono héllé ki ʼgiteká meenyle háteeye?FCL1POS nakabuonoGnrnakabuonitenakabúóno-umuteOther Formnakabóóno
nakabúóno-umuteN-CPXcernal of cornmbegu moja ya mahindiFSG5GnrnakabuonitenakabúónoOther Formnakabóóno-umute
nakúrsheNsickness:certain typeFCL5
namérisíáNgenet catGenetta genettaFCL5Other Formnaméresíá
namóleNgrass:type ofDiplachne fusca (L.) Stapf.majani:aina yaA semi-aquatic grass, an annual and persistant. Can reach the height of 2m. where undisturbed.1.Cows eat this grass, yields a lot of milk 2.Used as thatching 3.Used to start firesFSG5
nanaa1VI am passing; I am movingninapitanaꞌGnrnáánaꞌnaꞌ
nanaa2ipf. 1st. ofnáánaꞌnaꞌVI do(it) repeatedly; I do a performative notion repeatedly; I move repeatedly