séy-ang1NounSunshine, sunlight.2Active Verb-om-1To start shining, come out, as from behind the clouds, of the sun.Awnít soméy-ang ta así takó pomíka.Wait until the sun comes out, then we'll start out.3Active Verbman-To shine, of the sun; to go and be in the sun.Laydék ay manseséy-ang.I like to stay out in the sun.Mo naskáw ka, en ka manséy-ang.If you are cold, go and be in the sun.4Stative verbma...anTo be shined on by the sun; to be sunburned.Din poón di káiw ay doy, adí kasey-ángan.The base of that tree never gets any sun.Overlaping Synonymsegít

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