ᦋᦻᧉcaaj⁶verb (intransitive)to lean; shift; slantᦉᧁ ᦋᦻᧉ.A leaning pillar.ᦉᦻ ᦚᦳᧃ ᦋᦻᧉ.Slanting rain.ᦎᦱ ᦞᧃ ᦋᦻᧉ ᦺᦔ ᦗᦻ ᦞᧃ ᦷᦎᧅ.The sun was slanting towards the west.ᦞᧃ ᦋᦻᧉ ᦺᦔ ᦈᦲᧂᧈ ᦐᦹᧂᧉ ᦃᧁᧉ.It was late in the day (literally: the sun was slanting) and so they steamed their rice., sloping7.1.6Leanᦀᦲᧂᦋᦻᧉᦅᧄᦣᦻᧉᦋᦻᧉᦃᦱᧆᦶᦉᧃᧈᦆᦸᧃᦵᦝᦲᧂᧈᦋᦻᧉᦋᦻᧉᦎᦱᦎᦱᦋᦻᧉᦷᦎᦣᦻᧉᦋᦻᧉᦃᦱᧆᦵᦢᧂᧈᦋᦻᧉᦵᦣᧆᦣᦻᧉᦋᦻᧉᦃᦱᧆ

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