ᦵᦍᦲᧄ ᦣᧇ ᦃᧁᧉ ᦉᦴᧈ ᦈᦹᧈ ᦶᦑᧃ ᦺᦑ ᦟᦹᧉ

ᦌᦸᦰ ᦠᦱ ᦅᧄ ᦠᦹᧉ ᦵᦎᧅ ᦃᧁᧉ ᦺᦓ ᦠᦸᧂᧉ Search. ᦵᦎᧅ ᦷᦎ ᦺᦑ ᦟᦹᧉ ᧞ ᦷᦎ ᦁᧂ ᦂᦲᧆ ᦅᦸᧉ ᦺᦡᧉ.

ᦟᦸᧂ ᦡᦴ: ᦵᦎᧅ 500 ᦵᦗᦲᧈ ᦠᧃ ᦂᦱᧃᧉ ᦅᧄ ᦁᧃ ᦅᦳᧃ ᦺᦑ ᦔᦱᧅ ᦂᧃ ᦜᦻ ᦜᦻ ᧕ ᦣᦾᧉ ᦅᧄ.


ᦺᦑ ᦟᦹᧉ - ᦁᧂ ᦂᦲᧆ

laʔ⁵prepositionper; eachᦋᧁᧈ ᦵᦣᦲᧃ ᦔᦲ ᦟ ᧔᧘᧐᧐ ᦶᦍᧃᧉ.Rent a house for 4,800 yuan per year.8.1.5All
ᦟᦰlaʔ⁵2000verb (transitive)to abandon; leaveᦟᦰ ᦟᦴᧅ ᧞ ᦵᦙ.He abandoned his children and his wife.ᦟᦰ ᦟᧂᧉ ᦓᦸᧃ ᦊᦴᧈ.He left his boxes lying around. something4.3.3.3Abandonᦉᦰᦜᦰᦔᦾᧈᦟᦰᦔᦾᧈᦵᦟᦲᧂᦕᦲᧉᦟᦰᦙᦱᧂᧉᦟᦰᦶᦝᧆᦟᦰᦟᦰᦉᦺᦈᦟᦰᦶᦝᧆᦟᦰᦵᦞᦟᦱᦦᦱᧂᧉᦟᦰᦟᦱᧂᧉ
ᦟᦰᦉᦺᦈlaʔ⁵sacaj¹adjectivecarefree; complacent4.4.1Prosperityᦟᦰᦺᦈ1
ᦟᦰᦉᦖᦲAlternate spelling ofᦟᦉᦖᦲsplendour
ᦟᦰᦉᦲlasii¹2000nounhermit. [Note: Hermits are monks who live outside the monastery system. Often they are charismatic people who claim supernatural powers.]ᦎᧂᧉ ᦠᧃᧉ ᦙᧃ ᦓᦳᧂᧈ ᦕᦱᧉ ᦍᦸᧄᧉ ᦚᦱᧆ ᦟ ᦉᦲ.From then on he wore the saffron robe of a hermit.ᦈᧁᧉ ᦟᦰ ᦉᦲ ᦅᦸᧉ ᦵᦂᧇ ᦀᧁ ᦋᦻ ᦷᦑᧅ ᦔᦲᧃ ᦟᦴᧅ ᦉᦲᧅ, ᦠᦹᧉ ᦙᧃ ᦷᦢᧆᧈ ᦔᦲᧃ ᦟᦰ ᦉᦲ ᦔᦱᧈ.The hermit took the poor man as his disciple, and had him ordained as a jungle hermit. personᦈᧁᧉᦟᦰᦉᦲᦟᦰᦉᦲᦈᧁᧉSanskritrsiascetic, sage, hermitSanskritrsiascetic, sage, hermit
ᦟᦰᦒᦱlatʰaa⁴ᦟᦒᦱnounrailroad trainᦅᧃ2 2ᦟᧄ1 2ᦟ ᦒᦱ ᦠᦸᧂᧉ ᦵᦙᦲᧂ ᦷᦜᧂ ᦟᦱᧅ ᦶᦃᧅᧈ.The trains in the big cities carry passengers.ᦑᦱᧂᦟᦰᦒᦱᦟᦰᦒᦱᦺᦝ
ᦟᦰᦒᦱᦺᦝlatʰaa⁴faj⁴nounrailroad trainᦟᦰ ᦒᦱ ᦺᦝ ᦶᦎᧃᧈ.Electric train.ᦟᦰ ᦒᦱ ᦺᦝ ᦕ ᦵᦑᧆ ᦣᧁ ᦓᧄᧉ ᦺᦞ ᦙᧃ ᦅᦸᧉ ᦺᦞ ᦙᦱ ᦢᧁᧈ ᦃᦱᧆ.The speed of our country's trains is continuously increasing.ᦟᦰᦒᦱᦺᦝ
ᦟᦰᦒᦲlatʰii⁴2000nounpower; strengthᦎᦱᧄ ᦟᦰ ᦒᦲ ᦘ ᦍᦱ ᦈᧁᧉ ᦓᦲᦰ ᦅᦸᧉ ᦃᦳᧄᧈ ᦶᦗᧉ ᦑᧂ ᦵᦐᦲ ᦷᦟᧅ ᦉᦳᧂ ᦉᦱᧃ ᦵᦠᦲᧃᧉ.With your strength you could conquer the whole world.ᦚᦳᧃᧈ ᦺᦇᧈ ᦚᦳᧂ ᦓᦲᦰ ᦙᦲ ᦟᦰ ᦒᦲ ᦃᦱᧉ ᦶᦙᧂ ᦘᦰ ᦍᦱᧆ.This powder has the power to kill germs.2.4.1Strongᦂᧄᧈᦟᧂᦟᦰᦒᦲᦵᦎᦋᦟᦰᦒᦲ
