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Browse Kankanaey - English



wanwánActive Verb-om-4, -anTo rinse off, out by swishing a little water in.
wasáwasActive Verbman-To turn to and fro, sway from side to side, as a scarecrow device.
wásayNounNarrow-bladed axe.See alsopannakól
wasítActive Verb1omi-3, i-To throw out, discard.2To divorce.SynonymbengSee alsoélang 1ídangyangáyangfig.
waswás1NounRotating wooden arm that turns sugar mill.See alsodápilonásos
waswás2Active Verbomi-4, i-To dip up and down in water, as to remove dirt or soap.
watwátActive Verbomi-3, i-, i...anTo distribute, esp. meat at a feast.See alsobáta 2betáng2 2bíngaybówadol-ín 2dótokkálatkap-éngtódingwakíwakwálas 2
wawwáoNounDragonfly.SynonymlallaówawwáoSee alsokomkómtilalláeglelésingpénay 2
wayá1NounAvailable space or time.Omáliak mo way wayák.I'll come if I have time.Mo way bisíta mis sin-asáwa, magáy wayá sin beéy mi.If we have a married couple as visitors, we have no space in our house.2AdjectiveFree, available.Wayawayáak sin Domínggo tan magáy oblák.I am free on Sundays because I have no work.3Active Verb-anTo clear a space on something, as a table4Stative verbma-To have available time or space, as bus with empty seat; to be loose, as a rope loosely tied.5Stative verbmai...anTo be free, available, as when work is finished.6Active Verb-an, i-, ipa-To set someone or something free.7Active Verb-anTo give advance notice, inform ahead of time.Wayaám dakamín Emilio ta mantólag kamí mo sínoy makaéy.Give Emilio and me advance notice so we will arrange who will be able to go.
wáy-asActive VerbTo be naked to the waist.See alsolábosman- + CV
wáyatActive Verbi-To drop or spill something repeatedly while in motion, as oil leaking from bus, water spilling from a full bucket, peels cast aside while walking, child's feces dropping as he runs.See alsobek-ágleskéy 2lokmós 1pasápas 2tekdág 4
wedwédActive Verbi-To shake someone, as to wake him.Iwedwéd mo sa ta bomángon.Shake him so he will wake up.See alsobalágabángongíbekmókat 5
weswésActive Verbi-To continue without pause or letup, as rain, work.Iweswés nas nakap-át, degedegés.It continued without letup for four days, pouring nad pouring.Iweswés ta ay mandán, agáy illeilléng.Let's continue walking without pause, no resting.See alsolagdéngnamindéwes di nemnémónong2pílit 2septóloy
wetwétActive Verbi-To shake something in one's teeth, as a dog, pig, person.
widwídActive Verb1man-To wag the tail, of birds and poultry.2man-To go in a hurry without looking back.
wígitNoun1Large rat with white-tipped tail.2Noise made by above rat.See alsomoyónótotsíba
wigíwigActive Verb1man-To move with a regular rotating or swinging motion, as something who swings hips or shoulders when walking, a drunk weaving about, a pendulum or hammock.Ilám tan maitpíg ka tan sána ay manwigíwig ka.Watch out because you'll be thrown off because there you are weaving back and forth (drunk crossing narrow bridge).2i-To rock a baby by shifting weight from one side to the other.Iwigíwig mo sa ta máek.Rock that (baby) so it will sleep.
wíkilActive Verb-enTo push one's way through something, as underbrush, a crowd.See alsopókilsikíl 3tikdóntiklíng 2
wikwíkStative verbma...anTo be sharp-pointed, as a knife, pencil.See alsopegpégsapsáp1songyápyapyáp1 3
wisáwisActive Verbman-To swing from a fixed point, as arms, scarecrow device suspended from a pole.

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