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gáwa2Active Verb1-enTo sentence someone.2i-To decide, give as a sentence.Sínoy laydém si igáwam?What do you want to give as the sentence?Say in-gáwan di okóm.That's what the judge gave as the sentence.Ay káyam ay mangáwa?Are you able to decide the sentence?Overlaping Synonymkeddéngslightly archaic; keddéng is more common.
gawaánNounMiddle finger or toe.specgómot
gáwan di labíNounMidnight.
gawédNounBetel leaf.See alsoápogmemá
gáwgawActive Verb-om-4, -anTo wash off, rinse in plain water, esp. sweet potatoes after digging them up.
gawínNounSmall-sized woven conical basket used by girls and carried by means of a head strap.speclagbá
gawwá1Active Verbi-To place in between, in the middle of.Así igawwá sin nanbetaéyan di bab-á na.Then it is placed in the space between his teeth.2Stative verbmai-To be between.Maigagawwá si Christy ta man-at-atóng.Christy is in between so she will be warm.See alsogáwa1
gawwángActive Verbmang-, man-, -om-3, -enTo grapple, grab, hold onto, as a drunk who can't walk, two women fighting.Adí ka gomawwáng tan adíak nabéteng.Don't hold onto me because I'm not drunk.See alsogamdót 2pákodpedénpekét 3pos 3sepénsipdóttakbá1tengél 1tengténg2
gayábas1NounGuava.2Active Verbmang-To gather guavas.(mangayábas)
gáyad1Active Verbi-To plant rice by the stalk.Maigáyad ya maisapówak din págey.Rice is planted by the stalk and planted by broadcast method.specbekás12Adjectivena-Very many, of a brood of chicks.See alsoadó1anákdandán 2gáygayginag-ákanáyonlam-édnam-áy 4owáy1 2píngsan1
gáyam1ParticleIndicates surprised realization. Equiv. of baw.
gáyam2ParticleIndicates a reason for something, gen. implying that the speaker feels it ought to be self-evident.“Apáy nga nan-etbá?” “Nabsóg gáyam.”“Why did he throw up?” “Because he was full, obviously.”Inyamyáman daká íman, tan way básol mo gáyam.He rightly scolded you, because obviously you were guilty. Particles of Explanation
gayáng1NounSpear.2Active Verb-enTo spear something.See alsokásayledáng2pánapasósog
gáyang1NounBlack chicken.for words relating to other black colors, see ngétit2NounLarge-billed crow (Corvus macrorhynchos); seeing a crow at the start of a journey is considered a bad omen because its black color represents death.3Active Verb-enTo swoop down on, as a crow.spectítit
gayáng ay bal-ákNounLance, used for people.
gayáng ay nasawítanNounBarbed spear, used for wild pigs.
gayenggéng1Active Verbman-To tremble, shake, of hand or head, as from old age, fear, need of a drink.See alsomayegmégpayáwpawpayegpégtayegtég
gayenggéng2NounPlant commonly known as monkey tail.
gayetgétActive Verbman-, i-To clench teeth, as in anger or joy, or on a piece of tough meat.See alsoban-ótkamíwetkan-ótkatkat 2kayetkét 2ketébketébngitngítngitngíttedted 2
gáygayActive Verbman-To reproduce, multiply, as people, animals, money in gambling.Man-á kas sin-asáwa ay áso ta way man-gáygay.Get a pair of dogs so there will be that which reproduces.See alsoadó1anákdandán 2gáyad 2ginag-ákanáyonlam-édnam-áy 4owáy1 2píngsan1
gaygayótNounCloth (general term).
gayyém1NounFriend.Ed nabaón kanó sin-gagayyém di ipogáw ya bowáya.Long ago, they say, people and crocodiles were friends.2Active VerbTo be + CV3Active Verb-om-3, -enTo be friends with someone.Laydén Francis ay gomayyém.Francis wants to be my friend.

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