hahhakkeyInf. ofhakey1adjfew in numberNekanut idan emin hu tuu et hahhakkey ida law.Some people went so there are few now.Hahhakkey lameh ni kammahit tep kedit hu puyek ni neitneman tu.There are few tomatoes because the soil where they are planted is not fertile.Simkidit8.1.3.2Few, little2adjto be aloneHahhakkey hi Robin di baley da tep limmaw ida ammed tu niya agi tud Kiangan.Robin is alone in their house because his parents and brothers and sisters have gone to Kiangan. in numberLimmaw di bawang ni baley mi hi Melchor et tu hahhakkeyan ni kinan etan detag di banga. Melchor went inside our house and ate the meat in the pot by himself.-an/-in- -an