8.4. Time

neurekanthree days removed; three days before today/from now.Ma aineka medari bi Kwikila ri boi neyafa ma neureka medari bi Moresby ri okiyafa.And a day later we went to Kwikila and the following day we arrived in Moresby., today, tomorrow
ororoadvquickly/hurriedly.Ororo reyo dada de moiyo.He did it hurriedly so he didn't get it.
otofurinafter, later.Otofuri negifa mironi.We will go there later.
reti renacvbe lateSikuru mida mida bi deyofuyo reyadi mina yaku reti reyadi.Schoolchildren took their time in walking and they arrived late.Nai bosi yaku na nifeideyo yavari reti boyaka ma.I came late and my boss sent me home.
ruakalua'a1rua1adjnew, clean, fresh, young.Rama ya nida, kono ruakari, Amiye di mida ini vabara di ourefeidena amena fata fafau ameinu rego.Truly I say to you, in the new world, the Son of man will sit on his throne of glory.Fani di ini doka mina oketa iye ruaka dudu yaga ida ri.Line the bottom of the pan with fresh Tahitian chestnut leaves.Mida rua vene mina, iroka ma koru no mina irakunari ga iriyagane.Those young boys must not smoke or drink alcohol at this feast.unspec. var.lua'a2rua28. ninaunspec. comp. formcvbecome new, be cleansed.Ini mida rafei maro, mina reyo neganari ini mida di rovaita ruaka niyo.She washed her son, and when she did this at that time her son's skin was cleansed.
ruanaadjyoungBudogoro yabo ruana nugasi efa vari.Cut down the young budorogo tree and plant pandanus.Ya bi dia ugava de; ya bi mida ruana.You are not old; you are a young child.
ruikarui1n(right/just) now, new.Na bi nai maruka rofu ruika maka sina nimagida.I'm going to talk to my husband right now.John bi ini nonosa etofa ro ruika yakuyadi.John went outside with his mother just now.Ruika iniye, Ukarumpa ri diba yokoi moina dada erena eta keu risi baeyaka.New to me, I got on a plane and came to get some learning at Ukarumpa.unspec. var.rui28. makaunspec. comp. formright awayEvade ruika maka taoni fere.Quickly right away leave town.
sakaadvslowlyRumana mida bi saka redo.The boy is working slowly.
sabedoadjold, worn out.Ya bi sabedo amiye.You are a worn out/old (i.e., 'weak and lazy') person.Yi sifeidi bi sabedo niyo.Your spade is worn out., not young
saku ninacvdo quicklySaku saku nisi neyo.He went down very quickly.
senagihena1henagi1sena1senao2nlong time ago, already, before.Ina bi Sei di ago nido amiye kaere bi senagi senagi Sei di ago nido amiye nokoi kana.He is a prophet like one of the prophets of long ago.Ina yaku ini ago sena neideyo.He already heard her word.Senagi tora vene yaku rema rumana mesi ini gokai dudu rema voi regamadi.Before the elders married people and this is how they were paying bride price.Also has spiritual implications.unspec. var.hena2henagi2sena2senao18.4.5.2Beforesena tora duakauunspec. comp. formancestral timeSena tora duakau bi usika ourenasa auta regamadi.In ancestral times brothers and sisters were relating together.sena tora veneunspec. comp. formcnancestorsMa ini sena tora vene di ago gira mina ka vededi.And they also look at the ancestors' law.sena tora vene di muramuraunspec. comp. formcntraditional medicineSena tora vene di muramura gauka amiye moi buni rigamadi.They were healing sick people with traditional medicine.
siko1adjfirstTora vene di ago neide, ya siko muyegiya baebu.Listen to the elders' words, lest you die first.
siru renacvcontinue onBaisi siru rei boyo.He came and continued on.8.4.7Continue, persevere
tainaadvlongerResi ina bi mina gaganiri taina amei doba reyo.And then he stayed longer in that place.
taimintimeKolonial taimiri siriva yusi regamadi.In colonial times they were using silver.8.4Time
toga1advalwaysIna bi toga toga ago nido.He is always talking.Koru toga rafeibogamafa ma itu yaku no iniye niyo.We might have kept washing in the river if it had not been so very cold.Vibani toga ga irifa, yi uka eta nigedi baebu.Don't eat more protein, or you'll have worms in your stomach.Sauma edadi; toga vareyo.Wake Sauma up; he slept for a long time. toga ameibobina veguunspec. comp. formeternal lifeBeika vegu buni regida bi toga toga ameibobina vegu moigida?What good thing should I do to receive eternal life?
turinlastYa bi nesi turi are re.Go stand there at the end of the line (lit. 'last').
uriyakuuriya'u2uruyaku2nmorningMina dada aru vedo uriyakuri regiyari, oruma yuveita bi dou nidedi.Therefore you will see during the day in the morning, grass leaves are wet.unspec. var.uriya'u1uruyaku18. of the day
uriyenauuriyena1uruyenaunafternoon, evening.Uriyenau yokoiri koru gena uakaisi sufa diyaka.One afternoon I took a gun and went to the bush.Uriyenau iruku bi nasa irigiya.You will eat the evening meal with me.unspec. var.uriyena28. of the dayuriyenau irukuunspec. comp. formcndinner; evening meal, supper.Ma mironari uriyenau iruku feide maradi.And they prepared the evening meal for him there.uriyenau ninaunspec. comp. formcvbecome afternoonUriyenau niyoma okiyadi.The afternoon came and then they arrived.
urusauru1urufa1nnightAgiya urusa miya tora deyoma gagani itu reyo.Last night a big rain fell and the place got cold.antmedaunspec. var.uru3urufa28. ninaunspec. comp. formcvget darkUrusa niyoma keroko kikisi rautu okiyafa.It got dark and we lit the dry bamboo for light and came home.uru tufaunspec. comp. formsomeone who continues on throughout the night; rascal, sorcerer or 'night crasher'.Uru tufa vene yaku taraka duma reyadi.The 'night crashers' stole a car.
usiyakaadjyounger (brothers/siblings)Ina bi nai usiyaka rema.They are my younger sisters.Yi usiyaka dogo re.Look after your younger siblings., sequence
yagandry season, drought.Yaga lalonari nai nono muyeyo.During the dry season my mother died.Gua bi oketa kaireka ma yaga tora niyo.Today is Tahitian chestnut season and there is a big drought. ninaunspec. comp. formcvdry up, become clean.Agiya bi daiduari ye gua miya de yaga niyo.Yesterday there was a rainbow, so there was no rainfall.Gua mo koru yaga niyo.Now the river has become clean.When the weather has 'dried up' there is no longer any rain, and so the waterways are no longer dirty (i.e. 'become clean').
wikinweekTaoni nesi wiki yokoi amegida.I will go down to town and stay one week.
yebaadvsuddenlyMiya gayeyori yeba fifi tau niyadi.When the rain suddenly dried up the fifi insects increased.
yoikarannowAiso buni yoikara baiyo.Wow, it is lucky that you came now.Contraction of yokoi+ari 'one day'?
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