Browse Kankanaey – English



yang-édActive Verb1man-To nod head in affirmation or greeting.2-anTo nod head at someone.See alsoélyakelyágkoyagyágtíngli 3tíwingwagétwagwágyakyák1
yáodNounBack of knee.See alsobalbálipéweg
yap-éw1Adjectivema-Light in weight.2AdjectiveVery light.(maymayap-éw)3Active Verb-om-1To become light.antdagsén
yápitAdjectivema-Thin, as cloth, paper.
yapyáp11NounLevel area, plain.Ed nabaón kanó, yapyáp ono alnáp din dagá ay nay.Long ago, they say, this earth was a level area or plain.2Stative verbma-To be flat and wide, as the earth.See alsoalnápbay-ó1 2daykóngdekkánpeténg 2piyá 1sígedsiyá3Active Verb-om-4, -anTo sharpen a flat point, as on an arrow; to thin down, as a piece of wood.See alsopegpégsapsáp1songyápwikwík
yapyáp2NounMoney printed by the Japanese occupation government for the Philippines during World War II.See alsopilák
yasóyasActive Verbman-To pant, breathe heavily from exertion.
yasyás1NounAudible breathing.Madngé din yasyás na.His breathing can be heard.2Active Verbman-To breathe audibly or noticeably, as when slightly out of breath or when dying.Dedá ay manyasyás et abé yan.He is still too breathing.See alsoleng-ág
yáyat1Active Verb-enTo make thin, watery.2Stative verbma-To be thin in consistency, watery.Mayayyáyat, nallaká ay temedtéd.It's watery, it drips easily.antíken
yédmesActive Verbman-To be soft, of rice that holds together, as Texas, California or kintoman rice.See alsoem-ékgápo 2geéskompitáy 1ólay1yéngpes
yegyég1NounEarthquake.Wáda di natnatéy sin yegyég.There were those who died in the earthquake.2Active Verbman-To quake, of the earth.Nanyegyég si napigsapigsá.There was an extremely strong earthquake.Idí sinmaldéng din péwek, nanyegyég.After the typhoon stopped, it earthquaked.
yek-éwActive Verbman-To nod sleepily.
yekyék1NounLoud laughterNabbáy kamís yekyeyekyék.We are tired from uproarious, continuous laughter.2Active Verb-om-3, -anTo laugh loudly or uproariously at someone.3Stative verbma-To be convulsed with laughter.Overlaping Synonymalak-ák
yekyekgóngNounKind of grass recommenedd for rabbit feed.specsakáti
yem-égActive Verbman-To feel groggy, absent-minded, unable to concentrate, due to lack of sleep.See alsopóka1sóyop
yéngpesActive Verbman-, -om-1To be soft to the touch, as a cushion, ripe avocado, bread.See alsoem-ékgápo 2geéskompitáy 1ólay1yédmes
yéngyengActive Verb-enTo fill something to the brim with liquid.See alsobayéngbengponó
yetyét1Active Verb-om-2To be of such a nature that it leaves a dent or mark.2Stative verbma...anTo be dented in, have a mark left in the skin, as from a strap or tight knot.Ten-ém san egén mo tan kapiyána ay mayetyetán ka sin dánan.Limit your load because otherwise on the trail you'll be left with a dent mark in your skin.
yopronoun 2Second person plural.See also-akdakakamíkayókomimo1na1ta2takó
yodéngdengStative verbma-To be vertical, straight up and down, as a tree, person, stake.See alsotóod1
yódongActive Verb-om-1, man-To be or act lethargic, usually applies to a cold or sick animal rather than a person.See alsobítaybowáygaldáygenáw 1illéngkengíkesén2kiláladkóbikos-ótlówaógaolákispalá 2sad-áng 2sebá 2semdékteláy 2yagéwyew
yógtonActive Verbman-To crouch, bend the legs slightly, as when preparing to jump.Siyátet manyógton din tiwtiwáy, así tomáyaw.The gray wagtail has to crouch, then take off.See alsosagompíyetsakim-ódongsakódongyokyók2
yogyógStative verbma...anTo be old aged (does not imply senility or infirmity).See alsoaam-ábakés 2kábaw 2kay2kéwesóban
yókamiscSound made to call a pig.See alsonessaksák2sinsínsoksók2tototo...