condemn /condemned / condemnationSentence, pronounce guilty, disapprove; judgment, conviction, penalty, guilt, sin. DTP Man is born into sin because of the sin nature which has been passed on to us from Adam and Eve; we are condemned to death but Christ came to redeem us from sin and death through the price that He paid on the cross.justify the righteous, and condemn the wicked. Deut 25:1mine own mouth shall condemn me: Job 9:20and condemn the innocent blood. Ps 94:21thy words thou shalt be condemned. Matt 12:37and they shall condemn him to death, Matt 20:18 they shall condemn him to death, Mark 10:33condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: Luke 6:37our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death, Luke 24:20And this is the condemnation, John 3:19and shall not come into condemnation; John 5:24Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more. John 8:11judgment came upon all men to condemnation; Rom 5:18no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, Rom 8:1Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, Rom 8:34Sound speech, that cannot be condemned; Tit 2:8we shall receive the greater condemnation. James 3:1For if our heart condemn us, 1 John 3:20if our heart condemn us not, 1 John 3:21

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