hunghung2n1the snout of pigEndi silbitun an pengitta-yunan ni balituk ni singsing di hunghung ni killum, heni etan ni kat-agun bii e endi silbin kinamaddikit tu hedin eleg tu ussala nemnem tu. (Proverbs 11:22)(Just as) it is useless to attach a gold ring to the snout of a pig, it is useless to be a beautiful young girl if she does not use her mind (to think). 1.6.2Parts of an animal2the word may also refer to the nose of an airplane and the bow of a boatKamenglaw etan bapor, nem pinhakkeyey neilublub hu hunghung tud nepuppu-ul ni pantal et eleg law paka-law. (Acts 27:41a)The ship was moving, but suddenly its bow went into and stuck in the sand and now it could not move.