Baji-bajimarambuayanBaji-bajiIt is said that this fish is very tasty fried or roasted the meat is firm and it does not have many bones.Platycephalus indicus
bakulambungnbakulbalataknbakulBalatak anan piagumbal bpu'un sa balagen.The basket was made from rattan6.7Tooltukannfish basket ; traditionally used to carry and transport fish
belacanbalatiannbelacanA popular condiment made from partially dried shrimp that has been pounded into a paste mixed with salt and galangal and then allowed to ferment. Traditionally it is cooked with vegetables and fish as well as chili paste.5.2.3Types of food
belaisbereng a binaningnbelaisSiganus virgatus (& doliatus)
belakang perahuulinannbelakang perahu7.
belanakbalanaknbelanak Maregen ka pamingit sa balanak ka' maitu' a ngari' ian.It is hard to catch the grey mullet using hook because it has a small mouth.lives in shallow coastal waters, lagoons and rivers and is usually found in small schools. It is a popular food fish that is caught using various kinds of nets with typical size ranging between 200-200mm. *page 148 to 149 in Kong 1998Liza vaigiensis1.6.1.5Fishkambura'nbelanakSeda' a kambura' maruni udi' seda' a balanak.A greenback grey mullet is smaller than a diamond-scaled grey mullet lives in shallow coastal waters,lagoons and rivers. usually found in small schools. common size:150-250mm. popular food fish caught using various kinds of nets. *page 147 to 148 in Kong 1998Liza subviridis1.6.1.5Fishunspec. comp. formbalanakunspec. comp. formbuntiunspec. comp. formmandapungunspec. comp. formwata' a kambura' mandapungnBelanakLiza vaigiensis1.6.1.5Fish
belanak sembawabaulu'nbelanak sembawaThis fish was fist sold in the markets around KB sometime in the early 1990s. Local believe that it is found commonly on the east in places like Tawau and Sandakan. It is believed that the name baulu' is of Bugis origin because that is what they called this fish that they were roasting and selling. Iranun have not traditionally encountered this fish and therefore did not have a name for it. It looks similar to the bonefish 'banglus' but is not the same fish. Now people locally can buy and roast this fish fresh themselves. It is said to be easy to eat because it has large bones and tasty firm flesh. Chanos chanos