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Browse Kankanaey - English



átip1NounSheath, as for bolo.2Active Verbi-To strap on something, as a bolo in its sheath.See alsoawinísansikét
atípad1Active Verbman-To be close to, near.2Stative verbmai-To be close to, near; to be similar in size or quality.Dakdaké damdamá, maiat-atípad en iná na.He is large! He is similar to his mother.Naiatípad din beéy Wili, wáda ed tóngdo.Wili's house is close by, it's up the hill.Nan-atípad din beéy mi sin beéy Mising.Our house and Mising's house are close together.
átisNounTree belonging to the custard-apple family; fruit produced by this tree.
áton1Active Verbman-To move, change residence.2Active Verbmang-, -om-4, -en, i-To move or transfer something, as household goods, water buffalo, to a different location.3Stative verbma-To be moved, transferred.Kinmakamán din inílak ed kobában, adí naat-áton.What I saw yesterday was in the same position, it hadn't moved.Iáton mo/Atónem san nowáng sin odóm ay pastólan.Transfer that water buffalo to another grazing area.Pig-án di nan-atónan yo sin beéy yo ay doy?When did you move to that house of yours?
átong1NounMonth of March, so named because the weather warms up then.2NounHeat, fever.3Active Verbman-, -om-1To be, become warm or hot, as weather, water, objects, person with fever.Ikámang yo ta adí masepsép ay omátong sin matíkid.Go early so it doesn't get even hotter on the uphill section.4Active Verbman-alal-To be extremely hot.anttétekSee alsopódot5Active Verbipa-, pa...enTo heat.6Active Verb-anTo burn someone or something.Ilám tan mo atóngam takkáy mo.Watch out lest you burn your hand.7Active Verbi-To burn with something, as hot coals, branding iron.Iátong mo sin báka.Use it to burn (i.e. brand) the cow.8Stative verbma...anTo be burned, generic.
atótonActive Verb-an, i-To hold down with a weight, as a log on a roof, paperweight on papers.Atotónam si bató ta adí ilayáw di dagém.Hold it down with a rock so the wind doesn't blow it away.See alsoalítongabónlas-ótlingéb 2pok-óttab-óktábontalmégtap-ílteméd
attimáActive Verbman-To speak without conscious control of the vocal mechanism, as in a trance or in one's sleep.See alsobáag 2balaáwdopó 2kalíkánakawáni 3lemám 3ngalát 4polsíto
attogéygeyActive Verbman-To jiggle, as fat cheeks, breasts, stick vibrating in wind.
aw1miscYes.2Active Verb-enTo agree to or with something.
áwagActive Verb-anTo invoke, call upon, as God, a spirit of the dead, person to come forward.Awágan da din natéy mo intóy en da pangilobókan.They call upon the dead person with reference to where they will go bury him.
áwakNounBody, of people or animals.See alsobaklángbangkéy
awánStative verb1ma...anTo be left with nothing, without something, as a person who arrives after all the food has been eaten, parents whose children have all died.2To feel lost, as a person in strange surroundings.linkkáwa2mai- + CVC
áwang1NounEqual of something else, as a mountain the same height, a wrench the same size.Way áwang nas na ay dontóg.There is a mountain which is the equal of this.2Active Verbman-To do as a pair, as to work from both ends or sides, carry one at either end.Man-áwang kayó sin kelí.Work from both ends of the irrigation channel.3Active Verbman-in-To make a pair together, as two hammers hung side by side, two people butchering from opposite ends of an animal.4Active Verb-anTo pair something, as a sow sacrificed one day with a hog the next day.Mo mansidá kas kaóng sin nasdém, awángam si otík si agsápa.If you butcher a sow in the afternoon, pair it with a boar in the morning.
áwat1Active Verb-anTo understand.Manngalngalát da mon adí da man-asiawátan.They are conversing but they don't understand each other.Sínoy pangáwat mos sa?What is your understanding of that?
áwat2Active Verb1-enTo receive, as something offered.See alsodáwat1lisíbi2i-To give, hand over something.See alsodawátinnípadmáng 4ya1
aw-awiddánNounPraying mantis.Synonymaw-awiddánwaswasáyyan
awiddánNounBack yard.
áwilActive Verb-om-4, -anTo give a young chicken as a gift to a new baby the first time he is brought for a visit.
awíngActive Verb-enTo get revenge, of the spirit of a murdered person.
áwingAdjectivema-Staggering, reeling, as when drunk.
awinísanNounCord securing bolo sheath to waist.See alsoátipsikét 2
áwisActive Verb-om-3, -enTo convince, win over, as by pleasing words, good arguments.Ináwis na din kaipoipogáw, isónga sis-iyá di binótos da.He won over the people, so he's the one they voted for.
awít1Active Verb-enTo cause mother's death in childbirth, said of the child.2Stative verbma-To die in childbirth, of mother or both mother and child.
awní1ExclamationJust a minute!Awní ta así ta mankóyog.Wait so that then we will go together.2time futureLater, in a little while.3Adjectivema-Reserved for later, as a pig to be butchered next day.4AdjectiveTo be a little later (occurs with idi or pay as discourse time margin).ma- + CVC (maaw-awní)5Active Verb-om-1, -enTo put off until later.
awní ngin payid

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