1.5.1. Tree

kointree species; a spirit place.Koi yabo odoro busi amedo.Bushmen live up in the koi trees.1.5.1Tree
kokerennut tree species.Kokere be rukunadi.Let's pick some kokere nuts.1.5.1Tree
komondecorative flowering palm tree species.Egu aruma ya komo iyeri kuki u varedo.The green snake was coiled up lying on the komo palm fronds.1.5.1Tree
kopatinfruit tree species.Kopati meko orisi irigiya bi guta.When you eat kopati fruit it is good.1.5.1Tree
kurabonrosewood.Kurabo yabo imu reyo, ye aka enema aiyadi.The rosewood tree bloomed, so the prawns laid their eggs.1.5.1Tree
kuananwild decorative breadfruit.Kuana dudu tufe rinadi.Let's make a raft with kuana wild breadfruit tree wood.1.5.1Tree
madintree species, its wood used for building.Madi yabo bi buni buni.The madi wood is very good.1.5.1Tree
magoronmangrove.Magoro ideri bi bava, dubara ma kaki vei tau regiya.You will see many bava and dubara crabs and clam shells in the mangrove.1.5.1Tree
mamatandecorative fragrant tree species.Mamata iye nesi moi.Take down the mamata leaves.Gigi mamata sau redo.The spices smell.1.5.1Tree
mayaundecorative tree species.Mayau gigi yaku sisika vorovoro reyo.Mayau tree decorations have an overwhelming/overpowering smell.1.5.1Tree
matana1ntree species.Matana yabo bi koru seriri vegiya.You will see matana trees on the river bank.1.5.1Tree
mayoimanyar tree.Mayoima yabo bi guta iniye.Yar trees are very nice.1.5.1Tree
mavorinmimosa/silk tree.Mavori bi yabo yau.The mimosa tree is a weak wood tree.1.5.1Tree
mavancoconut.Na bi baguru, tauga, mava moisi okiyaka.I brought greens, bananas and coconuts.1.5.1Treemava koruunspec. comp. formcncoconut waterMeda sei redo; mava koru irinadi.It is hot; let's drink coconut water.mava oiraunspec. comp. formmava oela2cncoconut oilYuka kako niyo ye mava oela be ifi re.The leg is rough so rub on coconut oil.unspec. var.mava oela1mava onaunspec. comp. formcncoconut oilMina mava ona ini ona tora iniye.This coconut oil has very much liquid.mava ramaunspec. comp. formcoconut meatMava rama buni, ye be iri.The coconut meat is good, so eat some.
namundecorative tree species.Namu yaku na nana reyo.The namu tree made me itchy.1.5.1Tree
nenontree species.Neno orisi irigiya bi buni.It is good that you will cook and eat neno fruit.1.5.1Tree
nogimantree species.Nogima imiye ya imigo baebu.Lest nogima tree thorns pierce you.1.5.1Tree
nunufantree species.Yava yabo burefe bi nunufa yabo maka.A very nice house wood is nunufa wood.1.5.1Tree
oama1ntree species.Oama vina moisi aeyema ori.Take the oama saplings and burn the garden.1.5.1Tree
okerennut tree species.Okere moisi irigiya bi buni.It is good that you get okere tree nuts and eat them.1.5.1Tree
oketanTahitian chestnut/okari.Dairi degediri Gura koruri, oketa ratari kani konage mina ka nugasi moi defa.When you return, at Gura river, cut the mustard stem on the Tahitian chestnut tree trunk and also bring it down.1.5.1Treeoketa itaunspec. comp. formcnTahitian chestnut tree burned for love magic chant/spell.Kokila vene bi oketa ita dudu rema mededi.Kokila people marry with the burnt Tahitian chestnut love magic chant.
ononbreadfruit.Ono vareyo rofu taufeku niyo.He planted the breadfruit tree so that it bent down (from the weight of the fruit).1.5.1Tree
raban1rubber tree.Degiya degiya rofu di raba yabo variyadi sana vegiya.And coming down there you will see the place where the rubber trees were planted.Keninomuri raba ma amededi.There is rubber in Keni plain.1.5.1Tree2rubber, eraser.Sikuli mida mida bi penisol ma raba nufa.Schoolchildren have pencils and rubbers/erasers.3.6.2School
rabiyansago palm.Rumana mida bi rabiya irido.The boy is eating sago.1.5.1Tree
rerenfruit tree species which animals eat.Rere yabo bi nana yabo.The rere tree is an itchy tree.1.5.1Tree
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