tengastato amaze or to be amazed or surprisedKami kametnga di kinelaing tun umhapit di hinanggan dakel ni tuu.We are amazed by his intelligence in speaking in front of many people.Kami kametnga ni tu nantuttuyyuan ni meki-li tep impakulug tun meki-li.We were surprised that she changed her mind about coming along because she had promised to come along.(Impatudek nan hi Patul Darisu e kantuy)"Humman ni Dios ey tuka hellaknibi tutu-u tu niya tuka pehding hu kaketngain tuu di kabunyan niyad puyek. Hi-gatu hu nengihwang nan Daniel et eleg kanen idan layon." (Daniel 6:27)(King Darius had a decree written which said,) “That God, he saves his people and he performs feats in heaven and on earth that amaze people. He is the one who rescued Daniel so that the lions did not eat him.”