de₂ [M ] B2 (past: dea) v 1drop (domain: - Lower something, - Fall.) 2lay { Ko de chechara. It lays eggs. } (domain: - Egg.) 3destroy, bring about someone's downfall { Ba kwaane se ba de-o. They sought his downfall. | Bukɔ ná wo de sɔŋɔ, o bu jwa wó de sɔŋɔ. If the daughter doesn't bring the family down, some day her child will do it. | Bonaga ná lage ka de-m, n ba nae ka zwa. When a donkey is about to throw you off, you don't see its ears.; The wise person takes note of warning signs. } (domain: - Spoil, 7.9.3 - Destroy.) cf: dem. [ der. dem ]

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