ᦟᦰᦶᦝᧆlaʔ⁵fæt⁵verb (transitive)to abandon; discardᦟᦰ ᦶᦝᧆ ᦂᦱᧃ ᦊᦱᧄᧉ ᦜᦹᧆᧈ ᦂᧁᧈ.They abandoned old practices. something4.3.3.3Abandonᦟᦰᦶᦝᧆ
ᦟᦰᦵᦞᦟᦱlaʔ⁵wee⁴laa⁴verb (intransitive)to waste time8.4Time7.2.7.3Waitᦟᦰᦵᦞᦟᦱ
ᦟᦁᦻlaʔaaj⁴verb (intransitive)to be ashamedᦅᧃ ᦵᦗᦲᧃᧈ ᦺᦡᧉ ᦣᦴᧉ, ᦅᦸᧉ ᦈᧅ ᦍᦲᧃ ᦟ ᦁᦻ ᦵᦗᦲᧃᧈ ᦓᧅ.If the others learn about this, I will be ashamed before them all.ᦩᦱᧄᦟᦁᦻ
ᦟᦃᦓlaxanaʔ⁵2000nouncondition; characteristicᦟ ᦃ ᦓ ᦟᧄᧉ ᦢᦱᧅ ᦍᦱᧅ ᦺᦈ.Conditions of hardship and difficulty.ᦟ ᦃ ᦓ ᦵᦓᦲᧉ ᦷᦎ.Physical conditions.8.3Quality
ᦟᦃᧃlaxan¹nountreatyᦟ ᦃᧃ ᦵᦑᧂᧈ ᦐᦲᧄ.Peace treaty.ᦅᦱᧈᦟᦃᧃ
ᦟᦉᦖᦲlasamii¹ᦟᦰᦉᦖᦲnounsplendour; brillianceᦡᧂᧈ ᦠᦲᧂᧈ ᦠᦾᧉ ᦓᦾᧉ ᦟ ᦉ ᦖᦲ ᦵᦣᦲᧈ ᦙᦱᧇ ᦵᦖᧂ ᦙᦱᧇ ᦵᦖᧂ.As for the firefly, its splendour shone out 'map-meng-map-meng'.
ᦟᦋlacaʔ⁵nounminister of stateᦟ ᦋ ᦚᦻᧈ ᦂᦱᧃ ᦺᦣᧈ ᦓᦱ.Minister of Agriculture. officialᦟᦋᦑᦱᧁᧉ
ᦟᦋᦂᦱᧃAlternate spelling ofᦟᦱᦋᦂᦱᧃgovernment
ᦟᦋᦑᦱᧁᧉlacataaw⁶nounroyal attendantᦈᧁᧉ ᦆ ᦉᧆ ᧞ ᦟ ᦋ ᦑᦱᧁᧉ ᦑᧂ ᦜᦻ ᦑᦸᧂᦰ ᦷᦣᧂ ᦶᦔᧂ ᦊᦱ ᦺᦃᧉ ᦑᦲᧈ ᧚.The king and his attendants toured a medicine factory.'s familyᦟᦋᦑᦱᧁᧉ
ᦟᦋᦱAlternate spelling ofᦟᦱᦋᦱking
ᦟᦌᦙᦱlasamaa⁴nounartistᦈᦱᧂᧉ ᦟ ᦌ ᦙᦱ ᦶᦎᧄᧉ ᦷᦣᧇ ᦓᦱᧂ.They hired an artist to draw a picture of the lady.ᦟ ᦌ ᦙᦱ ᦷᦞ ᦠᦱᧃ.Author (literature artist).6.6.5Art
ᦟᦒᦓᦱAlternate spelling ofᦟᦱᧆᦒᦓᦱinvite
ᦟᦒᦱAlternate spelling ofᦟᦰᦒᦱtrain
ᦟᦓᦹᧅᦅᦹᧆᦏᦹᧂlanɯk⁵kɯt⁵tʰɯŋ¹verb (intransitive)to ponder; consider3.2.1.1Think aboutᦅᦹᧆᦏᦹᧂ
ᦟᦙᧂᧈlamaŋ⁵nounbrown-antlered deerCervus eldiᦷᦎ animals

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