1.5.1. Tree

fanisikantree species.Fanisika bi yabo.The fanisika is a tree.1.5.1Tree
fifanpalm tree species.Fifa bi koru seriri bodedi, ma kanata bi suma ide ro amededi.Fifa palms grow along the riverbank, and kanata palms are (lit. 'live/stay') in the bush.1.5.1Tree
fodiya2ntree species; stick for beating the poisonous imaga vine.Fodiya moisi imaga utae re.Take the fodiya plant and flatten it.1.5.1Tree
fukanfig tree species which animals eat.Ina yaku fuka yabo kiraini reyo.He cursed the fig tree.1.5.1Treefuka mekounspec. comp. formcnchild's toy vehicle.Mida mida fuka meko dudu isira rededi.The children play with toys.
gabonantree species, planted for mustard vine to grow on.Kani gabona yabo odoro bodo.The mustard grows up on the gabona tree.1.5.1Tree
gadokantree species; not a very big tree, with a white trunk.Gadoka bi dia yabo tora.The gadoka tree is not a big tree.1.5.1Tree
gaonhuge brown tree species.Gao bi yabo tora iniye.The gao is a very large tree.1.5.1Tree
gasinanpalm tree species which animals eat.Ota di gasina kai be rifa.Make some gasina palm tree tongs for the earth oven.1.5.1Tree
gatona2ntree species.Gatona bi yabo tora.The gatona tree is a big tree.1.5.1Tree
geyagingum/eucalyptus tree.Una bosifa geyagi ikari.We are going to the gum tree on the ridge.1.5.1Tree
ginimoruntree species.Ya bi nesi ginimoru yabo bi ya yaku nu.Go down to the ginimoru tree and cut it down.1.5.1Tree
gobentree fern; its base used to make a dish; animals eat it.Tau no kana bi koyomu bani daru daru yu fafau famasi goberi dabara riyo ini vene di.Tau is bad for slapping gourd paste on stringy (lit. rat) yams and putting them in tree fern dishes at the table for his people.1.5.1Tree
goidenfruit tree species which pigs eat.Uriyaku bosi goide ota rigida.In the morning I will go and watch goide trees (in order to shot the pigs that come to eat the fruit).1.5.1Tree
gomaninpalm tree species with shoots like a dog's curly tail; the pith is made into a ball.Gomani nugasi boro rinadi.Let's cut the gomani palm and make a ball.1.5.1Tree
guavakuava2nguava.Guava iye koruri ae.Put guava leaves in the water.unspec. var.kuava11.5.1Tree
gunanblack fishtail palm tree species, used as a taboo sign.Gura nugasi viro varo rinadi.Let's cut down some black palm and make an axe handle.1.5.1Treeguna rinaunspec. comp. formcvmake taboo signNai ima guna riyaka.I made a taboo sign on my betel nut tree.guna sesereunspec. comp. formcntaboo chant/spell.Sena tora vene bi guna sesere ina diba.The ancestors knew about taboo chants.
ibiyakan1African tulip tree.Mina dura bi ibiyaka ro dudu riyadi.This net bag is made with tulip tree bark.1.5.1Tree2tips/greens.Bosi ibiyaka karu be kima refa.Go and pick some young tips/greens. from leaves
ima1nbetel nut.Kaere ya na ota rigoma ima maina digida?Who will escort me and I will go and look for betel nut?1.5.1Tree
ima girikacnfruit tree species which animals eat.Ima girika moigasa makufa.When you get ima girika fruit throw it away.1.5.1Tree
kadirinnut tree species; wood used for building.Mo kani bi nuga-nuga reyaka sana minari vegiya mini, kadiri yabo ratari.And then at the place that I kept cutting mustard you will see it there, at the kadiri tree.1.5.1Treekadiri karuunspec. comp. formcntree species in which possum eat its leaves.Uka yaku kadiri karu di iye irido.The possum eats kadiri karu leaves.
kadainmandarinKadai bi uni rauturi de varisifa.We are not planting mandarin in our village.1.5.1Tree
kanatanpalm tree species.Kanata bi tau gade bodedi Beruta ikari.There are plenty of kanata palms growing on Beruta mountain.1.5.1Tree
kana2npalm tree species.Kana yabo bi gira kiki.Kana palm trees are very strong.1.5.1Tree
kayavanimantree species.Kayavanima yabo imu reyoma erena ya vata baeyadi.The kayavanima tree bloomed and birds filled it up.1.5.1Tree
kereagantree species.Kadiri kereaga bi uka di iruku.The keraga tree nuts are possum�s food.Type of kadiri.1.5.1Tree
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